Unmatched Dominance/C1118 Like a Coffin Cover!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1118 Like a Coffin Cover!
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C1118 Like a Coffin Cover!

The Plover Realm, shaped like a goose egg, was encircled by walls as white and cold as frosted jade, with a penetrating icy sheen.

Suddenly, the frosty walls were etched with dense, mysterious inscriptions.

These dark green glyphs, minuscule as swarms of flies, spread across the Realm's walls, transforming the once luminescent barriers into a matching dark green hue.

The inscriptions writhed like living entities, relentlessly erasing the mark left by Asura King Sabonis.

The Yin Corpse King observed intently until the walls of the Plover Realm had entirely taken on a bronze tint.

"Doesn't it resemble a coffin lid?"

The Chaos Roc, now in human form, spoke with an air of levity, tinged with mockery. Yet the Yin Corpse King, well-acquainted with him, sensed his foul mood.

"It does," the Yin Corpse King replied with a rueful nod, adding, "I believe I've encountered these inscriptions before."

"In the vast expanses of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Devaputra Green Incubus once forged a monument into its demonic form," the Chaos Roc explained nonchalantly, divulging the secret, "Eventually, Green Incubus surrendered to that entity, and the bronze monument it had crafted was duly surrendered as well."

The revelation visibly startled the Yin Corpse King.

Narrowing its eyes, the Chaos Roc murmured, "When I witnessed Asura King and Grec collaborate to ambush the stationed powers and Grec seized the chance to infiltrate the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, causing chaos, I foresaw this outcome."

The Yin Corpse King, subdued by the Chaos Roc from the Boundless Great World, listened with rapt attention.

"You truly don't understand the Divine Soul Sect, nor the nature of its members," the Chaos Roc said with a sly chuckle. "Not just you, but Sabonis and Grec are also largely ignorant about the Sect. After all, the Divine Kings dominated the Eon Realm long before Sabonis and Grec came into being."

"These two, having never encountered the Divine Soul Sect, are unaware of the grave offense they've committed and the bloody reprisal that awaits them. By daring to disrupt the Sect's grand scheme in the Delude Devil Abyss and venturing into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area to slaughter, Greco and Sabonis have sealed their fate to be meticulously retaliated against by the Divine Soul Sect."

The Divine Soul Sect is making a comeback to assert their dominance and remind the Hundred Clans of the Eon Realm of their formidable reputation. Naturally, they need to take action.

There was a brief pause.

The Chaos Roc inhaled sharply, shaking his head in relief. "Thank goodness I understand them, and Taishi!"

Within the Plover Realm's inner world, Yu Yuan gazed upward in astonishment. The sky was filled with densely packed blue and black inscriptions that had overtaken the realm's barrier, erasing the remnants of Sabonis's Frost Energy.

The familiar inscriptions instantly brought back memories of his time in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

The image of the Green Incubus, Sky Shocking Emperor, and White Ghost shattering the seal of the Boundless Great World and bursting into the vast Eon Realm was imprinted deep within his soul.

Before departing the Boundless Great World, the Great Demon God had left him a message.

He had urged Yu Yuan to cherish his life and expressed hope that he would achieve his desires in this lifetime, promising that they would meet again.

As the inscriptions reappeared, the Life Altar within him reverted to its original state.

The Great Demon God within him, Grec, now seemed constrained by the new laws of this world, unable to exert any influence over him.

What President Lyi and Jun Chen could not accomplish was effortlessly achieved by the Great Demon God.

Such is the disparity between the Peak of the Unrestrained Stage and a Divine King!

Each Divine King is a pinnacle Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator, and the chasm between the Unrestrained Stage and the Primordial Spirit Stage is vast and unbridgeable.

"Could it be him?"

Yu Yuan turned his gaze toward Tianzang, the Green Incubus, and the Sky Shocking Emperor.

Each person he looked at gave a subtle nod.


The Asura King Sabonis and the Great Demon God Grec watched as the realm's barrier transformed into a bronze lid that enveloped the Plover Realm, their faces turning pale.

President Lyi sat with a grave and composed demeanor.

