Unmatched Dominance/C1062 Oblivion Starfield
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Unmatched Dominance/C1062 Oblivion Starfield
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C1062 Oblivion Starfield

On the desolate grounds of Gloomy Paradise, Fernand exhaled deeply, feeling his tense nerves finally unwind.

Inside him, the intricate and complex web of swords that had been meticulously constructed was gradually dissolving, infiltrated by the toxic luminescence after he was forced to swallow the freshly-made, crimson pellet crafted by Yu Yuan.

With the disappearance of the sword web's constrictive power, he could feel the change distinctly...

Who was this man, really?

He gazed at the weary Yu Yuan, his mind swirling with complex emotions.

Wasn't he a human? Why would he save me? Wasn't Elena taken hostage? What in the world was happening?

The typically hot-tempered Asura General, had he not just narrowly escaped death, would likely be ranting and raving in a frenzy.

"Are you alright?"

It was at the height of his internal turmoil that Elena, sensing the resurgence of vitality in his blood, beamed with ecstatic relief. "Old man, you've made it, haven't you?"

Fernand felt his legs weaken, nearly collapsing on the spot, but upon noticing the peculiar stare from the Death Crane, he promptly straightened up. "I'm fine."

He gestured towards Yu Yuan, turning to his daughter with a questioning look. "Who is he, exactly?"

"Let's find a better place to talk."

Elena glanced at Yu Yuan with a look of appreciation, then swiftly darted toward a square stone tower within Gloomy Paradise.

Fernand, brimming with questions, sought confirmation from the white crane, which nodded in response. He then respectfully bowed to Yu Yuan, following the human custom, before accompanying Elena.

Regardless of the circumstances, it was clear to him that Yu Yuan had saved his life.

"The reputation is well-earned," remarked the white crane, nodding appreciatively at Yu Yuan's exceptional skill in alchemy. "The title of Medicine God suits you. In my view, you even surpass your Senior Brother, Zhong Chichen. He's too engrossed in his cultivation to maintain his dedication to the art of alchemy."

As an elder demon of the Demon Palace, he had lived for nearly a millennium, outliving Yu Yuan, who had been through two human lifetimes.

In his past life, Hong Qi and Zhong Chichen, even their revered mentor, had all known of the Death Crane, albeit without much personal interaction.

"This lifetime, you've approached alchemy with an ease and nonchalance," observed Hu Caiyun.

Three centuries earlier, Hong Qi, unable to embark on the path of cultivation, had to rely on fire attribute crystals for his alchemy. His unrefined soul had limited his ability to master the delicate manipulation of herbs, a skill he now possessed in abundance.

For instance, Yu Yuan only needed less than half an hour to form a single pellet. This feat would have been impossible for Hong Qi in his past life. The fusion of an alchemist and a cultivator can significantly boost the efficiency of pill refining, allowing for flawless control over the flame, achieving a miraculous level of precision.

"Indeed," Yu Yuan acknowledged, still marveling at the ease of refining pills and contemplating the marvels of Yue Mu's Heavenly Water Net.

Preferring solitude, Yu Yuan soon found himself seated on a nearby elevated platform. He gestured to Pattinson of the Shadow Clan to haul over the meteorite and cast it out of the Gloomy Paradise. Pattinson, grieving the loss of his brother, complied silently, and after watching the meteorite tumble into the starry abyss, he quietly found a spot to sit down.

"We're nearing the Oblivion Starfield," noted the white crane, scanning its surroundings. It quickly realized that only Hu Caiyun was up for conversation. Others, like Benin and Hart, didn't even register on its radar. "Why are you associating with those outlaws?"

"I'm not with the outlaws; I'm with Yu Yuan," Hu Caiyun clarified, seizing the opportunity for a chat. "White Crane, I'm interested in joining the Divine Soul Sect. Could you introduce me?"

"Didn't Heixun invite you before? You turned him down, didn't you?" White Crane inquired, surprised.

"I was different then," Hu Caiyun said with a smile.

White Crane instantly got it. "My master and I are affiliated with the Babel Chamber of Commerce, not the Divine Soul Sect. If you're set on joining the Divine Soul Sect, you should..." He glanced at Yu Yuan.

Hu Caiyun caught the hint and nodded subtly, "I knew I wasn't wrong about you."


At the Red Devil Sect in the northern Quietus Continent, a massive copper bell hovered over a lava-spewing volcanic crater. Inside, Yuan Lianyao's Yin God manifested as blooming lotuses. The intricate designs within the bell seamlessly integrated into each lotus.

Time passed, and the radiant lotuses merged, contracted, and underwent further refinement. Eventually, they transformed back into the form of Yuan Lianyao's Yin God.

At the mountain's base, her true form hovered immaculately half a meter above a river of flames.

Faang Yao, with his gleaming bald head, stood vigilantly by her side. Watching her Yin God refine the copper bell, he flashed a wide grin and nodded in approval. "This copper bell, a Heaven Level Sixth Grade spiritual artifact, is now yours."


Yuan Lianyao's Yin God merged back into her physical form, and the copper bell settled at her feet, becoming one with her life force, soul, and blood.

"Thank you, my lord."

Her smile brightened the surroundings, casting a glow that seemed to illuminate the area for miles.

Disciples and members of the Red Devil Sect looked up from various mountaintops and cave entrances, their eyes filled with admiration as they gazed upon the sect's most radiant "Blazing Red Lotus."

