Unmatched Dominance/C1088 There will be One in the Future!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1088 There will be One in the Future!
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C1088 There will be One in the Future!

Ann Ziqing moved forward with a brisk pace, her eyes betraying a piercing coldness. Her atypical behavior quickly drew the eyes of every guest on the floor.

Zhongli, Xi Quan, and the Kalpa Ghost King were instinctively drawn closer. Yu Yuan paused, momentarily taken aback.

"Ann, you're not going to cause a scene here, are you?" Luo Yue's brow furrowed as she tugged at Yu Yuan's sleeve. "You'd better intervene. The Babel Chamber of Commerce certainly doesn't want any unpleasantness on its opening day."

Luo Yue was well aware that the Blood God Cult's Goddess had a reputation for being domineering and lacking restraint in the Boundless Land. She was concerned that Ann Ziqing might not keep her temper in check, potentially stirring up trouble for both herself and Yu Yuan.

"She's not the type to act rashly," Yu Yuan reassured, shaking his head to ease Luo Yue's worries.

Clad in a purple gown, Ann Ziqing's radiant eyes and pearly teeth, along with her robust vitality, drew the gaze of many formidable beings present. They quietly inquired about her origins.

"Blood God Cult!?" The revelation that Ann Ziqing was the Goddess of the Blood God Cult caused a collective gasp among the Outland Star River's experts. The Blood God Cult's infamy was widespread.

Xi Quan, Bai He, Zhongli, and other evil cultivators from the Boundless Land looked on with keen interest, their eyes alight with amusement.

"This item..." Ann Ziqing bypassed Kennard and Arlene to stand directly in front of the counter, facing the Dark Elfkind girl. She placed her hands, white as jade, gently on the surface and met the girl's eyes. "If I'm not mistaken, I was here yesterday and asked you to hold this item for me, didn't I?"

Her words sent a ripple of shock through the crowd.

To add excitement to the event, the Babel Chamber of Commerce had distributed booklets, like the one in Old Cash's possession, ahead of time. At the start of the event, the location of various artifacts, pellets, and spiritual materials was clearly marked in each hall, floor, and section.

Following this system, Old Cash was able to promptly pinpoint the location of the Fire Cloud Demon Armor after consulting the booklet.

The Chamber of Commerce's policy was clear: purchases of displayed items could only be made on the day of the event. That's why Ann Ziqing had made a point of notifying Yu Yuan to arrive early.

However, she had actually visited the day before and had found the young Dark Elfkind woman before her. She had revealed her own identity and that of Yu Yuan, hoping to secure a reservation with Spirit Stones.

Upon hearing the name "Yu Yuan," the girl had assured her there was no need for a reservation and that she would keep it for her.

Who would have expected...

"Yesterday, you didn't pay the Spirit Stone for your reservation."

The Dark Elfkind girl, with her head bowed, was too intimidated to meet Ann Ziqing's gaze. In a voice as faint as a mosquito's, she explained, "They arrived first and purchased it at the listed price. Everything was done by the book."

After speaking, she looked up briefly at Kennard, the Child of Forest.

Kennard returned the glance with a smile, gracefully setting down the "Fire Cloud Demonic Armor," and then turned to Ann Ziqing. "Oh? Were you interested in this demonic armor?"

Just as Ann Ziqing was about to respond, another Dark Elfkind female elder approached Kennard, silently handing him a dark red jade plate.

The chill in Ann Ziqing's eyes deepened.

"This appears to be from your Blood God Cult?" Kennard said with a smirk that was asking for trouble. "Funny, we managed to acquire it before you did."

Everyone there was sharp enough to read between the lines.

The Dark Elfkind girl, despite being part of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, had sided with Kennard.

Upon learning that Ann Ziqing had used her and Yu Yuan's names to reserve the "Fire Cloud Demonic Armor" and the jade plate from the Blood God Cult, she must have tipped off Kennard.

Consequently, Kennard had stepped in before Ann Ziqing and Yu Yuan to purchase both items.

"You clearly stated yesterday that Yu Yuan's word was sufficient and no Spirit Stone reservation was necessary!" Ann Ziqing exclaimed.

The Dark Elfkind girl, now flustered, quickly lowered her head again, stammering, "I, I never said that!"

Ann Ziqing nodded, her laugh tinged with irony. "Fine! That's just great!"

