Unmatched Dominance/C1125 The Artifact Entered the Body
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Unmatched Dominance/C1125 The Artifact Entered the Body
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C1125 The Artifact Entered the Body

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A robust heartbeat emanated from the Dragon Slash Platform concealed within Yu Yuan's sleeve, causing a slight shudder to pass through his frame.

His complexion turned noticeably unnatural as a wisp of his soul consciousness slipped into the inner world of the Dragon Slash Platform, where he could see the Tenth Level Space-time Dragon and the Frost Dragon's fragmented remains quivering.

How could the corpses of two Tenth Level Dragon Gods, buried within the Dragon Slash Platform for untold years, suddenly exhibit such anomalies?

It seemed as though a force, awakening from billions of miles away, was drawing the dragon corpses within the Dragon Slash Platform. The soulless remains yearned to break free from this realm and gravitate towards the slowly intensifying power.

This was the second time Yu Yuan had perceived that peculiar heartbeat, and he could only hazily conclude that it originated from the Plover Realm.

Only because he wielded the Dragon Slash Platform was he able to detect it; no one else present had any inkling.

Chen Qinghuang's suspicion was piqued by his odd behavior. The empress's enigmatic gaze briefly met his, and though she remained silent, her eyes conveyed volumes.

"On the journey here, I first sensed a heartbeat from the Plover Realm. This was the second occurrence," Yu Yuan explained with composure.

"Is it possible that the dragon corpses within the Dragon Slash Platform have been infused with an unusual power?" Chen Qinghuang asked, her lips curving into a look of surprise.

Yu Yuan gave a slow nod in affirmation.

A contemplative look crossed Chen Qinghuang's ethereal visage. "Divine items like the Dragon Slash Platform are likely too challenging to store in the Universe Ring. You shouldn't display it openly. Consider dedicating one of the many acupoints you've created within your body specifically for the Dragon Slash Platform. My recommendation is the Godly Fault Acupoint."

She then turned her attention to the center of Yu Yuan's chest, "The Demon Blade could be placed within the Tan Zhong Acupoint."

Yu Yuan, taken aback, questioned, "Is that necessary?"

"Absolutely, it's essential!" Tan Junshan affirmed with vigorous nods. "Forget the Dragon Slash Platform; even the Evil Cauldron and Blood Prison would be easily detected by those with ill intentions if left exposed. Since you've already refined them and they carry your essence, you can house them in the acupoints you've opened, just like the Evil Cauldron."

"Let's wait for one more person. Meanwhile, let's explore the wonders of this realm," Svale of the Mondnacht Clan said, transforming into a brilliant beam of moonlight. Without further conversation, she headed towards a distant, gaping canyon.

Tan Junshan clutched the silver fork, letting out a low chuckle as he casually swept his hand across the ground. The earth abruptly tore open, and he vanished into the rift with a swift flash.

The Luan Bird Queen squinted her eyes, gazing at the Death Nest that emanated an aura of mortality. Under her watchful eye, the massive Death Nest began to shrink slowly. Within a matter of moments, the nest condensed to the size of a fingernail and vanished into the secret acupoint nestled between her lower and middle dantians. "This nest's location is too conspicuous, making it easily noticeable," she remarked.


A small black and purple cat darted out of the Evil Cauldron, affectionately nuzzling Yu Yiyi's feet. "Nether Cat!" Yu Yuan exclaimed softly, taken aback by the sight.

The Nether Cat, once among the mightiest Twelve Evil Demons and brought by the Thunder Sect as a bargaining chip for Qi Yunhong's freedom, was not to be underestimated, despite its severe injuries. Moreover, after taking residence in the Evil Cauldron, it had ascended from the eighth to the ninth echelon, thanks to the nurturing by the lower-ranking Evil Demons.

It was now second only to the Ice Concubine. How long had it taken for the Ice Concubine to reach the ninth echelon? The Nether Cat had managed to climb to the same rank in just half a year, positioning itself right behind the Ice Concubine.

The malevolent and savage glint in the Nether Cat's eyes made Yu Yuan furrow his brow. Only Yu Yiyi, who had materialized her form, seemed capable of calming it, coaxing it to willingly come closer.

In that moment, Yu Yiyi crouched down, cradling the Nether Cat in her arms. She gently stroked its soft fur, whispering a few words before letting it go, saying, "Off you go."

Instantly, the Nether Cat transformed into a streak of black lightning, burrowing deep into the earth and vanishing without a trace.

Crack! Crack!

Soon after, a series of explosive sounds echoed from the ground below. It was unclear whether it was the result of Tan Junshan's havoc or the Nether Cat's frenzied dash.

