Unmatched Dominance/C1117 Who Wants to Borrow the Sword?
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Unmatched Dominance/C1117 Who Wants to Borrow the Sword?
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C1117 Who Wants to Borrow the Sword?

The Luan Bird Queen stood resolutely before the Death Nest, unflinching in the face of Sabonis's rage and President Lyi's rebukes. She was utterly fearless.

It seemed that no entity within the Eon Realm could pose a threat to her or instill fear in her heart.

Neither the Asura King nor the Great Demon God Grec could sway her will or alter her decisions.

She had returned the Dragon Slash Platform to Yu Yuan, shattered the Frost Well in the Dark Domain, and severed the passageway connecting it to the rest of the realm. Now, the Death Nest was once again under her dominion.

Flowers of death thrived at the nest's edge, their deadly power rippling outward.

The absolute cold of the darkness was dissolved by the force of death and was slowly being driven away.

The Luan Bird Queen's dharma, with three heads and six arms, hovered above the nest, immovable.

The forces of death, destruction, and rebirth entwined around the dharma's three aspects, stirring emotions in Sabonis, President Lyi, Jun Chen, and the Great Demon God Grec.

The presence emanating from within the Death Nest was formidable and demanded respect.

They all had an intuition that if Chen Qinghuang sensed danger, she could vanish from the Plover Realm and the Oblivion Starfield in an instant, reappearing within the vastness of the Starfield's Death Nest.

No one, no being, could prevent her departure.

The barriers of the Plover Realm posed little challenge to her at this moment.

"The Secular Bird left behind three Divine Paths, and you've managed to grasp them to such an extent," Sabonis remarked, his golden form standing on his chariot, level with Chen Qinghuang's visage of death.

The Asura King, observing the darkness being consumed by the power of death, grew increasingly irritable.

He was acutely aware that Chen Qinghuang had collapsed the tunnel linking the Dark Domain with the Plover Realm.

The Asura army, previously poised for both offense and defense, now found their retreat cut off by Chen Qinghuang's actions.

No further influx of Dark Domain Frost Energy would enter the Plover Realm, thwarting his plan to engulf the realm and effortlessly vanquish all adversaries.

Even if the Divine King were to descend, he would fear nothing should the Dark Domain Frost Energy inundate the entire Plover Realm.

Sabonis's brow furrowed as he scrutinized the new developments before him, his golden eyes sparking with myriad currents of electricity.

"Chen Qinghuang, you've thwarted my grand scheme!"

President Lyi, seated upon his golden throne, darkened with fury, held her accountable.

With the passage between the Dark Domain and the Plover Realm shattered, the Optimus Sword, lost in the frigid darkness, could not be summoned back through the tunnel by Yu Yuan, despite the combined powers of the Dragon Slash Platform, the Soul Transformation Pool, and the Evil Cauldron.

Thus, the intricate plans of both the Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Soul Sect were foiled.

The Optimus Sword, enshrouded in the enigmatic Dark Domain, was under the constant vigilance of Sabonis, the Asura King. Who could possibly extract the Optimus Sword from the clutches of Sabonis?

Even Nie Qingtian, in his prime, might not have possessed such strength!

It was a challenge to coax the Asura King from the Dark Domain, and after meticulous preparations, to allow the sword soul to enter and subtly guide the Optimus Sword. Who could have predicted that Chen Qinghuang would intervene and throw the Divine Soul Sect and the Chamber of Commerce's plans into disarray?

"It's not entirely a disaster."

The Luan Bird Queen, facing the golden throne, spoke with detached composure, "Look, the Asura King won't be able to return to the Dark Domain anytime soon. Meanwhile, the sword soul has merged with the Divine Sword. With its newfound wisdom and spirit, it can break free from the Dark Domain during his absence."

"The Optimus Sword is destined to break through the Dark Domain's barrier and re-enter the Outer Star River."

Her gaze, from beneath the beaded curtain, seemed to drift towards Yu Yuan and the sword sheath he held.

"The sword soul recognizes Yu Yuan and can sense the sheath's location. After the Divine Sword departs the Dark Domain, it will embark on an odyssey through the Outer Star River, and one day, it will find its way to Yu Yuan."

"Only then might Yu Yuan truly possess the power to wield the Divine Sword."

"Not as it stands now."

Upon hearing her words, President Lyi and Tianzang, the Ghost King, displayed a flicker of discomfort.


Tianzang licked the corner of his mouth, his gaze intensifying upon the Luan Bird Queen, as if he were on the verge of speaking yet restrained himself.

