Unmatched Dominance/C1115 The Complete Great Demon God!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1115 The Complete Great Demon God!
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C1115 The Complete Great Demon God!

After Sabonis uttered his words with seething anger, all the Asura hidden within the shadows of the Dark Domain charged forth with unwavering resolve. In the frigid darkness, the Asura warriors' strength was amplified, while the combat abilities of warriors from other clans were diminished.

Initially, Sabonis's plan was simple: spread the darkness across the entire Plover Realm. Once the realm's skies and earth were fully engulfed in shadow, the Asura could effortlessly dispatch all foes with minimal casualties on their side. However, the situation had changed. Sensing the Dark Domain's anomalies and the Divine Sword's resistance, coupled with Yu Yuan's powerful strike that cleaved through the darkness and exposed the Death Nest, Sabonis detected an ominous blend of conspiracy and peril. He could no longer afford to worry about the lives of his subordinates.

His command to lay waste to the Plover Realm prompted every Asura lurking in the darkness to emerge. As the clansmen witnessed hundreds of Asura forming ranks and stepping out from the shadows, they realized that these warriors were Sabonis's elite forces—his personal guard and the iron-blooded soldiers who had stood by him through countless battles.

"Kill!" The Asura warriors bellowed in unison, their collective fury unleashing a torrent of destruction that shook the now confined rocky expanse of the Plover Realm.

Simultaneously, the mutated monsters and Yin Corpses, acting on orders from the Great Demon God Grec and the Yin Corpse King, descended into madness.

"Protect the Saint!" The armored warriors of the Bright Clan formed a protective circle around Canli, fearlessly confronting the relentless onslaught of mutated monsters and Yin Corpses.

The Eighth Level Bright Clan members would, from time to time, detonate like blazing suns. Their self-sacrifice created a dazzling ring of light that obliterated the encroaching hordes of mutated monsters and Yin Corpses, leaving nothing but dust in its wake.

A Ninth Level warrior, clad in gleaming silver armor and wielding a battle axe, knelt before Canli. Beams of light erupted from within him, disintegrating any approaching mutated monsters into a mist of blood before they could draw near.

The kneeling warrior slowly transformed into a radiant beacon of light. Canli stood behind him, gently resting her left palm on the crown of his head. With her eyes softly closed, Canli tapped into the wondrous power of the Life Altar within her, drawing upon the Ninth Level warrior's energy to unleash the Bright Clan's earth-shattering bloodline powers.

"Let there be light upon the earth!"

Dazzling orbs of light, imbued with sanctity and brilliance, burst forth from the kneeling Ninth Level warrior, cleansing the land of all filth and darkness.

Scores of radiant sources, sprawling over ten acres, rolled into the depths of the Dark Domain.

Where these lights touched, darkness was vanquished, neutralized, and purified.

The Asura King, Sabonis, who was being intercepted by Zhongli, Lvliu, and Beru, let out a contemptuous snort, his expression growing even more severe.

"Curtain of the Cosmos!"

Leo, of the Star Race, possessing only an Eighth Level bloodline, sat down in silence and began to chant inaudibly.

His cape rose gently into the air, unfolding gracefully.

Adorned with clusters of nebulae, the cape seemed to contain innumerable twinkling stars. At that moment, it unleashed a mysterious and pure starlight, forcibly drawing the power of the stars from the Oblivion Starfield into this realm through the Life Altar within him.

Beneath the barrier of the Plover Realm, the firmament suddenly sparkled with countless tiny lights.

These glimmers, flashing and connecting, resembled a miniature representation of the Outland Star River.

Jun Chen, locked in combat with the Great Demon God Grec and manifesting a colossal Dharma body, was on the verge of mental collapse due to the overwhelming surge of Qi and blood. Suddenly, his soul's clarity was restored. He saw a resplendent galaxy, reduced by billions in size, materializing around him.

The reserves of star energy within his acupoints were swiftly replenished.

His combat strength surged dramatically as a result.

"Leo, Child of the Stars!"

Jun Chen inhaled deeply, gazing at Leo, now as insignificant in size as a mustard seed, and reflected on the marvels surrounding his birth and the many legends about him. He whispered in awe, "Truly, he is the favored child of the cosmos, the darling of the infinite starry heavens. The innate altar he possesses is indeed infinitely resourceful."

As he mused, his towering Dharma figure performed a gesture as if to embrace the heavens and the earth.

A vast expanse of the starry river, with millions of stars following precise trajectories, formed before his chest.

