Unmatched Dominance/C1108 Do You Think You Have the Right to Do That?(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1108 Do You Think You Have the Right to Do That?(2)
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C1108 Do You Think You Have the Right to Do That?(2)

Tianzang let out a satisfied smile, clearly pleased with the attention he had garnered, and proceeded to elaborate.

"Regrettably, Fisher believed the Dragon Slash Platform was masterless and assumed that her Void Spirit Succubus bloodline could wield this relic of her ancestors. She naively thought that Yu Yuan's fortune in obtaining the Dragon Slash Platform was due to a former servant girl and that he had never truly earned any recognition."

Tianzang's voice dripped with scorn as he directed a mocking glance at the unconscious Fisher.

"You should realize the truth by now. Your Void Spirit Succubus bloodline can only tap into a fraction of the Heaven Opening Divine Stone's power. The divine might that was later inscribed, imprinted, and sealed by that individual is beyond your reach."

"The Space-time Dragon and the Frost Dragon were only moved by Yu Yuan because he inherited the power that bound their corpses. It was only with your bloodline and the Heaven Opening Divine Stone that you were able to leverage a bit of their strength. And with the addition of the Secular Bird's nest, you managed the impressive feat of linking the Dark Domain with the Plover Realm."

"But that's as far as it goes."

Tianzang shook his head and delivered his final verdict, "Don't harbor excessive hopes for things that aren't yours. Otherwise, you invite punishment."

With a whoosh, a towering, stern-faced Platinum Asura, unadorned by any armor, stepped out of the shadows of the Death Nest and into the half-light.

At his arrival, every Asura in the Dark Domain naturally turned their gaze toward him.

Canli, Beru, and other formidable beings like Mia and Leo tensed, inhaling sharply.

The Asura, with a furrowed brow, approached the blood-soaked Fisher and uttered a silent, soft chant.

His voice, filled with a mysterious healing energy, reverberated within Fisher's body and soul, swiftly pulling her back from the brink of unconsciousness. After a few groans, her eyes fluttered open.

"Yuv Qian."

He stood above the darkness, fixing his gaze on the Ghost King seated high upon the Aura Altar. "You were meant to fight alongside us, yet you chose to bow before our greatest foe. As the most gifted among the Demonic Seed, do you not feel a shred of shame?"


Tianzang leisurely rose from his meditative pose.

His body, indistinguishable from that of a human, began to swell as he rose to his feet.

Within moments, he towered as massively as the Aura Altar itself.

His flesh was a deep cyan, with the purest streams of Yin Qi coursing through him like rivers.

The unique aura of Horror Land swirled within him, sending tremors through his being that instilled a primal fear in the few remaining Outland Devaputras.

"When I battled against the creatures of Boundless Land, you, Cindral, were still a mere child. Have you ever set foot in Boundless Land, hunted by the world's greatest cultivators and demons? When I commanded the stars, you were coddled by Sabonis, never even tasting true combat."

"Do you think I should feel shame? Do you, Cindral, even have the right to suggest it?"

"No matter how hard you try or struggle in this life, you'll only reach the power and bloodline level you have now. This is your limit, Cindral. I had already achieved it when I first entered Boundless Land. Had I not been imprisoned in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, I would have ascended to become a Great Demon God like Grec."

"Do you really believe you have the standing to be my equal and to direct me?"

His rebuke silenced the Platinum Asura who had emerged from the darkness.

The Asura, unarmored yet naturally armored with spikes, was none other than Cindral, the eldest son of Asura King Sabonis, a commander at the Peak of Ninth Level Bloodline.

Cindral was a skilled leader, yet his personal combat prowess and potential were not extraordinary.

In the Asura race, however, only the mightiest warriors earn worship and respect, and only they are deemed worthy to ascend as the Asura King.

Sabonis had long declared that his successor would be his youngest son, who died in Boundless Land at the hands of Nie Qingtian.

That son alone possessed the potential and right to challenge the Peak of Tenth Level Bloodline, destined to be the next supreme powerhouse after Sabonis.

—Not his eldest son, Cindral.

The Asura King's insights into his people's potential had never been wrong. Thus, to his clansmen, Cindral's bloodline had reached its zenith at the Peak of Ninth Level.

It was out of the question to go any further.

The issue was a deep-seated pain in his heart, yet he revered his father to his core, confident that his father was incapable of error in this regard.

After Tianzang laid bare the wound in his heart, he fell into silence.

The tempest that must have raged within him was unknowable, but his face betrayed little change. He turned to the newly awakened Fisher and asked in a grave tone, "What happened?"

The confusion in Fisher's eyes vanished in an instant, replaced by a spark of intelligence.

The Void Spirit Succubus Clan elder instinctively scanned her surroundings until her gaze settled, trembling slightly, on Yu Yuan at the edge of the Destruction Fortress.

In Yu Yuan's eyes, she saw a glow identical to that which the Heaven Opening Divine Stone beneath her feet emitted.

The faint remnants of temporal power within her conjured a succession of images, and Tianzang's recent words flooded her mind.

Time rewound briefly, and in a flash, she understood everything.

"Yu, Yu Yuan..." she finally uttered the name, her voice quivering.

Above the Destruction Fortress, the imposing figure of Yu Yuan immediately drew everyone's gaze. They also noticed Yu Yiyi, who was paying homage to him with ancient rites, behind him.

The Sky Shocking Emperor, Green Incubus, and the covertly returned Heixun wore peculiar looks.

The ritual was eerily familiar to them; they too had once knelt before the master of the bronze coffin, swearing allegiance in the same fashion.


The Dragon Slash Platform shook violently, like a frenzied dragon struggling to escape its chains.

Fisher was catapulted into the air by the platform's sudden upheaval, coughing up blood as her meridians and organs sustained varying degrees of damage.

Sinton's face turned ashen. His towering frame hurtled toward the Dragon Slash Platform like a shell fired from a cannon.

A cataclysmic force capable of rending chaos from the void erupted from the body of the Peak of Ninth Level Platinum Asura, forcing the tumultuous platform to plummet into the depths of the frigid darkness below.

The tension and gravity on Sinton's face were palpable, as if he were bracing for an epic confrontation.

The eldest son of the Asura King was acutely aware that if the Divine Stone were to leave, they could forget about engulfing the Plover Realm— they might not even be able to find their way back.

Should the link between the Plover Realm and the Dark Domain collapse, the influx of Asuras would cease.

His father, who remained vigilant in the Dark Domain, silently observing the unfolding events, wouldn't be able to reach them immediately.

Without the support of those who followed, the first arrivals would be isolated, fighting alone like lone wolves!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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