Unmatched Dominance/C1111 Golden Asura!(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1111 Golden Asura!(2)
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C1111 Golden Asura!(2)

At this moment, the fundamental laws of the Plover Realm seemed to be in the grasp of an unseen force, undergoing an enigmatic and profound transformation.

Divine weapons, armor, and all manner of artifacts that had been lost to the darkness were now being summoned back by a different set of rules, emerging one by one from the icy depths of the dark to return to their owners.

Those who had been disarmed felt an initial surge of emptiness and loss, but upon witnessing the return of their familiar armaments, they were overcome with excitement, their movements animated with joy.

A massive golden throne, intricately carved with endless mysterious patterns and entwined with countless strands of golden divine lightning, began to ascend slowly into the sky.

As the throne ascended, it burst forth with a resplendent golden radiance, like a colossal golden sun breaking free from the dark abyss.

It seemed determined to gild the mountains and rivers, transforming the entire Plover Realm into an enchanted land of molten gold and iron.

The great cultivators who had attained the Unrestrained Stage, like Lvliu, who had delved into the profound truths of the Great Law, keenly felt the shift in the world's order and structure as the throne continued its ascent.

The venerable president of the Babel Chamber of Commerce sat upon the throne, his golden eyes emitting a blinding light.

His gaze halted the encroaching, frigid darkness, which was now unable to spread further due to the influence of the Great Law.

The spreading gloom was momentarily halted, its advance stymied by the resolute presence of the golden throne and the brilliant light it cast.

The formidable beings from various races, along with human cultivators who had feared being engulfed by the darkness, found themselves able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Their nerves still rattled, they alternated their gazes between the Asura King and President Lyi.

One was the reigning patriarch of the Asura Clan, whose Golden Chariot exuded an unmatched aura of slaughter, threatening to pierce the boundaries of the Plover Realm and venture into the starry expanse of the Nine Heavens.

The other was the most visionary leader in the history of the Boundless Great World's commerce!

He was also the refiner of the first gold metal Holy Mountain in the Boundless Land, a survivor who, despite failing to ascend to the Primordial Spirit, had lived on and once again reached the Peak of the Unrestrained Stage.

Their confrontation naturally captured the attention of all onlookers.

"The Plover Realm, having been chosen by me, is subject to the laws and order I have reorganized. I can manipulate them at will," President Lyi declared with unshakable composure and a confident smile. "Even you cannot act with impunity within the Plover Realm."

"Really?" Sabonis let out a low chuckle.

In a flash, his once diminutive stature grew a hundredfold, transforming into a towering Golden Asura, forged as if from molten gold and iron. In the blink of an eye, he descended upon the Golden Chariot.

The emergence of the Golden Asura prompted all the Asura warriors from the Dark Domain to raise their arms in a resounding cheer.

Sabonis, now astride the Golden Chariot, burst forth from the shadows.

Hovering above the Death Nest, he fixed his gaze on President Lyi, seated high upon the golden throne. His eyes blazed with the ferocity of twin pools of molten gold.

"The Boundless Land has indeed birthed the first gold metal Holy Mountain, which you've fashioned into a throne. However..." Sabonis's voice trailed off, "it's unfortunate that the advancement of your Primordial Spirit has failed."

No sooner had he spoken than a myriad of golden and silver bolts of lightning surged from the darkness beneath him.

The gold and iron, refined from deep within the earth and influenced by his bloodline's power, mingled with a multitude of metals near the Nest, creating a massive vortex that devoured all the gold.

As they departed, the thousands of divine weapons—swords, armor, spears, and blades—that had just taken flight were drawn back into the abyss.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Many who had tethered their weapons with their bloodlines and soul thoughts now spat blood, collapsing with ashen faces.

Old Cash was among them.

He plopped down on the ground, and though his Yang God form spared him from hemorrhaging, he couldn't help but curse as he observed the fine cracks spiderwebbing across his chest, "Will those two ever stop? They're locked in a contest of skills and divine talents—why drag others into it?"

Yu Yuan glanced over at him and remarked, "Consider yourself fortunate."

"Without Her Majesty's protection, you would have lost more than a few copper coins. Your entire Yang God form could have been swayed by Sabonis's influence and expelled from the Destruction Fortress," added Tianzang.

Both he and Yu Yuan had noticed Chen Qinghuang's vigilance and readiness as the copper coins departed.

When President Lyi unveiled the Golden Throne and challenged the Asura King, Chen Qinghuang was already aware that the situation was far from simple.

The Destruction Fortress had been covertly reinforced by her, shielding it from Sabonis and the Golden Chariot, thus drawing the second wave of entanglement.

"Is the Divine Soul Sect aiming to secure a divine seat for President Lyi?" Chen Qinghuang slowly began to piece things together. "Are they planning to use the death of Asura King Sabonis to forge a path to divinity for him? President Lyi lacks the bloodline of other races and was born in the Boundless Land. He shouldn't be able to circumvent the divine seat rules of the Boundless Land. What makes the Divine Soul Sect think they can do this?"

Tianzang remained silent. He was simply following orders and didn't have a deep understanding of the Divine King, leaving him unable to provide an answer.

Rip! Rip! Puff! Puff!

Simultaneously, massive blood-red beams pierced through Zhongli's colossal form. The Ancient Desolate Sect leader, whose presence seemed to warp the fabric of time and space, whose fists bore the potential to crush all life, expanded and contracted his form. It swelled to immense proportions only to shrink down to the size of a mustard seed, enduring a cycle of growth and constriction to counter a fearsome onslaught.

The creature that had stood a mere ten meters tall now towered at a hundred meters, its eyes ablaze with a thick crimson glow.

A sea of blood materialized before him, a torrent of potent blood essence from beyond the heavens, infusing the giant spirit demon with boundless power.


Zhongli, diminutive as a grain of dust, bellowed from another dimension, then burst forth from the layers of distorted space.

His towering dharma, momentarily dispersed, revealed his true form.

He bared his teeth at the giant spirit demon, now reduced to his size, and challenged, "So you finally dare to face me?"

Outside, the blood sea that once enveloped the sky and could enshroud the Plover Realm had diminished by a third.

The vanished sea of blood had naturally been absorbed by the giant spirit demon, transforming into the might of the Great Demon God Grec.

Yet, with the blood sea still present, he could reclaim the power infused into the giant spirit demon at any moment, returning to the outer world to vanish once more.

"Now that Sabonis's true form has fully arrived, I must demonstrate my earnestness," Grec, inhabiting the giant spirit demon, said with a smirk to the Asura King aboard the Golden Chariot. "I'll bolster your forces. Go ahead and unleash your full might."

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