Unmatched Dominance/C1090 Demon Blade Blood Prison
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Unmatched Dominance/C1090 Demon Blade Blood Prison
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C1090 Demon Blade Blood Prison

A long saber, its blade encased in a sharkskin sheath, lay silently on the counter behind Tianzang.

A captivating woman from the Internal Demon Clan stood behind the counter, maintaining a deliberate distance. As a witch who had refined a demonic body, she seemed reluctant to get too close.

It was clear she recognized Tianzang; whenever she looked his way, her eyes shone with admiration.

Tianzang beckoned Yu Yuan closer and pointed to the saber, over a meter in length, "This one."

As Yu Yuan approached, his heart raced, and the Life Altar within him began to spin rapidly.

He paused, considering whether to release a strand of blood energy to probe further.

"Don't, don't do that," the Internal Demon Clan witch, sensing his intent, quickly intervened.

Meanwhile, Jun Chen, the chamber of commerce's esteemed guest, strode over from elsewhere.

In an instant, he was standing before Yu Yuan, his brow furrowed as he addressed Tianzang, "Why are you recommending the Blood Prison to him?"

"Blood, Blood Prison?!" Ann Ziqing, who had come with Yu Yuan, paled at the mention.

Fisher, the Void Spirit Succubus, along with Beru and Leo of the Star Race, all turned sharply at the words "Blood Prison."

With a whoosh, the Green Willow Demon materialized, extending his hand toward the counter and shaking his head at Yu Yuan, "This Demon Blade isn't right for you."

Yu Yuan was at a loss for words.

He hadn't heard of the Blood Prison, but the reactions of Ann Ziqing, Jun Chen, and Lvliu suggested it was no trivial matter.

The silent testimony of the Life Altar in his heart spoke volumes about the eerie nature of the blade...

"The Blood Prison was forged by a Divine Level Refiner from the Artifact Sect one hundred and fifty years ago. On the day of its completion, the Refiner was consumed by the Demon Blade—flesh, blood, and bones, leaving nothing behind. He perished instantly, and his Yin God was obliterated," Ann Ziqing recounted gravely.

Subsequently, the Demon Blade was sealed and dispatched to the Outland Star River, ending up in the hands of a Ninth Level Heaven Shaking Yuan. After refining the Blood Prison, the Heaven Shaking Yuan's power surged. Yet, it's said that after only three battles with the Blood Prison, he met the same fate as the Refiner, devoured by the Demon Blade's insatiable hunger for flesh and soul.

"After that, the Demon Blade changed hands five times, passing to formidable individuals from the Asura Clan, the Ancient Desolate Sect, the Silver Scale Clan warriors, and Unrestrained Stage cultivators from the Devil Palace. Without exception, each of these individuals, noted for their robust physiques and vigorous vitality, met their end through the blade's backlash during combat."

"Counting its creator, a total of seven powerful beings have perished by the Demon Blade's hand in just over a century."


Ann Ziqing provided a detailed explanation.

Yu Yuan's mood grew increasingly somber upon hearing her words.

A Demon Blade that had claimed seven masters?

"Who was the Divine Level Refiner who crafted it?" Yu Yuan inquired, his brow furrowed in concern. He had been acquainted with numerous refiners from the Artifact Sect three hundred years prior. Divine Level Refiners were as scarce as alchemists, and he was curious about the identity of the blade's creator.

"Xuan Feng," Ann Ziqing answered.

"Xuan Feng! Did he fall to the Demon Blade?" Yu Yuan's expression shifted subtly.

He remembered Xuan Feng as a Heaven Level Refiner, known for his reclusive and obstinate nature, with few friends in the Artifact Sect, yet his refining techniques were exceptional.

Yu Yuan's friends from the Artifact Sect had once warned that Xuan Feng was likely to stray off course and embark on a path of extremes.


"That Green Willow Demon was under my control; he was formidable," Lvliu said with a grave expression. "I was detained in the Sword Prison when he was overcome by the Demon Blade, so I wasn't present. But I know that a blade capable of consuming him is no ordinary weapon. Don't seek out your own demise."

Jun Chen added, "Neither President Lyi nor the Divine Soul Sect wish to see you come to harm."

