Unmatched Dominance/C1060 The White Crane Saluted
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Unmatched Dominance/C1060 The White Crane Saluted
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C1060 The White Crane Saluted

The Colman family's decline had been swift following the death of their ancestor. The once illustrious family could no longer hold a candle to the top-tier families in terms of wealth and manpower. Their battleship en route to the Oblivion Starfield and the "Celestial Cannon" were among the few remaining symbols of the Colman family's strength.

In reality, they had the crucial task of protecting Becker and upholding his reputation. The Babel Chamber of Commerce had actually extended its invitation to the Curtis family, to which Becker belonged. As a representative of both the Star Race and the Curtis family, Becker's family's lands bordered the Oblivion Starfield, granting them the role of guardians with his consent.

Now, before even reaching the Oblivion Starfield, the once lavishly crafted battleship lay in ruins, and the "Celestial Cannon" had been destroyed, causing Wilson's heart to bleed. Naturally, he began to direct his fury at Benin.

"It was your command to pursue the Gloomy Paradise, not mine," Wilson accused.

Benin remained composed, not intimidated by Wilson's rage. "Encountering the vast hunters was an unforeseen accident, not something I could have predicted."

"You're the primary reason we're in this chase," Asa stated gravely.

Benin simply pursed her lips, choosing not to respond further.

"Come back to the battleship with us. We'll enter the Oblivion Starfield together. Once we see your teacher, I'll discuss this matter with her personally," Asa said, casting a stern glance at Wilson to prevent any rash actions. "Besides, staying in the Gloomy Paradise is far from safe."

"I disagree," Benin replied coolly.

"Whose side are you on? The outlaws or the people?" Wilson demanded, his anger palpable.

"I have nothing to say on the matter," Benin retorted.

"Then you'll have no one to blame but yourself..."

Wilson's temper flared, his eyes flashing dangerously as a fierce scowl took over his face.

"Stop!" Becker's commanding voice cut through the tension.

He positioned himself between Wilson and Asa, his gaze filled with expectancy as he turned to Benin. "I need to know, is that human youth—"

Benin, aware of his identity and the prestige of his family, hesitated before nodding slightly, confirming his suspicion. "My teacher instructed me to accompany him to the Oblivion Starfield," she added.


Becker inhaled deeply and immediately commanded Asa and Wilson, "Return to the warship and stop staring at her! And remember, I am the emissary of the Star Race."

Asa's face drained of color.

Wilson was equally shocked.

Becker, who had always been kind and never given them any trouble, was speaking with an uncharacteristic sternness. Their shock gave way to sudden realization of his true identity.

The Curtis family!

Wilson wanted to ask questions, to understand more, but Asa silenced him with a look.

"Sorry, we'll head back now. Please don't be upset."

Asa clutched Wilson's arm, pulling him away without allowing him to speak, much like Benin had done with Hart earlier.

"You can head to the Oblivion Starfield first. There's no need for you to stay with me," Becker added.

Asa's heart plummeted upon hearing this, filled with both fear and confusion.

What in the world was happening?


A man with sickly pale skin, wearing a gray-white cloak with feathered edges, materialized beside Peach Madam.

He squinted critically at Hu Caiyun, his lips curling into a sardonic grin. "I didn't expect you to be the victor."

"Shouldn't you have known?" Hu Caiyun's smile bloomed.

The heart demon had consumed her former self, and it was only logical that she would return stronger and more free-spirited. White Crane had suspected this day would come when they left the Ember Waters together, but the speed and scale of the upheaval were unforeseen.

"Worthless Rony, inept Calves, and another..."

White Crane didn't reply, instead tilting her head to glance at the deceased king of roving bandits, cursing Calves under her breath, and finally resting her eyes on Fernand. She mused aloud, "The Asura Clan is indeed a cut above the Shadow Clan and the Mondnacht Clan. Surviving this long under Yue Mu's Heavenly Water Net is commendable."

He critiqued freely to himself.

"Lord White Crane!"

