Unmatched Dominance/C1113 Please Take a Seat!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1113 Please Take a Seat!!
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C1113 Please Take a Seat!!

The immense throne beneath President Lyi crackled as it bore the brunt of Sabonis's formidable powers. Golden lightning, entwining the throne, writhed like serpentine dragons of gold, unable to withstand the collision with the steel pillars and disintegrating into a shower of golden dust.

Boom! Boom!

Pillars forged from gold, silver, iron, and copper, infused with Sabonis's boundless life force, were masterfully manipulated by the Asura King. Their unyielding aura of destruction seemed capable of piercing through the fabric of space, reducing all in their path to rubble.

The inhabitants of the Plover Realm watched in awe, their hearts quaking as they beheld the massive pillars and sensed the fearsome power they contained.

The Asura King, seated upon his Golden Chariot, pointed to the heavens with one hand before pressing both hands towards the earth, and with a forceful lift, the landscape transformed. With thunderous roars, mountains and rivers rose as if crafted by divine hands from scattered stones, soaring to towering heights in mere moments.

These new peaks, like sharp spears thrusting into the firmament, gleamed with a cold, metallic sheen.

Sabonis seemed to hold the very laws of the realm in his grasp, molding them to his will. President Lyi's careful plans were thrown into disarray as the terrain heaved upward in tumultuous upheaval.

The golden throne, once encircled by divine lightning, now rocked violently, buffeted by the relentless steel pillars, threatening to carry President Lyi beyond the Plover Realm and deep into the Outland Star River.


With a voice that could deafen the gods, Jun Chen, manifesting his colossal form, uttered a single word laden with infinite mystery. Far across the cosmos, stars trembled, and gold metal veins appeared to refine instantaneously into the purest streams of gold metal. Jun Chen, wielding his celestial might, drew this essence directly into the uncontrollable golden throne, now on the verge of breaching the realm's barrier.

Observers caught a glimpse of starlight beneath the throne before a surge of gold metal materialized, not only steadying the throne's tremors but also imbuing President Lyi with newfound divine strength.

Rising from his seat, President Lyi spread his arms wide, as if to embrace the universe itself. The boundless power of gold metal flowed from the throne into his body, transforming him into a figure as resplendent as the Asura King Sabonis—cast in gold and ascending in might. In this moment, President Lyi revealed his towering, majestic form.

His form was not that of a human, but rather a range of Holy Mountains that seemed to pierce the infinite Outland Star River!

An endless chain of mountains housed unimaginable peaks, rich with scarce metals like gold, iron, copper, and silver. Nearby, stars twinkled, casting a radiant glow.

The essence of gold metal seemed to emanate from the mountain range, deeply rooted in the starry river's depths!

Triggered by Sabonis's power, the mountains that had emerged in the Plover Realm suddenly collapsed, sending massive boulders tumbling into the darkness below Sabonis.

In that instant, the air was filled with the curses of many Asura warriors.

"President Lyi and Jun Chen's collaboration is truly unparalleled. Moreover, they had already laid their plans in the Oblivion Starfield in secret, willing to sacrifice the annihilation of numerous stars there to stand against Sabonis and Grec," the Initial Spirit Ghost King mused, shaking his head.

His eerie eyes flickered towards Heixun, Green Incubus, Sky Shocking Emperor, and the others who had quietly arrived.

He then looked at Tianzang, positioned at the center of the Aura Altar, and wondered whether the four powerhouses of the Divine Soul Sect encircling the Destruction Fortress were there to guard the Luan Bird Queen or Yu Yuan, to prevent Yu Yuan from being accidentally slain in this divine war.

The darkness relentlessly ravaged the remaining regions of the Plover Realm.

When Asura King Sabonis launched his assault on President Lyi aboard the Golden Chariot, the pervasive chilling darkness began to spread anew.

Tribesmen, human cultivators, and great demons continued to battle Yin Corpses and mutated monsters in the increasingly narrow rocky valleys.

Those of lesser bloodlines and status were mostly ground down by the Yin Corpses and mutated monsters.

Asura from the Dark Domain would occasionally launch surprise attacks on Ninth Level bloodline leaders like Beru and Mia, not necessarily to kill them outright but to render them helpless.

Gradually, only one-sixth of the territory remained untouched by the encroaching darkness.

President Lyi and Asura King Sabonis were locked in combat, while Jun Chen, master of the celestial sphere, engaged with a third of the Great Demon God Grec, their Spiritual Spells, blood techniques, and Dao Laws clashing mightily.

Jun Chen, drawing upon the energies of the Oblivion Starfield, astonishingly matched Grec in combat.

At least on the surface, he wasn't losing ground.

Regardless of the outcome, this premier guest of the Babel Chamber of Commerce was destined to become renowned across the vast galaxy. The name Jun Chen would soon be recognized by all races.

