Unmatched Dominance/C1127 Moon Armor
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Unmatched Dominance/C1127 Moon Armor
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C1127 Moon Armor

The Ice Concubine, her body as translucent as white jade, spoke of Yuefei with a grave and wary expression.

She solemnly cautioned, "Yuefei was once the most promising candidate of the Moon Demon Clan to ascend to the Great Demon God. She and the entire clan nearly perished at the hands of Nie Qingtian. And since you are her inheritor, Master, she will stop at nothing to ensure your demise."


The Ice Concubine's icy gaze dropped to the earth beneath her, as if her eyes could pierce through the veils of time to witness bygone eras.

"The ancient Moon Demon Clan had the ability to split their Devil Soul, seeking out more suitable hosts. Tan Junshan and Svale are prime vessels for such possession, far surpassing Calves in their capacity to carry the Devil Soul."

"Based on my understanding of her, should Tan Junshan and Svale suffer grave injuries, she will immediately fragment her Devil Soul to take control of them. Should she succeed, her power would surge dramatically."

She paused briefly before continuing.

"In the past, the Mondnacht Clan was nothing more than cattle to the Moon Demon, bred and kept like puppets. A powerful Moon Demon could divide their Devil Soul among several bodies. The death of one body and its Devil Soul hardly scratches their true essence—they are, in essence, beings with multiple lives. And Yuefei, the most gifted among them, is notoriously cruel and cunning."

The Ice Concubine, born of the Freezing Devaputra, appeared to loathe Yuefei of the Moon Demon Clan.

She explained that the ancient Moon Demons were considered outcasts and heretics among the Outland Devaputra, disliked by the traditional Devaputra. Thus, when Nie Qingtian stormed into Moon Demon territory, decimating many of their souls, numerous powerful Devaputra nearby turned a blind eye.

Yu Yuan listened in silence before finally remarking, "So there's more to the story."

"The Moon Demon Clan's predicament within the Devaputra Race is akin to the Blood God Cult's status in the Boundless Land," added the Ice Concubine.

Yu Yuan grasped the full meaning behind her comparison.

"Beneath us, the ground may hold the essence of souls within the seal of the Moon Armor."

Yu Yiyi gently caressed the Nether Cat's sleek fur, her form blending into the heart of the Evil Cauldron. She beckoned to the Ice Concubine, who joined her inside, before advising, "Master, we must tread carefully. Should Grec or any elders of the Blood Devil Clan have left contingencies, we must avoid needless confrontation."

She gazed toward the direction of the Realm, where the White Ghost of the Earth Demon had been. "We need to make our way to the Realm with the Galaxy Crossing and rendezvous with the members of the Divine Soul Sect and the Chamber of Commerce," she said.

"Mm," Yu Yuan nodded in agreement.

He then waited in silence for Chen Qinghuang to lead the others in deciphering the so-called Moon Armor.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Yu Yiyi released a series of weak, nonsentient Evil Demons that followed the underground fissures, acting as her eyes. They relayed the unfolding scenes back to her and Yu Yuan.

Through this, Yu Yuan observed the emergence of mysterious chunks of silver-like gold metal deep within the earth. The white metal pieces, adorned with natural demonic patterns, emitted a faint moonlight glow, radiating a cool, pure lunar energy.

Although Chen Qinghuang was nowhere to be seen, Yu Yuan spotted Tan Junshan, Svale, Lee Yupan, and Yuefei in various locations beneath the surface.

Svale employed her bloodline's secret arts, placing her hands upon the Moon Armor and absorbing the lunar energy into her palms.

Tan Junshan, on the other hand, conjured palm-sized crescent moons with his exquisite and arcane Spiritual Spells, arranging them into a formation to capture the Moon Armor's lunar energy. He also sought to discern whether the natural demonic patterns held any hidden mystical powers.

In contrast to Svale and Tan Junshan, the Silvermoon Queen, Lee Yupan, struggled to absorb energy from the Moon Armor efficiently. She seemed unable to find an effective method, and neither her Spiritual Spells nor her bloodline talents allowed her to extract the coveted power from the Moon Armor. Instead, her own power and the essence of her Mondnacht Clan bloodline were being siphoned into the silver-white stones by the Moon Armor.