Becker arrived swiftly from Gloomy Paradise, stopping just short of a meteorite and standing amidst the desolate starscape. He nodded with a smile to White Crane, "I come as a representative of the Curtis family."

"Thanks for your efforts," White Crane responded coolly.

He glanced around and commented, "How could you be so careless? Jin Lih is fond of guerrilla tactics, striking and then moving on. You just had to run into him."

He clicked his tongue in disapproval and shook his head, seemingly indifferent and almost taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.

"Calves has been taken over by the Moon Demon, Rony is dead, and only Fernand remains," Hu Caiyun said with a smile. "I'm aware that the three kings of the roving bandits have stashed their plundered goods all over the place. White Crane, if Fernand also dies, you'll have been busy for nothing."

Elena's gaze turned expectantly to the Death Crane, who had defected from the Demon Palace and, despite being hunted for years, had only grown stronger.

Finally, White Crane gave Fernand and Yu Yuan his full attention.

"I can't help him. If my bloodline power were to seep into his body, he'd die within a second," White Crane bluntly stated. "Knowing my reputation, you shouldn't hold out hope for me. I excel at spreading death, not healing or saving lives. A mere bandit leader is nothing to me; if he dies, so be it. Did you really think I only invited those three to be the kings of the roving bandits?"

He sneered slightly.

Then, with some reluctance, he straightened his clothes and gave a respectful bow to Yu Yuan, who was still focused on breaking the Heavenly Water Net for Fernand. "From the Babel Chamber of Commerce, I, White Crane, am commanded to escort you to the Oblivion Starfield."

The infamous Death Crane, known throughout the Outer Star River, was actually treating Yu Yuan with such regard!

His begrudging gesture left everyone present dumbfounded.

Hu Caiyun was no exception.

She had speculated that Yu Yuan, in possession of two Dragon Slash Platforms, must be of distinguished status, with significant ties to the Divine Soul Sect.

Yet, she hadn't anticipated that even the Death Crane would carefully and respectfully pay homage to Yu Yuan.

What virtues did Yu Yuan possess?

Pattinson, Elena, Benin, Hart, and even Becker from the Curtis family were so shocked by the Death Crane's behavior that they were speechless for a long while.

The Death Crane, having ascended to the Ninth Level Bloodline, had a recent trail of carnage that echoed among the major clans.

He was notorious not just for slaying formidable beings from other races, but also for the hunters from the five supreme forces and numerous great demons who had perished at his hands after his emergence.

This was precisely why he ventured to Gloomy Paradise alone to declare his purpose. Once there, he found that the three kings of roving bandits, who normally resided in Gloomy Paradise, had conveniently gone into hiding.

They were truly frightened...

Yu Yuan abruptly turned and looked at the imposing demon before him with astonishment. "Is there a need to be so courteous?"

"I'm simply following orders," the white crane said, its eyes drooping in resignation. "My master instructed me to treat you with respect, and I intend to do just that."

He mused to himself, "The Divine Soul Sect is the military backbone of our Babel Chamber of Commerce. My master is relying on them to secure a supreme divine position. You've been handpicked for the role, and you're the ruler of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. How could I possibly be insolent in your presence?"

The white crane hung its head in a crestfallen manner.

Hu Caiyun's surprise only grew upon hearing this.

The man in white, playing the flute, was the Babel Chamber of Commerce's most esteemed guest, with a significant likelihood of achieving the Primordial Spirit status—his prospects were indeed great!

Not even the Medicine God Hong Qi, who had been revered for three hundred years, had enough clout to be given such consideration!

"The Heavenly Water Net within him requires time to gradually dissipate. I can't move his body, so..." Yu Yuan said, furrowing his brow.

"It's simple. We just need to transport this meteorite to Gloomy Paradise," the white crane acknowledged with a nod of understanding.

No sooner had he spoken than the meteorite, spanning several acres, began to move. Without any visible effort from him, it soared toward Gloomy Paradise at a pace that was unhurried yet remarkably steady.

"Whether he lives or dies is of no consequence to me. Do as you please," the white crane said with a nonchalant shrug.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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