Unmatched Dominance/C1131 Blood Seeped into the Armor
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Unmatched Dominance/C1131 Blood Seeped into the Armor
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C1131 Blood Seeped into the Armor

Yu Yuan's demeanor abruptly became grave. The crimson threads of blood hurtling toward them set off tremors within the Life Altar inside him, as if the altar sought to burst forth uncontrollably. Narrowing his eyes, he reached out with his soul and life force to perceive the threat.

The blood threads, in a blink, appeared to swell in size by dozens of times, teeming with countless minuscule specks of bloodlight and blood crystals, intricately branded with the essence of various bloodlines. He detected the distinct scents of the Bright Clan, the Asura, and a host of other extraordinary entities.

Each thread was a tapestry of life, carrying the scents of dozens, if not hundreds, of different creatures' flesh. In the vast cosmos, only the Great Demon God, born with a singular Life Altar, was capable of such a feat.

Yu Yuan's face contorted with alarm. His knowledge of Grec, coupled with his harrowing experiences in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, left him acutely aware of Grec's dreadfulness. The seemingly delicate blood threads transformed before his eyes into lethal weapons.

"It's Grec's scent," Chen Qinghuang murmured, her own expression shifting as her pupils turned a dense, ashen white, exuding an intense aura of death.

With a swift motion, she confronted the oncoming blood threads. Her hands wove into a symbol of demise, sending forth a wave of peculiar light ripples that engulfed the advancing threads.

The grey-white light shimmered, its ripples eroding the intricacies hidden within the blood threads. The force of death swiftly overpowered the refined bloodlight, scattering the blood's essence into disarray.

"Don't resort to Blood Prison, and secure the Dragon Slash Platform!" Chen Qinghuang's voice rang out, a clear caution to Yu Yuan.

Grasping the Dragon Slash Platform and on the verge of invoking the Demon Blade, Yu Yuan heeded her warning and regained his composure. He decisively altered his course of action, refraining from summoning the Demon Blade and instead concealing the Dragon Slash Platform within his acupoint.

"Since we face the Great Demon God Grec..." The sheath of the Optimus Sword materialized from the Universe Ring. Seizing it, he saw three scarlet blood threads closing in like spectral shadows. Without hesitation, he countered with the Fallen Moon Slash.

Scarlet sword beams streaked out one after another, striking the crimson bloodlines with precision. The fierce sword intent within the beams, with the force that could tear the heavens, instantly reduced the bloodlines to mere specks of light.

With a whoosh, the Life Altar, which Yu Yuan had grown impatient with, burst forth from within him, transforming into a spinning vortex of blood that eagerly absorbed all the light emanating from Grec.

As the light settled onto the altar, it was like a nourishing rain from the heavens, swiftly revitalizing the Life Altar. Yu Yuan watched in amazement as the specks of light solidified into tiny blood crystals before bursting apart. The intricate essence of various creatures' bloodlines then dispersed into his Life Altar, patching and filling it.

A surge of wild joy overwhelmed him. The Great Demon God Grec's Life Altar, much like his own, had also amassed the essence of different races' blood to draw strength. By understanding the mysteries within other races' blood, it could enhance its own power.

The true Grec, now ensnared in the Plover Realm, was in dire straits. The power he had left in this realm, along with his residual will and blood, was engaged in a resurrection ritual. While Grec's lingering force could autonomously strike at invaders, it was considerably weaker. Once vanquished, it could be consumed and refined by Yu Yuan's Life Altar, aiding in the transformation of his altar.

"Grec's remaining essence of flesh and blood cannot be refined by the Demon Blade Blood Prison," Chen Qinghuang observed. She gestured to Yu Yuan as he absorbed the blood light with his Life Altar, signaling him to approach. Pointing to the ashen ripples of death and the light that had also become blood crystals, she advised, "Keep it from the Dragon Slash Platform as well."

Understanding her intent, Yu Yuan once again departed from the Evil Cauldron. With his Life Altar floating before him, he moved to Chen Qinghuang's side to collect the blood crystals.

The moment the blood crystals touched the Life Altar, the profound essence of even more races' blood was imprinted upon the altar. The crimson altar grew increasingly translucent, hinting at an imminent evolution.

"These blood rays and crystals embody the profound truths Grec discerned from the blood of various races. Refine them with your Life Altar. Once the altar undergoes its transformation, immerse your Heavenly Soul within it. Comprehend it with your heart, allowing the Heavenly Soul to perfectly harmonize and adapt. It will then become the vessel for the Heavenly Soul."

Chen Qinghuang cleared up his confusion.

She spoke with clarity and conviction about refining the body of the Yang God, as if she had personally experienced it.

Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled with understanding as he realized that the Luan Bird Queen had summoned him to harvest the blood essence left behind by Grec.

He could palpably sense how the blood essence from the Blood Devil Clan's Patriarch genuinely aided the transformation of his Life Altar.

Excitedly, he turned his attention to the others who had also been struck by the blood rays, and he was taken aback.

Svale, the elder of the Mondnacht Clan, Silvermoon Queen Lee Yupan, and Yuefei of the Moon Demon Clan were all shrouded in silvery-white armor that seemed to be tailor-made for their figures.

"Moon Armor?"

Yu Yuan was astonished, then noticed subtle bloodlines in Svale's eyes—the same kind that had attacked him and Chen Qinghuang.

The slender bloodlines appeared to be corroding Svale's will, gnawing at her soul, attempting to possess her.

Svale's face was etched with agony as she hovered, trembling with fear and helplessness, struggling against the bloodlines in her eyes, fighting to maintain her lucidity.

Yet, Yu Yuan suspected she might not last much longer, as she was up against the remnants of the Great Demon God Grec's power, which had already penetrated her flesh and soul.

"The moon energy we've absorbed is laced with Grec's hidden power; all the Moon Armor is imbued with his essence!" Tan Junshan's "crescent moon" artifact was engulfed in a misty blood haze, transforming the once silver crescent into a blood moon.

He wasn't harnessing the Moon Armor's power with his own physique but through the artifact.

Thus, it was the crescent-shaped artifacts that were tainted by Grec's will and blood energy, not his own body and spirit.

However, Svale, Lee Yupan, and Yuefei weren't so fortunate.

Besides Svale, the blood rays in the eyes of Lee Yupan and Yuefei were becoming increasingly pronounced.

They had realized they were permeated with Grec's power even before Tan Junshan had spoken, and they had already begun to actively dissolve and refine it.

"The blood rays and blood crystals you desire are now within their bodies and those artifacts."

Chen Qinghuang's demeanor grew icy, her pupils emanating a dense aura of death. Her gaze upon Svale, Lee Yupan, and Yuefei was as if she were looking at mere objects, devoid of life.

"If they cannot muster the strength to escape Grec's influence and purge his blood's essence from within themselves, then we have no choice but to eliminate them. It's to prevent them from falling under Grec's thrall, becoming his Blood Slaves, and turning against us."

Her statement came across as an undeniable truth.

Svale, Lee Yupan, and Yuefei, already suffering from the encroaching taint of Grec's residual power, winced at her words, their agony deepening.

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