Jun Chen, the first guest, observed the realm's barrier teeming with inscriptions and glanced at President Lyi. With his suspicions confirmed, he felt a sense of relief.

Chen Qinghuang, within the Death Nest, reverted to her normal size.

She was still dressed in her imperial dragon robe and crown, no longer bearing the towering visage of three heads and six arms.

She seemed to understand that once he had intervened, there was no need for her to take any further action. Whether it was the encroaching darkness or any other lurking powers, they were all bound to be scattered.

Yu Yuan turned to Tianzang and asked, "Is it he who seeks to borrow the sword?"

"What else could it be?"

Tianzang huffed and shot Chen Qinghuang a displeased look. "With him wielding the sword, the Asura King, Grec, and even the Chaos Roc would undoubtedly perish. Now that the sword hasn't been returned, it's likely that only the Asura King or Grec will meet their end. It's somewhat regrettable, though."

"Only one will die?" Yu Yuan was taken aback.

Peak experts like Sabonis and Grec, comparable to a Primordial Spirit or a Demon God in the human realm, would not easily fall, not even over centuries or millennia.

Yet, from Tianzang's demeanor, it was clear that one of them was fated to die!

Could it be that after escaping the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and surging through the Boundless Land, he had been deemed by the five greatest powers as the most formidable Evil Demon in the Boundless Great World?

"Primordial Divine King!"

Beru, Zhongli, Lvliu, and other formidable beings gasped in awe as they scoured their surroundings.

Yet, they detected no anomalies.

Yu Yuan, along with all the sentient beings of this realm, continued their vigilant search, eager to discover the whereabouts of the fabled Divine King.


The ravaged earth of the Plover Realm, scarred by brutal combat, suddenly acted like an immense black sponge, absorbing the pervasive Frost Energy that had spread across five-sixths of the territory in mere moments.

The fissured land, shattered mountains, and toppled palaces were once again bathed in light.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The earth continued to rend and crumble, revealing even more and deeper chasms.

The rumbling and roaring from beneath the surface sent shivers down the spines of all present, leaving them anxious about what might unfold.

Beneath the debris, Yu Yuan caught a glimpse of a greenish-black hue.

He smiled silently to himself.

Indeed, with the bronze monument now in sight, the coffin, which was part of the same whole, couldn't possibly be far.

Beneath the fractured earth, the immense bronze coffin, long concealed within the depths of the Plover Realm, was gradually coming into view.

He had previously encountered the massive bronze coffin in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where he had watched it ascend to the heavens and disappear into the depths of the galaxy.

Now, before him once more, the colossal bronze coffin had clandestinely claimed the subterranean world of the Plover Realm as its own, effectively becoming the realm's very foundation!

All of their activities took place atop the bronze coffin! They engaged in battles, cunning plots, and intricate schemes.

Yet, as the truth slowly came to light and it dawned on everyone that the entire situation had been under one individual's control from the start, reactions were mixed. Some were thrilled, while others were filled with trepidation.

"Taishi's bronze coffin!"

"He has always been here in the Plover Realm, hidden from view by that enigmatic coffin, which concealed all signs of his presence!"

"The whole Plover Realm is nothing but an enormous coffin, magnified countless times! We've been operating within it, constantly under his surveillance and in his grasp!"

"The Asura King, Grec, along with those mutated monsters and Yin Corpses, are nothing but a farce!"

Upon accepting the Babel Chamber of Commerce's invitation, the surviving alien races that had flooded in from across the galaxies now felt a mix of elation and underlying resentment.

They realized they were merely pawns of Taishi, bait on the hook used to ensnare the Asura King and Grec.

The frustration of being kept in the dark, manipulated like puppets, and toyed with like fools was overwhelming. They yearned to confront Taishi and demand justice.

But they lacked the courage and the audacity to do so...

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Hundreds of beams of blood-red light struck the newly inscribed realm walls, yet not one could break free.

The lights coalesced back into the form of the Great Demon God Grec, who glowered at the Plover Realm beneath him. As the giant bronze coffin emerged from the cracked earth, a somber weight filled his dark red pupils.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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