At a moment of impasse for Lee Yupan, Yuefei approached and murmured something to her. The Silvermoon Queen's eyes slowly turned a silvery white, and she began to emanate a chilling, inhuman aura.

She abandoned the spiritual energy system of the human race and the Mondnacht Clan's bloodline talents, no longer seeking to draw the refined lunar energy from the Moon Armor. It appeared as though she had tapped into the ancient and secretive divine powers of the Moon Demon Clan.

Her Yin God merged with the Yang God's form, resulting in a crystalline body as pure as white jade, which then approached the Moon Armor.

This embodiment of the Yang God swiftly harnessed the power contained within the Moon Armor, employing the ancient and nearly forgotten Moon Refining Art of the Moon Demon Clan.

Before long, her gains had eclipsed those of Tan Junshan and Svale.


Tan Junshan, who had been summoning cold moons in a peculiar array to harness moon energy, took note of the Silvermoon Queen's unusual method.

He turned with astonishment and asked, "Svale, her method of drawing moon energy isn't a bloodline power of the Mondnacht Clan, is it?"

"No, it's the Moon Refining Art, a technique almost lost to the ancient Moon Demon Clan," Svale replied, her brow furrowed in a mix of concern and envy. "The myriad of secret arts passed down from the ancient Moon Demon Clan are indeed enigmatic. Much of the Mondnacht Clan's mastery over moon energy was inspired by them."

"Don't give yourself too much credit," Yuefei interjected with a cold sneer. "To put it accurately, it was when we subjugated your Mondnacht ancestors that we imparted some techniques for harnessing power from the moon. Over time, these secret arts became ingrained in your bloodlines, and you began to claim them as your own."

Svale's frown deepened upon hearing this, yet she offered no rebuttal.

She was aware of Yuefei's prestigious past within the Moon Demon Clan and was uncertain whether her claims were true or false.

"She speaks the truth."

The revelation came from the Ice Concubine within the Evil Cauldron.

This transformed Devaputra, observing from below through the eyes of the Evil Cauldron, shared insights with Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi, revealing the truth of the situation.

"The Mondnacht Clan's current array of innate abilities and secret techniques all stem from the legacy of the ancient Moon Demon Clan. With the decline of the Moon Demons, they began to depend on the Mondnacht for survival, who in turn fully embraced the Moon Demons' powers, including their sophisticated techniques and knowledge of moon energy."

Ice Concubine offered her analysis, "The Moon Demon Clan naturally held dominion over the Mondnacht. Had the Moon Sect Master not ascended to godhood, I would fear that a formidable being like Yuefei could single-handedly overturn the entire Mondnacht Clan, reasserting the ancient Moon Demons' supremacy over them."

Yu Yiyi remarked, "When a high-level intelligent race gives birth to a Tenth Level bloodline expert, the very bloodline traits of that race are transformed. The enigmatic Moon Sect Master has significantly advanced the bloodline mysteries of the Mondnacht Clan. Her presence has revolutionized the Mondnacht Clan; she's truly a creator of miracles."

Yu Yuan was astounded as he listened. Although he had yet to meet the mixed-blood leader of the Silver Moon Sect, her profound impact on him had already instilled a deep sense of admiration.

Moments later, he perceived an unusual disturbance from the Demon Blade that had settled into his acupoint.

With a mere thought, the Demon Blade soared from his Tanzhong acupoint and settled into his palm.

As he used the Life Altar to contain the Demon Blade, he projected a wisp of his soul consciousness and instantly observed a massive blood soul within the blade, wildly pulsating and morphing into a vague simian form.

"Heaven Shaking Blade!"

Yu Yuan was taken aback. The original wielder of this Demon Blade was the Ninth Level Heaven Shaking Blade from the Demon Palace. This colossal ape had perished, consumed by the Blood Prison, and turned into a blood soul. Why was it exhibiting such abnormal behavior now?

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