"I am aware that someone desires to wield the sword," Chen Qinghuang's voice resonated softly, "They wish to use the Divine Sword to decisively quell the turmoil. But that individual is neither the rightful master of the Divine Sword nor its destined successor."

She scoffed and said, "If the sword were to return and first fall into Yu Yuan's hands, I might refrain from destroying it. Alas, Yu Yuan has yet to break through to the Unrestrained Stage and thus lacks the power to fully wield the sword."


Turning to Yu Yuan, she continued, "Let's wait a bit longer. Ultimately, it belongs to you. Once it breaks free from the seal of the Dark Domain, it may take some time to find you. But that's preferable to you venturing into the Dark Domain to retrieve it yourself. Regardless of your realm, the moment you set foot in the Dark Domain, Sabonis will sense you and instantly obliterate you."

With that, she grasped the aspect of death and addressed Sabonis, "Right?"

The Asura King remained silent.

"Someone wishes to borrow the sword..."

As she finished, Yu Yuan's heart stirred. Who could possibly master this Divine Sword and bring an end to this cataclysmic upheaval?

"Chaos Roc, how much longer will you watch?"

Out of nowhere, the Great Demon God Greco sneered menacingly from beyond the realm, "If you refuse to enter, don't blame me for being merciless and crushing your two pawns."

The words sent a shiver down the battered Lim Zhuyun, engulfed in darkness.

In the Soul Transformation Pool, Yu Yuan gripped the sword sheath in one hand and the Dragon Slash Platform in the other. But the Life Altar, influenced by Greco's power, spun wildly beyond his control, making him feel as though his world of blood and Qi was on the brink of collapse.

His chest was suddenly riddled with numerous fine cuts, all due to the violent outpouring of his blood and Qi.

Tianzang, Heixun, Green Incubus, and the Sky Shocking Emperor were powerless to assist, clueless as to how to mitigate the anomaly within him.


Enshrouded in a cloud of blood mist, Lim Zhuyun slowly levitated into view.

This woman, entangled in a complex web of debts and enmity with Yu Yuan, was in dire straits. The extent of her fractured bones and ruptured veins was unknown. She was barely clinging to life, as if she might perish at any moment.

"It's better for them to die than for me," a hoarse and low voice echoed from beyond the Plover Realm, originating from the Chaos Roc. Its words were crystal clear to all who were present.

"I've never seen a Starry Behemoth as cowardly as you," the Asura King retorted with a cold snort.

"That's precisely why I'm still alive. What about the Titan Spinosaurus, older and mightier than I? Didn't he perish after being ambushed and severely wounded by his own kind?"

"The Void Spirit Succubus thought she was invincible, that piercing through the void made her untouchable. Look where that got her."

"The Secular Bird believed in her eternal rebirth. Where is she now?"

"Even the Deep Sea Basilisk had to flee to the most secluded corners of the Outland Star River to survive for eons in solitude."

The Chaos Roc's voice dripped with scorn and derision.

"Though I've been confined to the vast expanse for many years, I've always lived, right at the heart of the Central World. As for you two brutes, I've encountered my share of Asura Kings and Chiefs of the Blood Devil Clan. I've even been on good terms with a few, far better than with either of you."

"And what of it?"

"Your predecessors also reached the Tenth Level bloodline, only to meet their demise."

"It's only me, always me!"

The voice of the Chaos Roc grew deeper, more ethereal, as if distancing itself from the Plover Realm.

Experts at the Peak of the Unrestrained Stage could sense the Starry Behemoth deliberately increasing the gap, as if fearing something.

Indeed, in the Outland Star River, the Chaos Roc was moving further away from the Plover Realm.

He had also abandoned any intention of consuming the Plover Realm in his original Starry Behemoth form.

Instead, he rapidly contracted, taking on the guise of a gaunt old man, vanishing from the Outland Star River and reappearing on the meteoric land where the Yin Corpse King resided.


The Yin Corpse King stood behind him, a picture of deference, his eyes brimming with genuine reverence.

The Chaos Roc squinted, a deep furrow etching his brow as he let out a heavy sigh. "I knew this would happen."

"What?" The Yin Corpse King exclaimed in astonishment.

"Take another look at the realm wall," instructed the Chaos Roc.

Focusing intently, the Yin Corpse King channeled his soul thoughts and pure Yin energy into his gaze. After a moment, he inhaled sharply, his expression mirroring the Chaos Roc's in its bitter resignation.

Libre Baskerville
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