Unmatched Dominance/C1100 The Banner of Righteousness!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1100 The Banner of Righteousness!
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C1100 The Banner of Righteousness!

Everyone gathered near the Death Nest felt a tremor in their spirits upon hearing Yu Yuan's words.

Many were unaware of the bad blood between Yu Yuan and Kennard, nor did they know about the recent incident where Kennard had convinced a young Dark Elfkind girl to prematurely secure the Fire Cloud Demon Armor, an item that Ann Ziqing had her eye on. This had enraged Yu Yuan to the point where he demanded the Chamber of Commerce expel Kennard.

Out of consideration for Kennard and his father's reputation, the Chamber of Commerce kept the incident under wraps.

Only a select few were privy to the details—powerful individuals from various races who preferred not to incur the wrath of the Dark Elfkind and thus remained silent.

This led many to assume that the Dark Elfkind, represented by Kennard, had successfully acquired their desired items in the grand trade and had left ahead of the others.

By a twist of fate, they discovered the Chaos Roc unleashing havoc outside the realm and hastily retreated back to the Plover Realm.

Little did they know that the Child of Forest's departure was due to his expulsion by the Chamber of Commerce following a clash with Yu Yuan.

"I, I..."

The Child of Forest, filled with frustration, had his face swell with indignation, losing his usual handsome and dashing demeanor.

"Enough, don't say any more," Canli, the Saintess of the Bright Clan, gently persuaded him. "We rely on Yu Yuan for many things. If you truly provoke him, both the Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Soul Sect will cast you aside."

Kennard's gaze was icy as he glared at Yu Yuan's retreating figure, tempted to hurl more harsh words.

But the sight of the Demon Blade caused an inexplicable surge in his Qi and blood, and the cape he wore reacted to the external malevolent energy, suddenly erupting in a ghostly green glow.

Kennard grunted and finally fell silent, hastily composing himself.

"She won't be able to escape as long as she's in the Plover Realm and doesn't enter the Dark Domain's Frost Energy," Yu Yuan declared.

Approaching Zhou You, Yu Yuan looked down at Elena, whose eyes sparkled brilliantly. "Will you undo these golden arcs, or shall I?"

Zhou You, with a wry smile, replied, "I'll handle it."

With a flick of his whisk, a luminous ripple engulfed the golden prison like water.

The golden lightning coalesced into petals of golden lotuses, which seemed to wither and fall away to the sides.

Elena emerged from her confinement with a step and a sweet, squint-eyed smile. "Even if the Asura Clan razes the Plover Realm to the ground, and they all perish, you would remain unscathed. I'll beseech my father, the Asura King, to ensure your safety!"

"My father must have secured a promise from the chieftain for his agreement!"

She declared with confidence, her fists clenched.

"Little miss, you'd best keep quiet," Zhou You said, shaking his head, thinking to himself that she was blissfully unaware of the gravity of their situation.

"Enough," Yu Yuan interjected, equally exasperated, shooting her a warning glance to silence her.

Elena nodded, compliant and docile. "I'll heed your advice."

"Your Majesty," the guardian of the area turned his attention to Chen Qinghuang.

Prompted by his words, all eyes shifted to her.

Next to the Death Nest, the Luan Bird Queen, draped in imperial robes and crowned with a phoenix diadem, exuded an air of enigma that left her true intentions and strategies inscrutable.

"I understand what you're trying to say," Chen Qinghuang stated, her brow furrowed behind the veil, her voice commanding the same respect as the Asura King's, filled with the inherent haughtiness of someone in power. "I cannot transform this Death Nest into a Galaxy Crossing, nor can I lead the others out of here."

With a hiss, the cold mist that filled the Death Nest suddenly absorbed a massive surge of Frost Energy, crystallizing into a thin layer of ice, identical to the barrier of the Plover Realm.

Zhou You's face fell at the transformation.

Chen Qinghuang let out a melancholic sigh. "It appears that someone deliberately left a portal open so that Yu Yuan and I could return."

Zhou You, a master of spatial forces, grasped the subtext in her words, interpreting the implications of the Death Nest's metamorphosis and her statement. Before the cold mist had solidified, she could have escorted Yu Yuan back. But if the nest had already been in its current state, she would have been powerless to harness her insight to instantly traverse the galaxy with Yu Yuan by her side.

