Unmatched Dominance/C1068 The Second Bird Nest
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Unmatched Dominance/C1068 The Second Bird Nest
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C1068 The Second Bird Nest

Fernand watched his daughter accompany Yu Yuan as they soared toward the Plover Realm, his face betraying a mix of emotions. Nearby, the Galaxy Ancient Starships were docked, carrying renowned warriors from all corners, fearsome Devaputra, and human evil cultivators. Even beings of such stature lacked the credentials to enter the Plover Realm ahead of time. Yet his daughter, thanks to a word from Yu Yuan, was granted special treatment and the privilege of entry. A sense of pride swelled within Fernand.

"Pattinson, be straight with me, is there something going on between Elena and that young man?" It wasn't until Yu Yuan and his companions vanished through the realm barrier that Fernand turned to Pattinson with a stern look.

Pattinson gestured toward the Eighth Level Asura warrior, suggesting, "You might want to ask him."

Fernand directed his gaze to his subordinate. "There seems to be a connection," the Asura warrior cautiously responded, then quickly added, "General, the situation was dire at the time... I was unable to intervene." He was acutely aware of Fernand's deep-seated animosity towards the human race and the improbability of his daughter being involved with a human cultivator. Fearing Fernand's wrath, he was eager to clarify.

However, to his relief, Fernand's reaction was subdued; he simply nodded.


Inside the Plover Realm, lush mountains stretched across the land. Yu Yuan surveyed the area, noting the dense vegetation and towering trees brimming with life. Drawing a deep breath, he was delighted to discover that the realm's spiritual energy was quite decent.

The spiritual energy here was a mix, not as pure as that of the Profound Sky Continent in the Boundless Land, and perhaps a notch below in quality. Nevertheless, the energy in the Plover Realm was free from pollutants that could harm human flesh and blood. This suggested that cultivators at the Profound Break Stage might well adapt to it.

Naturally, without pellets, special spiritual herbs, or flesh and blood aids, cultivating here by drawing on the realm's spiritual energy would be far less efficient than in the Boundless Land. Any location in the Boundless Land would surpass this place.

Amidst the mountains, a vast plain had been cleared, upon which stood majestic buildings. From his vantage point high above, Yu Yuan recognized the architectural layout; it was identical to that of the Babel Chamber of Commerce's main base in the Boundless Land.

Different halls were designated for the sale of artifacts, pellets, scrolls, and spiritual material Matrix Diagrams.

Numerous human cultivators, who had been early servants of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, as well as members of other races, bustled about the various halls, displaying a dazzling array of items.

"Yu Yuan, have her wait over there for now. I'm going to take you somewhere else," Zhou You whispered.

He gestured toward the VIP area reserved for receiving distinguished guests. Yu Yuan glanced over and noticed many lavishly dressed figures from various races standing there.

"Miss Benin, please wait over there as well," instructed Zhou You.


Yu Yuan looked at Elena, who understandingly nodded and said, "Got it." Without further prompting, she took off toward the area Zhou You had indicated.

Old Cash, Qi Yunhong, and Mia from the Dark Elfkind followed suit.

"Everyone else, head over there too."

With that, Zhou You tugged at Yu Yuan's sleeve and vanished in an instant.

Meanwhile, in a secluded region nestled among the mountains of the Plover Realm, there lay a vast pit filled with an enormous bird nest.

The nest itself was intricately woven from robust, intertwining branches.

The peculiar energies coursing through the branches triggered a strong reaction from Yu Yuan's Life Altar.

"The nest of the Secular Bird!" Yu Yuan exclaimed.

"Huh, you're aware of this nest's origins too?" President Lyi said with a chuckle. Standing beside the nest, he beckoned Yu Yuan over and introduced him to the elderly female Void Spirit Succubus, "This is Yu Yuan, the one in possession of the Heaven Opening Divine Stone you've heard about."

Elder Fisher, a Ninth Level elder of the Void Spirit race, greeted him with a reserved smile.

"Hong Qi, you're actually alive!"

Xi Quan of the Withered Sword, her sword case resting on her thighs, sat cross-legged on a branch as thick as a great vine, her presence emanating an aura of deathly stillness that seemed to echo the essence of the Secular Bird's nest.

In addition to her, there were Lvliu, the Great Commander of the Demon Palace, and Zhongli from the Ancient Desolate Sect.

Upon Yu Yuan's arrival, each of them acknowledged him with a slight nod.

The call of a crane pierced the air.

