Unmatched Dominance/C1087 Fire Cloud Demon Armor
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Unmatched Dominance/C1087 Fire Cloud Demon Armor
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C1087 Fire Cloud Demon Armor

The towering pyramid-shaped edifice, spanning seven levels, was a showcase for tens of thousands of artifacts!

From the outside, the massive tower-like hall shone brilliantly, resembling the dwelling of deities and delivering a profound visual impact.

Beneath the grand hall, human cultivators seemed as insignificant as ants.

Yet, any member of another race would instantly become vigilant upon noticing the presence of a human.

Humans held an exalted status among all intelligent races across the boundless cosmos!

This esteem and noble standing were hard-won through millennia of relentless human cultivators banding together, venturing into the unknown, and enduring brutal, bloody conflicts.

The interior of the majestic hall was vast, with the first floor alone covering hundreds of acres, ensuring even the towering members of the Djinn Clan could move freely without feeling claustrophobic.

The Plover Realm was entirely under the meticulous stewardship of the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

Upon entering the hall, which housed a diverse array of items for sale, Yu Yuan, Luo Yue, Lulu, and Ann Ziqing were immediately taken aback.

The first sight to greet them was seven chariots, crafted from gold, bronze, and black iron.

These chariots, standing five to six meters tall and stretching over ten meters in length, gleamed under the dome's jeweled light, exuding an aura of battle-readiness.

Adorned with gemstones, jade, and crystals, the chariots' railings, banners, and accessories were a sight to behold.

Members of the Silver Scale Clan and female demons were gathered around the chariots, inquiring about prices from the Chamber of Commerce representatives.

"Hey, you've arrived too!" exclaimed Old Cash, emerging suddenly from an obscure corner. He approached Yu Yuan with a beaming smile and a respectful nod. "These chariots were made by the skilled artisans of the Bright Clan. They're designed to absorb and store the light of the sun, moon, and stars within the inscribed formations inside."

After a brief introduction, he added, "Regrettably, these chariots lack energy shields to envelop them completely. Therefore, they're unsuitable for traversing the Outland Star River or blocking the seepage of corrupting forces. They might serve as impressive displays for empires, clans, and families within the Boundless Land, but beyond that, their value is limited."

Clearly a regular, Old Cash chatted amicably with Yu Yuan while frequently exchanging greetings with the Chamber of Commerce staff.

The Babel Chamber of Commerce members were clearly acquainted with him, and among them were quite a few from various intelligent races.

"You seem to be doing quite well," Yu Yuan remarked, somewhat taken aback.

"Haha, it's only because you carry a lot of weight," Old Cash responded with a laugh, the Yang God's presence evident. A jade ruyi dangled from his waist, his pure energy form clad in a resplendent robe.

This was not the same robe Yu Yuan had seen him wearing initially. Upon closer inspection, the intricate patterns and engraved designs were distinctly different from those typical of the Boundless Land.

"I've just purchased it. It aids in refining the power of gold," Old Cash explained.

As Yu Yuan watched, Old Cash focused his mind, and the robe began to emit a golden radiance, like countless golden rivulets flowing throughout the fabric.

Nearby, golden glimmers from various crystals and jades seemed drawn to the robe, as if they were on the verge of being absorbed into it. The gems and jades adorning the chariots shone even brighter, almost as if they were ready to detach themselves.

Old Cash's intention was merely to demonstrate the robe's remarkable properties, not to actually draw the power from the surrounding metals and stones. He quickly dissipated the effect and turned to Yu Yuan, "I came here with Zhou You. He's a high-ranking member of the Chamber of Commerce. He informed the others that I'm your close confidant. That's why they've started to regard me with a bit more respect."

He showed no signs of embarrassment for riding on Yu Yuan's coattails, in fact, he appeared quite pleased with himself.

"This palace has seven floors. The treasures and spiritual artifacts on the lower levels are of a relatively lower grade, and naturally, they are the most abundant," he explained, gesturing with his hand first to the east, then to the west. "Over there, they sell all kinds of chariots and artifacts designed for flight. This side features various armors, spiritual armors, and some extraordinary garments."

"And look over there, they have all sorts of offensive equipment: ice blades, crystal cannons, fire spears."

"And on this side..."

Old Cash detailed the layout of the stone hall's first floor to Yu Yuan as if recounting the contents of his own home.

Yu Yuan nodded along, scanning the area as directed by Old Cash's descriptions.

Not far off, Yu Ying, Shen Feiqing, and Tan Yuan, all from the Ancient Desolate Sect and of comparable realms, were mingling with members of the Mondnacht Clan and the Demon Scorpion Clan, their attention caught by Old Cash's voice.

The three women turned around just in time to see Yu Yuan looking their way.

The petite woman, a long-time practitioner of the Desolate True Spell, harbored an old grudge against Yu Yuan from their time in the Absence Relic. She glanced at Yu Yuan and turned away with an icy demeanor.

Tan Yuan, who had previously welcomed Yu Yuan in the Desolate Swamp, offered a light smile and a nod in greeting.