The spellcaster in the shadows had intentionally left a gateway for her and Yu Yuan—a trap now sprung. Having returned to the Plover Realm from an external galaxy as intended, the portal snapped shut behind them. Unable to convert the Death Nest into a Galaxy Crossing or break through the icy layer, she was now unable to tap into the Death Nest's concealed forces.


Fisher from the Void Spirit Succubus Clan appeared silently, like a specter, before the Death Nest. She observed Yu Yuan, who had just returned, and remarked in surprise, "You actually came back."

"Shouldn't I be able to return?" Yu Yuan was perplexed.

"You ought to be aware of what has transpired in the Plover Realm, having passed through the Death Nest, right?" Fisher turned to glance at Chen Qinghuang. "Knowing full well that the Frost Energy is creeping through the Dark Domain, why would you still bring him back?"

"Some people in this world simply do not fear death," Chen Qinghuang replied coolly.

Her tone made it clear to many that she was anything but friendly toward Fisher, the renowned elder of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan.

"Mr. Zhou, it was President Lyi who, upon learning of Yu Yuan's return, considered my suggestion and sent me here."

Fisher shifted her gaze between them, then addressed Zhou You, "I'm aware that you, Mr. Zhou, are also a master of spatial forces and possess the capability to construct the Galaxy Crossing. Yet, with external forces meddling, it must be quite challenging for you in the current state of the Plover Realm, right?"

"Don't overestimate me. I'm well aware of my limitations," Zhou You retorted with a huff.

"In that case..." Fisher drew out her words, nodding thoughtfully before continuing, "I believe I can manage it. However, I will need to borrow an item. Only with this particular object, combined with my Void Spirit Succubus lineage and the aid of my clan's artifacts, can I reopen the Galaxy Crossing within the Death Nest!"

Her declaration instantly lifted the spirits of all those who had been in despair.

All eyes were expectantly fixed on Fisher.

In that moment, Fisher seemed to radiate a brilliance that even made her student, Benin, clench her fists in admiration, thinking, "This is the worth of our clan, this is the power I strive for!"

"What do you require?" inquired Chen Qinghuang, her eyes beneath the pearl curtain twinkling with a playful glint that others failed to notice.

"In our Void Spirit Succubus Clan, it's known as the Heaven Opening Divine Stone. In your Boundless Great World, you call it the Dragon Slash Platform," Fisher explained with a smile, her gentle gaze settling on Yu Yuan. "As you are all aware, the Dragon Slash Platform rightfully belongs to the Void Spirit Succubus. It was the Divine King who took it from the Nirvana Realm."


Halfway through the conversation, Yu Yuan realized what the Elder of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan was up to.

Watching Fisher easily gain consensus with just a few words, and listening to her justification for reopening the Galaxy Crossing, Yu Yuan instinctively felt uneasy when the Dragon Slash Platform was mentioned.

Was she expecting him to surrender the Dragon Slash Platform under the guise of a noble cause?

Yu Yuan smirked and shook his head in disbelief.

"You've got it wrong. I have no intention of claiming the Dragon Slash Platform for myself," Fisher clarified, noticing his discontent and quickly trying to dispel his concerns. "I merely need to borrow it. I'm aware of what lies within the two Dragon Slash Platforms—a Tenth Level Frost Dragon's corpse, powerful enough to break the fragile ice of the Death Nest. The essence of time and space, once transformed through my bloodline, can unlock the sealed Galaxy Crossing and ensure everyone's safe passage."

She paused, then added, "And the mighty ones from the Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Soul Sect could instantly join us!"

With that, Fisher fell silent, giving Yu Yuan an expectant look, seemingly waiting for him to produce the Dragon Slash Platform and place it in her hands.

"Young human, why the hesitation? The Heaven Opening Divine Stone rightfully belongs to the Void Spirit Succubus Clan. Elder Fisher only needs it momentarily. You should bring it forth without delay!"

"Elder Fisher is acting in all our best interests!"

"Don't be unappreciative! Hand over the Heaven Opening Divine Stone, and the dire situation in the Plover Realm can be swiftly resolved!"

Members of various clans, both Eighth and Seventh Level, along with some evil cultivators unfamiliar to Yu Yuan, vocally supported Fisher, urging him to retrieve the Dragon Slash Platform and entrust it to Fisher to reactivate the Galaxy Crossing.

Libre Baskerville
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