The Death Crane, having breached the outer secret protective barrier, descended upon the Secular Bird's nest. Casting a sidelong glance at Xi Quan, it let out a disdainful snort.

"What, is the Death Force of the Secular Bird only yours to comprehend?"

Xi Quan showed no fear as she casually rested a finger on the sword case. The potent Withered Sword Intent seemed poised to burst forth from within. "White Crane, care to witness the might of my sword?"

"Enough, we're all allies here. There's no need for infighting," President Lyi chided gently.

White Crane, initially eager to stir up trouble with a few taunting words, fell silent at President Lyi's admonishment.

Xi Quan let out a smug, cold laugh.

"What's happening?" Yu Yuan inquired.

Zhou You glanced around, noting President Lyi's silence, and decided to fill in the details himself. "Since you're aware that this is one of the Secular Bird's nests, I'll spare you the details about the bird itself. A hundred thousand years ago, the patriarchs of various races banded together to slay the Secular Bird right here."

"The crater you've seen marks the spot where the Secular Bird met its end, causing its nest to shatter. Despite this, there's a persistent belief that it will never truly die, but rather be reborn from one of its nests."

"Our Babel Chamber of Commerce has collected nearly all the fragments of the shattered nest and broken branches. We've reconstructed her nest within the very crater where she fell. For now, this site serves as a conduit akin to the one beneath the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, which we've dubbed the Starry Sky Ferry."

"Through this ferry, powerhouses from other regions can also arrive here."

"However, it's currently unstable. The swirling death energy within it could potentially erupt. You must understand that if the death energy left by the Secular Bird were to surge, it could threaten not just the Plover Realm, but all living beings within the Oblivion Starfield."

Zhou You spoke at a measured pace, explaining to Yu Yuan that the reasons for restricting access from other realms were twofold: the sensitivity and instability of the Secular Bird's nest, and the safety of those involved.

For tens of thousands of years, the Oblivion Starfield has been a no-go zone for sentient beings, with no other races daring to settle there. Even so, the few Realms that have been marginally opened are sufficient for the habitation of formidable races.

The Babel Chamber of Commerce's decision to select the Oblivion Starfield and rebuild the Secular Bird's nest there was strategic; they intended to leverage the nest as a 'Starry Sky Ferry' to draw in formidable figures from across the cosmos.

"The three nests of the Secular Bird are rumored to possess a magical ability to teleport. Any creature in one nest can travel to the others," President Lyi finally began, speaking deliberately. "Our later-built nest is imperfect, riddled with flaws, and thus serves merely as a minor Starry Sky Ferry."

"We've invited the Luan Bird Queen, who is connected to another Secular Bird nest. We hope she can identify any issues with our nest and help us resolve them," President Lyi continued.

"One of the three great nests is here, another is integrated with the Luan Bird Queen, and the third remains elusive. Yan Qiling from the Divine Soul Sect is investigating the whereabouts of the third nest. We must ascertain whether the Secular Bird is truly extinct or if it might resurrect in the missing nest."

President Lyi paused for a moment before Zhou You's eyes sparkled with excitement. "The Luan Bird Queen has arrived!"

"If this nest can be fully restored, and the one integrated by the Luan Bird Queen is transported to the Boundless Land," President Lyi said, his eyes gleaming with an intense light, "then, by the mysterious powers of the Starry Behemoth, not even the rules and constraints of the Boundless Land can prevent the nests from connecting!"

Yu Yuan felt a surge of astonishment at these words.

"The pathway from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area to the Delude Devil Abyss is fraught with difficulties. Moreover, the Blood Devil Clan has firmly seized control of the Delude Devil Abyss, inflicting extensive damage," Zhou You expressed with a tone of regret. "Our goal is to construct an additional, stable passageway directly to the Boundless Land, free from any external control."

In that instant, another Secular Bird's nest, encased within the Destruction Fortress, pierced through the realm barrier of the Plover Realm and entered its inner world.

Bai He, known as "The Withered Sword," Xi Quan, immediately turned her attention to the nest that, up to now, had been the most trouble-free.

Among the three nests, one had been destroyed and rebuilt with defects, and another was unaccounted for. The nest merged by the Luan Bird Queen was flawless, with the essence of the Secular Bird circulating effortlessly within, exuding an array of profound mysteries.

As Bai He and Xi Quan gazed at the bird's nest with gleaming eyes, the haunting cry of the Luan Bird echoed from the Destruction Fortress.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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