Yu Yiyi and the Ice Concubine stood shoulder to shoulder, glancing at Chen Qinghuang before Yu Yiyi addressed Yu Yuan, "Considering this involves the body of a Demon God and it's a sealed area by the Great Demon God Greco, Master, you should exercise extreme caution. Be wary of being ensnared in someone else's schemes, lest you end up unwittingly serving their cause and footing the bill."

Yu Yuan chuckled at her warning.

Chen Qinghuang, with an impassive face, seemed utterly indifferent to Yu Yiyi's hostility. She simply stated, "Do your best to incorporate the Dragon Slash Platform and the Demon Blade Blood Prison into the newly opened acupoints."

With those words, she vanished without leaving behind the slightest trace of her presence or soul.

"Master, she and Tan Junshan have been conspiring for a long time, keeping their plans hidden without sharing anything with us beforehand. We must be vigilant," Yu Yiyi said, her lips pursed and her head bowed. "Back in the Plover Realm, had she not intervened and destroyed the passageway to the Dark Domain, the Divine Sword would have been reclaimed."

"Had Lord Taishi wielded the Divine Sword, he could have quelled that calamity much sooner."

"Master, you belong to the Divine Soul Sect, always have. Her actions have inadvertently undermined the Sect's interests. She's only been spared because of her value and her apparent connection to you, which is why Lord Taishi has not pressed the issue. Nonetheless, we must remain cautious of her ulterior motives."

Yu Yiyi was judicious with her words, mindful of Yu Yuan's feelings as she spoke ill of Chen Qinghuang.

With most of her memory restored, Yu Yiyi understood that she was inherently a servant of the Dragon Slash and a part of the Divine Soul Sect. It was only natural for her to prioritize the Sect's welfare.

She harbored a deep-seated dislike for Chen Qinghuang, who had thwarted Taishi and President Lyi's plans and impeded the return of the Optimus Sword.

"I'll be careful," Yu Yuan assured her, his expression unaltered.

He covertly watched the cauldron soul, sensing that the once constrained and deferential spirit had undergone some self-reflection. Gradually, it was returning to the Yu Yiyi he knew well, not the one who had knelt in the Destruction Fortress, too afraid to even breathe.

Yu Yiyi had become more comfortable to be around, and I had grown more accustomed to his presence.

Ignoring Chen Qinghuang, Tan Junshan, and Svale, who were busy with their own tasks, I focused on my own endeavor under the vigilant protection of Yu Yiyi and the Ice Concubine. I attempted to position the Demon Blade Blood Prison and the Dragon Slash Platform within various acupoints.

To my surprise, the task presented no challenge whatsoever.

The Shen Que acupoint, located at my lower abdomen, had been opened by the essence of the Yin Sunflower and the rich Qi and blood. Being in close proximity to the Yellow Court Little World of the lower dantian, it was enveloped in a mist of spiritual energy.

With a whoosh, the elongated, grayish-white Dragon Slash Platform arrived in this miniature realm, connecting the middle dantian's Xuanmen to the Yellow Court Little World below. This caused an influx of spiritual mist and pure Qi and blood, imbued with the force of creation, to permeate the platform.

Startled, Yu Yuan, I hastily concentrated, fearing some unforeseen complication might arise.

After observing for some time, I noticed that the spiritual energy and Qi and blood from both the lower and middle dantians were merely caressing the Dragon Slash Platform. My own power and essence were permeating the platform in such a way, suggesting a method of nurturing the artifact to achieve a deeper synergy.

Placing the Demon Blade Blood Prison in the Tan Zhong acupoint proved even more seamless. The moment the long blade entered, it established a delicate link with the Qi and blood microcosm.

The crimson Life Altar spun quietly, seemingly exerting a daunting influence over the multitude of blood souls within the Demon Blade.

I, Yu Yuan, had the impression that if I were to cast the Demon Blade into the Life Altar and set my mind to refining it, the seven clusters of blood souls within the blade, along with all the blood-hued glimmers, would be completely consumed by the altar.

The altar, forged by the Giant Beast Amber from the Starry Behemoth, inherently surpassed the Demon Blade in power.

Having expanded over the years and assimilated the blood essence of various powerful beings, as well as the hearts and bones of great demons, this extraordinary altar had become infinitely resourceful, far beyond the capacity of the blood souls within the Demon Blade to withstand.

After the Dragon Slash Platform and the Demon Blade settled into distinct acupoints, Yu Yuan took some time to contemplate.

That day, out of nowhere, a chilling moon emerged.

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes to observe it closely, a cold smile slowly spreading across his lips.

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