As he spoke, a hint of anger and disapproval flickered in his eyes, directed at Ghost King Tianzang.

"You all don't really know Yu Yuan well; you haven't spent enough time with him," Tianzang said with a dismissive laugh, brushing aside Lvliu and revealing the Demon Blade hidden beneath the counter. "Yu Yuan has a Life Altar within him; he should be capable of subduing this Demon Blade."

"Yu Yuan, it's best you don't attempt it," Beru warned.

Canli from the Bright Clan smiled slightly, "I share Lord Yuv Qian's sentiment. I too believe that if anyone in this world could wield this Demon Blade, he would certainly be a prime candidate."


A graceful figure adorned with a phoenix crown descended from the seventh floor. She paused upon noticing the debate below.

"Luan Bird Queen."

Many formidable beings from the sixth floor, including evil cultivators, demons, and humans, couldn't help but turn their attention toward her.

Yet, she lingered only briefly. After glancing at Yu Yuan, she proceeded to the floor below.

Numerous experts from various races watched her depart with hostile eyes.

In the decades before the Divine Soul Sect and the Chamber of Commerce extended an invitation to the Plover Realm, it is believed that the Luan Bird Queen was responsible for the deaths of over a hundred elite members of other races—many of whom were rising stars and individuals with great potential.

As a result, she was deeply resented by many from these races. Aware of this animosity, she did not stay long and floated away.

"If you're aiming to confront the Chaos Roc, this Demon Blade known as Blood Prison could prove useful. The blade is malevolent, and refining it will be quite troublesome for you. I can offer some assistance." Her voice resonated quietly within Yu Yuan's heart lake.

Yu Yuan, who had been indecisive, was swayed by her words and made up his mind. "How much for this Demon Blade?"

"Thirty thousand Spirit Jade."

The witch from the Internal Demon Clan spoke with a hint of timidity.

"That expensive?"

Yu Yuan was taken aback. His soul consciousness darted into the Universe Ring to tally his assets, only to realize that the Spirit Jade and Spirit Crystals he possessed were insufficient to purchase the Demon Blade.

Unless he considered selling other items, like pellets...

"You could take it on credit."

President Lyi's voice floated down from the seventh floor, tinged with a touch of teasing.

The artifacts displayed on the sixth floor were predominantly of Heaven Level. By the standards of the Boundless Land, they would be considered equivalent.

Outsiders referred to their most exceptional artifacts as Artifacts.

Yu Yuan wasn't particularly well-informed about them, but he was aware that two Artifacts were on display on the palace's highest floor, the seventh.

One originated from the outsiders, and the other was suitable for human cultivators.

Yet, the specifics of these Artifacts were closely guarded secrets.

Yu Yuan, not in need of artifacts, hadn't inquired further. However, observing the Luan Bird Queen's descent from the seventh floor and President Lyi's personal presence there, he surmised that the Artifacts on this level were likely extraordinary.

"I'll sell the pellets and some other items to cover the Spiritual Jade debt," Yu Yuan confirmed, addressing the witch from the Internal Demon Clan. "This long blade is now mine." As he said this, he was already reaching to claim the Demon Blade.

"Yu Yuan, you should take the entire counter with you. It has a sealing array," President Lyi added.

"Alright then."

Yu Yuan stepped forward, gesturing for Jun Chen, Lvliu, and Tianzang to give him some space. He attempted to place the Universe Ring on the Demon Blade, intending to deposit the counter into the spatial ring.

After a brief moment, his face took on a puzzled expression. "It's not working?"

"The Mustard Seed Bracelet, Universe Ring, and storage bags can only hold inanimate objects. Souls are a different matter; they're quite problematic and not so easily stored," Tianzang explained, shaking his head. "And living beings with Qi and blood? The Universe Ring likely can't contain them. You'll have to physically carry the counter and take it with you."


Yu Yuan quickly made his way to the staircase and called out loudly, "Old Cash, get up here."

"Coming right up!"

Soon after, Old Cash hurried over. Once Yu Yuan filled him in, Old Cash obligingly lifted the counter and tossed it towards his Jade Tower, transporting the Demon Blade known as 'Blood Prison' away from the sixth floor.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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