Yu Ying's smile was warm and inviting. Her once frail frame, revitalized by the nourishment of Qi and blood and the restorative powers of the Blood Elemental Pill, had regained much of its strength. She appeared much younger and radiated a vibrant, heroic energy.

"Our Yu family certainly doesn't lack outstanding successors."

As Yu Yuan's attention shifted elsewhere, Yu Ying chuckled softly, "Lulu and the girl from the Blood God Cult are quite impressive. I think they're well-suited for him."

"Senior Sister Ying, that young man has quite the roving eye; you needn't worry about that. I realized he had a way with women when I first met him in the Absence Relic," Shen Feiqing huffed. "You should be more concerned with how he's going to sort out the tangle of relationships with all those women. There are plenty of girls in the Boundless Land who are deeply smitten with him too."

"More?" Yu Ying's eyes sparkled with interest.

"I can attest that there are indeed many," Tan Yuan said with a suppressed laugh, as if recalling something amusing. "The most formidable among them is the Great Sword Immortal who practices the Starfrost Sword. What do you think of her?"

"Jee Ningshuang?" Yu Ying gasped, "The Sword Immortal Jee is known for her fiery temper."

"Her disciple is also fond of him. It's going to be interesting to see how that unfolds," Tan Yuan added, stirring the pot.

Yu Ying's concern deepened as she frowned and sighed, "Oh, what a complicated mess. It's truly chaotic."

"Do you know where the Fire Cloud Demon Armor is located?"

Yu Yuan's gaze returned from the distance as he inquired of Old Cash.

"One moment, let me check." Old Cash retrieved a small booklet from his pocket, his soul consciousness flickering into it as he quickly perused the pages. After a brief search, he arrived at a section towards the back, glanced over it, and announced, "It's on the fifth floor, in the northern area, where they sell all kinds of armors."

Yu Yuan nodded and made his way directly to the fifth floor. Along the path, he encountered Becker from the Star Race, Peach Madam, and Pattinson of the Shadow Clan, all of whom greeted him cordially.

He had set his sights on acquiring the Fire Cloud Demon Armor, intending to purchase it as a gift for Yuan Lianyao upon their next meeting.

The Fire Cloud Demon Armor had a notorious history, once belonging to the infamous Balrog of the Red Devil Sect, a formidable expert in the late Unrestrained Stage who was vanquished by the Primordial Yang Sect.

The Balrog, bearing the surname Duan, hailed from the Duan family of the Rainier Empire. In a fierce conflict between the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents, the Primordial Yang Sect led an assault that breached the Red Devil Sect's gates and slew the Balrog within, marking a profound disgrace for the sect.

The Balrog was targeted for elimination because his potential to ascend to the Primordial Spirit Stage posed a significant threat, one that could have elevated the Red Devil Sect to the pinnacle of power alongside the Primordial Yang Sect. His tyrannical and murderous nature compelled the Primordial Yang Sect to eradicate him, even at great cost to themselves.

The Fire Cloud Demon Armor, a renowned Seventh Grade Heaven Level artifact, was seized by the Primordial Yang Sect following the Balrog's demise. It was later refined by the preceding Mountain Lord of Yang Mountain, who adopted it as his personal protective gear.

This same Mountain Lord, whom Fenng Pu had previously met, was later besieged and slain by the combined forces of the Star Race and the Bright Clan in the Outland Star River.

The Bright Clan, unable to harness the full potential of the Fire Cloud Demon Armor and reluctant to sell it lest they bolster the might of the Primordial Yang Sect and Red Devil Sect adversaries, kept it within their sacred grounds. That was until the Babel Chamber of Commerce acquired it through a trade for much-needed resources.

Thus, the storied armor made its appearance at this illustrious event.

Yu Yuan bypassed the second, third, and fourth floors, heading directly to the fifth floor. Guided by Old Cash, he made his way to the northern section, where the armors and treasured garments of various clans were on display.

"My young master wishes to purchase the 'Fire Cloud Demonic Armor,'" Old Cash bellowed from a distance, his voice booming across the room.

Eyes from all around the fifth floor followed the sound of his voice.

"Yu Yuan," Bai He, Xi Quan, the Kalpa Ghost King from the Demon Palace, Zhongli, and Mia all turned their heads in his direction.

A timid young girl from the Dark Elfkind, dressed in the attire of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, spoke up, "You're too late. It's already been sold."

"We've acquired the 'Fire Cloud Demonic Armor,' apologies for the inconvenience," Arlene, one of the Dark Elfkind elders, said with a smile from behind the counter.

Kennard, wearing a pair of silver gloves, was engrossed in examining the intricacies of the Fire Cloud Demonic Armor.

He appeared oblivious to Old Cash's announcement and Yu Yuan's arrival, his attention wholly captured by the armor in his hands.

Lulu's demeanor shifted uncomfortably at the sight of him. She retreated behind Yu Yuan, too apprehensive to come forward.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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