Yuan Lianyao, having advanced to the Soul Wandering Stage and held in high esteem by both Faang Yao and the Demonic Seed, had captured the hearts of many within the Red Devil Sect with her exceptional talent, profound mastery, and stunning beauty. Admirers from the Fiend Sect, Filthy Spirit Sect, Devil Palace, and beyond vied for her attention.

Yet, she seldom ventured out, almost never encountering outsiders.

On the rare occasions she did leave the Red Devil Sect, it was to hone her skills in perilous locations under Faang Yao's guidance, often returning triumphant and laden with spoils.

"The Demonic Seed seeks you."

Faang Yao rose, transforming into a blaze that swiftly descended into the fiery river below.

Yuan Lianyao plunged after him into the depths.

Beneath the surface, in a secluded palace, Zhou Cangmin's true form sat amidst a vast pool of magma, his body soaking in the intense heat as he continued to temper his soul and physique.

"Our people in the Human Realm Upon Heavens encountered Yu Yuan and have sent back a message."

Zhou Cangmin, himself a Yang God, looked upon Yuan Lianyao with a satisfied smile. "Not only is he alive, but he's also thriving."

Relief washed over Yuan Lianyao at the news. "I'm grateful for the update, my lord."

"Your advancement is commendable. Keep up the good work, and strive to ascend to the Human Realm Upon Heavens as a Yang God within thirty years," Zhou Cangmin encouraged her.

"How could it possibly be that fast?" Yuan Lianyao was astounded.

"No, today is unlike any other day. With the Divine Soul Sect's return and the ensuing conflicts with the five supreme forces, many Unrestrained Stage cultivators and Yang Gods will perish in the Outland Star River. New generation talents like you, Chen Qingyan, Lau Ying, Zhan Tianxiang, and Zhao Yafu will accumulate more fortune, accelerating their breakthroughs," Zhou Cangmin disclosed the unspoken truth.

"Ann Ziqing of the Blood God Cult has been the quickest to ascend to the Yang God. Their secret methods are unique; she's assimilated an abundance of alien blood essences, propelling herself along the Star Path opened by the Divine Soul Sect with her very flesh and blood."

Even he, a bearer of the Demonic Seed, marveled at the feat.

"What?" Yuan Lianyao gasped in disbelief.

Ann Ziqing's prodigious cultivation talent was well-known as the heir-apparent to the Blood God Cult. Yet, the speed of her advancement was startling.

Everyone was aware that the Blood God Cult's techniques were shortcuts, with the speed of progression matched by the risk of losing control. Nevertheless, Ann Ziqing's swift consolidation of the Yang God was nothing short of breathtaking.

"That young woman is truly exceptional," Zhou Cangmin remarked with narrowed eyes. "The starry expanse beyond the Vast Ocean is no longer tightly held by the five great forces. Two Star Paths have been forged by us, the Divine Soul Sect, and the Babel Chamber of Commerce. A larger conflict between the five forces and the Divine Soul Sect is inevitable."

"However, future battles will likely shift to the Outer World rather than the Vast Ocean itself."

"After all, our foundations lie in the Vast Ocean. No one wishes to shatter its mountains and rivers in a blood war, forfeiting the Central World's innate advantage."

"Ann Ziqing was the first to break through, closely followed by Cao Jiaze, who is older. Chen Qingyan and Lau Ying, along with other geniuses of their caliber, are currently honing their souls in Horror Land and should soon step into the Soul Wandering Stage."

Zhou Cangmin outlined the current state of affairs in detail.

Yuan Lianyao listened intently, her eyes sparkling with light and longing as she nodded gently, "I'll give it my all. I've long yearned for the dazzling starry rivers beyond."

In the Impasse Land, one of the seven Cold Abyss Entrances, Lim Zhuyun stood atop an ice mountain, her hands clutching her chest as she coughed violently. Rivulets of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth, instantly freezing into icicles before shattering into a spray of ice shards.

She took a moment to sit down, methodically channeling her spell to stabilize the tumultuous extreme cold within her.

Across on a neighboring ice peak, a man in white, bamboo flute in hand, regarded her with the detached gaze one might reserve for an inanimate object. Shaking his head, he spoke with a dispassionate tone, "Without the Yang God, your death is certain—and it will come swiftly..."

A flicker of despair crossed Lim Zhuyun's eyes, but she remained silent. She was acutely aware of her dire predicament; otherwise, she wouldn't have heeded President Lyi's advice to brave the perilous ascent from the depths of the Nether Abyss.

She knew all too well the risks of venturing into the Galaxy without having condensed the Yang God. Yet, time was not on her side.

"The difference between you and Yu Yuan," he continued, "is that the young man has forged a Life Altar within himself. Thanks to that altar, and his practice of the Evil Body Refining Skill, his body has become more formidable than those of the outsiders and great demons. That's why he can endure the might imposed by the Chaos Roc."

He shook his head once more, "But you... Your body cannot keep pace with your realm and the cold force you've condensed. The Chaos Roc's boon requires a vessel of strong flesh and blood to carry it. After all, it's a Starry Behemoth. You've advanced your realm and gained immense combat power by harnessing that gift, but you've been too reckless."

"Let me offer you a way out. That young man has just entered the Oblivion Starfield. Should you choose to kneel and seek his aid, I could arrange for the Death Crane to bring him here to this frozen expanse."

"His Life Altar, along with the Ice Concubine within the Evil Cauldron, could be your salvation," he suggested benevolently.

"No need," she replied.

Libre Baskerville
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