After all, his adversary was the Great Demon God Grec. Even if he faced only a third of Grec's power, Jun Chen's ability to withstand it was a source of pride.

"Yu Yuan."

Tianzang suddenly chuckled softly.

Yu Yuan, who had been observing the situation from the edge of the Destruction Fortress for quite some time, turned to him with a frown. "What's on your mind now?"

In that moment, Chen Qinghuang also glanced at Heixun, the Green Incubus, and the Sky Shocking Emperor, pondering their motives.

She understood that the four powerhouses of the Divine Soul Sect had come near the Destruction Fortress either for her or for Yu Yuan.

So far, she had shown no hostility towards the Divine Soul Sect or the Chamber of Commerce.

"Have you still not sensed the aura of the Divine Sword?"

Tianzang's smile was easygoing. As he spoke, he gestured towards the shadowy depths of the Death Nest. "Given that the Plover Realm is connected to the Dark Domain, and that Frost Energy from the Dark Domain can seep in, shouldn't you be trying to locate the Divine Sword?"

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

He then covertly connected with the sword soul within his arm bone, attempting to locate the Divine Sword as Tianzang had suggested.

After a short while, he shook his head and reported, "The boundless darkness swallows everything. My perception and soul awareness, including that of the sword soul, can't pierce through the darkness."


Tianzang nodded with a smile. "Your current level is still somewhat insufficient. Plus, you've abandoned that shortcut, so..."

He looked down at the diverse group of beings and cultivators locked in fierce combat with the Yin Corpses and mutated monsters in a valley below.

"That's why someone has prepared something for you in advance."

No sooner had he spoken than a series of crackling noises erupted from the earth deep within the valley, as if an object long sealed had its bindings slashed apart.

Yu Yuan was jolted.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed upon the valley, his lips quivering slightly. "How, how can this be?"

The Soul Transformation Pool, emanating dark soul energy, emerged from beneath the valley, heading straight for Yu Yuan without hesitation.

The sword marks on the walls of the Soul Transformation Pool, once erased, were now clearly visible again.

"Please, take a seat!" Tianzang, Heixun, Green Incubus, and Sky Shocking Emperor called out in unison.

The four powerhouses of the Divine Soul Sect positioned themselves at the corners of the Soul Transformation Pool. Tianzang, along with the Aura Altar, shrank down, bowing slightly in a gesture of welcome, just like the other three.

At that moment, everyone from Chen Qinghuang, Ann Ziqing, Luo Yue, and the rest within the Destruction Fortress to the clanspeople below, including Zhongli, Shen Feiqing, Death Crane, Xi Quan, and even Beru and Leo, were astounded, their gazes fixed on the anomaly above.

Their shock was palpable as the Soul Transformation Pool burst forth, their eyes tracking its every move.

Many had witnessed the wonders of the Soul Transformation Pool in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area with their own eyes.

They remembered it vanishing into the Realm passageway, its walls polished to a mirror sheen, devoid of the once deep sword marks.

Its sudden reappearance in the Plover Realm, with the sword marks so pronounced, had already taken them by surprise.

As the Soul Transformation Pool made its way toward Yu Yuan, and the four stalwarts of the Divine Soul Sect took their places at its edges, the shock intensified.

They all speculated about what would happen next.

Then, they witnessed the four experts of the Divine Soul Sect simultaneously and respectfully inviting Yu Yuan to be seated.

Every sentient being in the Plover Realm was profoundly moved, their attention riveted on the Soul Transformation Pool and Yu Yuan.

Even the Asura King Sabonis, the Great Demon God Grec, and President Lyi and Jun Chen, amidst their divine battle, found their ferocity tempered as they too diverted their attention to the Soul Transformation Pool.

Yu Yuan, the focus of everyone's attention, was momentarily taken aback. He stared at the familiar pool, momentarily unsure of how to proceed.

Heixun, the Green Incubus, and the Sky Shocking Emperor all bowed their heads in silence.

Tianzang, previously jovial, now adopted a grave demeanor and said, "With the sword mark engraved on the pool's edge, along with the sword sheath and sword soul, complemented by your own strength, you should be able to detect the location of the Divine Sword. You can then summon it from the depths of the Dark Domain into the Plover Realm."

"The Optimus Sword!"

"Nie Qingtian's Divine Sword!"

"The Divine Soul Sect is actually scheming to seize that lost Divine Sword! The Optimus Sword is hidden in the depths of the Dark Domain!"

The news sent shockwaves through the crowd!

Survivors from various races, as well as Asuras from the Dark Domain, and even Zhongli and Lvliu, were visibly shaken.

In that moment, Yu Yuan gave a slight nod and strode forward, descending into the Soul Transformation Pool like a Divine King taking his throne.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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