In the heat of her anger, as she was about to lash out, Zhou You suddenly appeared.

"From this moment on, you're no longer part of the Chamber of Commerce," Zhou You declared, promptly expelling the Dark Elfkind girl. "Gather your belongings and leave immediately."

"I'm sorry."

The girl bowed respectfully to Zhou You and promptly departed, following his orders.

She had secured a promise from Arlene that even if she were to be expelled from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, she could still return to her homeland among the Dark Elfkind. Arlene had also assured her that the Sean family would take good care of her relatives.

"Mr. Zhou, surely you can't hold us responsible for the internal issues of your chamber," Arlene of the Dark Elfkind remarked calmly upon Zhou You's arrival. "We abided by the rules and purchased the items first; it wouldn't be fair to ask us to return them, would it?"

Ann Ziqing had come to understand the crux of the matter and managed to contain her anger when she saw Zhou You. She was accustomed to being unchallenged in the Boundless Land and had never experienced such manipulation.

"For now, those two items will have to suffice."

When Zhou You spoke, he did not look at Arlene or Kennard but instead fixed his gaze on Yu Yuan, who stood at a distance, silent and noncommittal. Clearly, Yu Yuan's reaction was of utmost importance to him.

"Those two items shouldn't have been put on display. They should have been given directly to me," Yu Yuan remarked with a huff.

"The chamber of commerce, having organized this event, needed to showcase items of value. Besides you, I couldn't imagine anyone else interested in purchasing those two pieces, so I didn't give it much thought," Zhou You said, nodding apologetically to Yu Yuan. Seeing that Yu Yuan wasn't upset, he relaxed. "Let's leave it at that."

His last remark, delivered with a cold expression, was intended for Arlene.

"How about this Demon Armor and the Blood God Cult's jade plate in exchange for the necklace around her neck?" The Child of Forest, Kennard, held up an item and first glanced at Yu Yuan, then at Lulu, before his eyes settled back on Yu Yuan. "We have no personal vendettas. If we can conclude this deal, I look forward to a fruitful collaboration in the future."

By now, everyone understood Kennard's intentions. Without resorting to force and using his influence, he had arranged for a young woman from the chamber to preemptively purchase the items Yu Yuan and Ann Ziqing required, all to obtain the Dark Elfkind's sacred relic that Lulu wore around her neck. He believed he could achieve his goal in a manner he deemed fair and within the rules.

"There were indeed no personal grudges before," Yu Yuan said with a smile, "but now, there will be."

After dropping that line, he didn't spare another glance at Kennard or Arlene. Taking Luo Yue and Lulu with him, he headed to the floor above.

His departure clearly communicated his refusal.

"Elder Mia, aside from you, we will not assist any other members of the Dark Elfkind in refining pellets. Furthermore, regardless of Lulu's future achievements in alchemy or the level of Dark Elfkind lineage she attains, she will not rejoin the Dark Elfkind as long as Kennard remains with the Sean Family," Yu Yuan declared as they ascended.

Mia inwardly groaned at the predicament.

"Mr. Zhou, you have a choice: either the Child of Forest leaves the Plover Realm, or I will. Decide," Yu Yuan stated before stepping onto the sixth floor.

"My apologies."

Mr. Zhou sighed, looking at Kennard with a helpless expression. "You may take the Magic Armor and the jade plate. However, you're no longer part of this event."

"Is this how your chamber conducts business?" Arlene demanded, visibly upset.

Kennard's expression darkened as he retorted, "Mr. Zhou, we were invited here. Are you aware of the vast distance between our Starfield and the Plover Realm, or how long our journey took?"

"That's precisely why I'm apologizing," Mr. Zhou replied, nodding. "The Dark Elfkind girl you've misled is a key individual our chamber is investing in. By influencing her to err, you've essentially broken our chamber's rules first."

Mr. Zhou squinted, adding, "Whether Yu Yuan is present or not, you are no longer welcome by our chamber."

He then addressed the other extraterrestrial visitors, "Many of your kin were voluntarily sent to us and entrusted to the Babel Chamber of Commerce. Remember, from the moment they joined us, they became part of our chamber and have no further ties to you!"

"The Dark Elfkind youth from the Sean Family has violated our regulations, and as such, is no longer permitted to remain in the Plover Realm!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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