Unmatched Dominance/C1120 Three Gods Arriving at the Same Time!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1120 Three Gods Arriving at the Same Time!!
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C1120 Three Gods Arriving at the Same Time!!

Beyond the Plover Realm, in a nondescript square continent within the Oblivion Starfield, a grayish-brown mountain peak suddenly split open. Boulders tumbled down, and without warning, the land began to fracture as if on the verge of exploding. As the rocks fell away, they revealed an enormous evil statue. This statue had two faces: one exuding kindness and warmth, the other radiating a destructive fury.

The evil statue, along with the Soul Transformation Pool, had vanished into the Realm passageway, its whereabouts unknown. Now, it towered like a mountain, seemingly inhabited by living beings, emanating a powerful, bloodthirsty aura that could crush the heavens and earth. With thunderous roars, the statue stepped into the cold, dark starry river, like an ancient deity traversing layers of time and space. In just a few moments, it bridged the vast distances between the stars, shortening them by billions of miles.


In one of the seven Cold Abyss Entrances, the Frost Energy from the Oblivion Starfield condensed into a thick fog, continuing to converge upon this world and seep back into the ocean's depths. Lim Zhuyun had once used an Ice Soul Crystal to reach this deep-sea location. An abnormal disturbance stirred up a massive tsunami, shattering the thin ice on the sea's surface in an instant.


Soon after, a colossal beam of light burst forth from the depths, colliding with the starry sea beyond. Within the beam, a shadowy figure could be made out, shrouded in endless divine lightning, wielding a might that could make the gods themselves shudder.


In a place as wondrous as the Ember Waters, the Chaos Roc, taking the form of a gaunt old man, had eyes that glowed both crimson and pearly white, each reflecting a different extraordinary scene. The Yin Corpse King, standing by his side, watched as the image of the massive evil statue and the overwhelming pillar of light appeared in his eyes, his face shifting with concern.

"Master?" the Yin Corpse King asked, his voice quivering.

The Chaos Roc remained silent, using his formidable powers and innate abilities to sense the surroundings in secret. After a long pause, the visions in his eyes faded, and he drew a deep breath before sighing, "The Divine Soul Sect has outdone themselves."

"Two more?" inquired the Yin Corpse King tentatively.

The Chaos Roc nodded slightly, hesitated, and then murmured something toward the Plover Realm.

The Yin Corpse King couldn't make out the muttering.

Yet within the Plover Realm's inner world, figures of stature like President Lyi, Zhou You, and Jun Chen all heard the bargaining between him and Taishi.

"Taishi, I have to say, I'm impressed by the Divine Soul Sect's tactics and strategy. Luckily, I know you too well. My steadfast refusal to enter the Plover Realm saved me from your trap."

"Now, you're aware that nothing will stop my departure, right?"

"Hand the girl over to me, and I'll leave the Oblivion Starfield immediately. I assure you, I have no further schemes and won't harm anyone else."

"Let's agree to act as if this encounter never happened. Does that work for everyone?"


The Chaos Roc negotiated with the owner of the bronze coffin in a conciliatory tone.


Taishi's melodic voice echoed through the starry expanse beyond the Realm.

A swirl of greenish-black light morphed into an eerie flower, enveloping the fallen and ignored Lim Zhuyun, and tore through the Plover Realm's barrier.


A streak of dark green light sparkled in the starry sea outside, traversing multiple dimensions.

Soon after, the light delivered Lim Zhuyun to the island where the Chaos Roc resided, depositing her at his feet.

Lim Zhuyun, still unconscious, was infused with Ice Soul Crystals.

The gaunt Chaos Roc glanced down at her before gently placing her on a lounge chair. He then grinned towards the Plover Realm and bowed with clasped hands. "Many thanks. I'll take my leave now and look forward to our next meeting."

With those words, the massive meteorite vanished without a trace.

Shortly thereafter...


The Death Nest, encasing the Destruction Fortress and teeming with life, also pierced through the Plover Realm's barrier and emerged into the galaxy.

In that instant, the Chaos Roc and Yu Yuan inside the fortress sensed each other's presence.

Yu Yuan shifted his gaze toward a distant part of the galaxy, beyond the Plover Realm. He saw nothing, but the Dragon Slash Platform in his grasp shortened the spatial distance, allowing him to sense the Chaos Roc's watchful eye.

Yu Yuan let out a wry smile, shaking his head in bemusement.

"What's so funny?" Chen Qinghuang's face, once again obscured by the pearl curtain, inquired. "The Chaos Roc wouldn't dare touch you in the Oblivion Starfield."

"No, what amuses me is the change in the way he watches over me. Back in the Plover Realm and the Oblivion Starfield, I often felt the presence of someone lurking in the shadows, silently observing me," Yu Yuan paused, then clarified, "I had always assumed it was the Starry Behemoth. But now, I suspect it might not have been him, but rather Taishi."

"Taishi has been observing me since the very moment I set foot in the Oblivion Starfield," Yu Yuan murmured, as if lost in a trance.

A multitude of thoughts welled up within him: the immense, dormant phantom soul rooted in his core, Taishi's words, the demeanor of Tianzang and others, Yu Yiyi's piety, and the increasingly resonant sensation from the Dragon Slash Platform...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

An immense evil statue materialized out of nowhere in the icy, obscure depths of the star river.

Every non-human expert within the fortress, including Old Cash, Qi Yunhong, and Lulu, gasped at the sight of the statue, recognizable to many from their encounters in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Yu Yuan himself was startled. "It's that one!"

Having entered the star river and grown exponentially in power, the evil statue approached from the direction of the fortress, seemingly on a direct course for the Plover Realm.

To the others, the statue seemed unphased, continuing its celestial glide.

Yet, when Yu Yuan's gaze fell upon it, the statue appeared to notice him amidst the crowd in the fortress, pausing ever so slightly.

In an instant, its menacing and malevolent visage rotated, revealing a benevolent and friendly countenance.

With two hands, the now dual-faced evil statue smiled towards the fortress, gently waving its arms in a warm greeting, as if to an old friend from a distance.

Then, in the next moment, the evil statue with its two contrasting faces soared off towards the Plover Realm.

The gathered experts from various races, including Hu Caiyun, Qianjie, Luo Yue, and others, stared at Yu Yuan with puzzled expressions, utterly bewildered.

"That's another Divine King from the Divine Soul Sect."

Beru of the Star Race took a long time to muster the courage to say this.

"Divine King!"

"A second Divine King!"

"Why do Taishi and this entity place such high value on Yu Yuan?"

Everyone within the Destruction Fortress was brimming with astonishment and suspicion, all pondering what it was about Yu Yuan that earned him the Divine Soul Sect's unwavering trust from start to finish.

Clear-minded individuals like Hu Caiyun and Mia also sensed that Taishi refrained from acting against Chen Qinghuang, allowing her to guide everyone out of the Plover Realm, seemingly out of respect for Yu Yuan.

But what gave Yu Yuan such immense clout?

Was it because in his past life he was Hong Qi of the Medicine God Sect, a Divine Level alchemist?

When the Divine Soul Sect sent ripples through the heavens and made the myriad star clans shudder, the Medicine God Sect didn't even exist, did it? A Divine King like Taishi couldn't possibly recognize Hong Qi from a new era.

The mystery confounded everyone.

"What does the Divine Soul Sect see in you, Yu Yuan?"

Peach Madam couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. She scrutinized Yu Yuan, looking him up and down as if trying to see through his brow and delve into his Consciousness Little World to uncover the hidden truth.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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