The mutated monster, inhabited by the Great Demon God Grec, was instantly engulfed. Within the celestial river at his chest, it was ground as if by a divine millstone.

The third-generation Titan, who had once reached the Tenth Level, was instantly reduced to a bloody pulp with shattered bones.

Crack crack!

Amidst the chilling sound of bones splintering, the giant spirit, which had grown a thousand-zhang tall from a third of the Great Demon God's power infusion, was gruesomely ground to bits.

Within the dazzling star river, nothing remained but a swath of blood, and despite Jun Chen's best efforts, there was no sign of it dissipating.

That was the true quintessence of the Great Demon God Grec's blood.

Outside the realm.

The Chaos Roc, having revealed its true form, gazed coldly at the blood-red sea with its unique eyes, forged from the essence of the sun and the moon.

In its crimson and pearlescent pupils, curiosity and anticipation were rife.

"Why haven't you entered yet?"

The voice of the Chaos Roc echoed slowly across the starry expanse outside the Plover Realm, then dispersed, reverberating throughout the Oblivion Starfield so that all the formidable creatures within could hear it clearly.

It was addressing the blood-red ocean.

The snort of the Great Demon God Grec emanated from the blood-colored sea beyond the realm, echoing within the realm and within the radiant star river cradled in Jun Chen's chest.

Then, the blood-red sea outside the realm vanished abruptly.

Inside the realm, the blood-red torrent before Jun Chen's chest surged, exuding the scent of raw flesh and blood.

It seemed as though the very lifeblood of the Life Race was churning within the blood-red sea, bubbling furiously, as if capable of birthing entirely new beings.

It could also dissolve existing, inferior, and unsuitable species.

The blood-red sea within the starry river convulsed violently, unleashing tsunami-like waves of blood that reduced countless shattered stars to dust and sparkles.

Jun Chen's peak strike, the most powerful divine technique he had mastered, further amplified by Leo, the "Child of the Stars," was obliterated in an instant by the complete descent of the Great Demon God Grec.

Numerous beams of blood light burst forth from Jun Chen's thousand-zhang dharma idol, sending him reeling through the void, tumbling toward a darkened region of the Plover Realm.

Canli, sensing danger, intensified the potency of her Bloodline Secret Technique.

In front of her, the Bright Clan warrior knelt on one knee, his face beneath the mask streaming with blood, yet she remained indifferent, relentlessly extracting the last vestiges of his strength.

Streams of light burst forth from the warrior's body, cascading down to where Jun Chen's colossal dharma form had made its thunderous landing. The influx of light banished the darkness, enabling Jun Chen, who had been sprawled across the earth, shattering several small hills, to swiftly acclimate and rise to his feet once more.

Jun Chen, now standing, was engulfed in shadows from the waist down. Nonetheless, he quickly regained his composure, his gaze fixed on the blood-red sea in the heavens above as it contracted and refined, slowly taking on the true physical form of the Great Demon God, Grec.


"Grec has fully arrived, wielding his complete power!"

"Jun Chen has provoked his wrath!"

The few surviving members of the alien races gazed skyward, witnessing the transformation of the blood-colored sea. They inhaled deeply, a mix of fear and awe filling them. To witness the Asura King and Grec reveal their true forms and exert their full might, even if it meant meeting their end in the Plover Realm, left them without regrets. For most would never behold such a sight in their lifetimes.

"Exercise utmost caution!" Tianzang, addressing Yu Yuan, who harbored a trace of dissatisfaction towards him, managed a strained smile and said, "You are of the Divine Soul Sect. How could I possibly wish you harm?"

Yu Yuan, his expression icy, remained silent. The unfolding situation had taken everyone by surprise, and he could not ascertain the true intentions or desires of the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce. Perhaps the Optimus Sword was merely one objective. But what about the others?

"Those who were meant to arrive have nearly all done so. Given the Chaos Roc's notorious timidity, it's highly unlikely to join the Asura King and Grec in their frenzy," Chen Qinghuang said with a derisive, light laugh, her exquisite face barely visible beneath her beaded curtain as she mocked the Chaos Roc's fearfulness.

Her words immediately drew everyone's attention. Yet, when they turned to look, they were astonished to discover she had vanished from the Destruction Fortress without a trace. Yu Yuan, along with the others, instinctively began to search for her.

To their surprise, they found her, without any prior indication, standing aloft above the Death Nest.

"Chen Qinghuang!"

Libre Baskerville
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