Unmatched Dominance/C1133 Fusion of Righteousness and Evil
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Unmatched Dominance/C1133 Fusion of Righteousness and Evil
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C1133 Fusion of Righteousness and Evil

Chen Qinghuang hovered above the Titan Spinosaurus egg, suspended in mid-air.

The forces of death, destruction, and rebirth coalesced into divine beams of order that swirled around her.

Even without revealing her grand and mystical dharma form, the Luan Bird Queen exuded a presence so vast and profound that a single glance would make one feel as if they were in the presence of a deity.


She unleashed the Death Nest once more, transforming it into a pair of ashen wings that materialized behind her.

The death energy that flowed from these wings seamlessly blended with the aura of death she was emanating.

In that moment, she embodied the essence of a death goddess, having achieved a formidable new level of power.

The remnants of Grec's resurrection ritual did not cause her any apprehension.

Yet, upon suspecting Cao Yi's presence, and realizing he had arrived before them, the Luan Bird Queen exercised extraordinary caution.

Her actions spoke volumes of the high regard she held for the Profound Sky Sect's prodigy.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan's Yin God had converged with the Evil Cauldron, alongside the cauldron soul, Yu Yiyi. Together, they gazed down upon the massive egg from above.

From their vantage point, they could discern a shadowy blood figure darting within the fissures of the egg.

Yu Yuan quickly confirmed Chen Qinghuang's assessment to be accurate.

It was indeed Cao Yi, the one who had slain Ann Jieshan and mastered the sinister doctrines of the Blood God Cult, integrating them with the Spiritual Spells and secret arts of the Profound Sky Sect.

"The Great Demon God Grec once sought to incubate the Titan Spinosaurus egg, using the Tenth Level Demon God body of the Moon Swallowing Ape to gradually nurture it," Chen Qinghuang explained, her voice as detached as ever, beside the Evil Cauldron.

"The hatching of a Starry Behemoth is a lengthy process, not a matter of days, but spanning centuries, even millennia. The mysterious heart, connected by a network of blood vessels to the chest cavity of the Moon Swallowing Ape, refined the residual blood energy of the Tenth Level Great Demon God."

"This refined energy is then channeled into the egg above, fostering the growth of the nascent Titan Spinosaurus within."

Greco found himself in a dire situation within the Plover Realm and was forced to use the residual power within his heart to resurrect himself. Consequently, he ceased the incubation of a young Starry Behemoth and instead used a secretive ceremony to draw energy from the dragon egg," the Luan Bird Queen explained.

"Svale is done for," Tan Junshan sighed softly, observing the elder of the Mondnacht Clan whose eyes glowed red and whose face and neck were gradually covered with blood-colored secret tattoos. "She's bound to become a Blood Slave."

"With Cao Yi here, even if she's turned into a Blood Slave, we won't be her main target," Chen Qinghuang remarked coldly, casting a glance at Svale and noting the blood traces in her eyes. "She'll be compelled by Greco's lingering will to seek out Cao Yi at the shattered dragon egg first."

The Life Altar, suspended in Yu Yuan's chest cavity, had already dissolved and refined the chunks of blood essence previously tossed to it by Chen Qinghuang. With a mere thought, the altar repositioned itself within the Qi and Blood Mystic Technique of his chest.

His true form ascended towards the heavens, converging with the Yin God.

By now, he had largely figured out the situation. He surmised that the shrewd talent from the Profound Sky Sect, aware that the Great Demon God Greco was ensnared in the Plover Realm, had seized the opportunity to infiltrate the sacred ground of the Blood Devil Clan.

Cao Yi, seizing the moment and guessing Greco wouldn't return, must have been thrilled upon discovering the Spinosaurus Dragon Egg. He wasted no time in cracking open the shell and employed the secret arts of the Blood God Cult to assimilate the essence of the nascent Starry Behemoth to empower himself.

Meanwhile, Greco, anticipating disaster in the Plover Realm, might have already resorted to a hidden technique to initiate his resurrection ceremony.

With the commencement of the ceremony, the hatching project for the Starry Behemoth was abandoned.

Greco intended not only to reclaim the energy invested in the Starry Behemoth's incubation but also to incorporate the potentially undeveloped creature into his resurrection ritual.

With this approach, he could ensure his battle strength after revival.

He could bide his time until the turmoil in the Plover Realm subsided. Then, with his newly revived body and form, he could stealthily re-enter the Oblivion Starfield, erasing its memories and inheritance. By reclaiming the remnants of his will and gathering more strength, he could once again reach his peak.

Yu Yuan reflected briefly and discerned the truth.

Cao Yi aimed to first refine the essence of the young beast to secure greater gains.

The revival ritual for Grec necessitated the full power of the young beast, hence their battle had commenced prior to their arrival.


As Yu Yuan's true form lunged toward the Evil Cauldron, Svale, the elder of the Mondnacht Clan, with eyes ablaze with crimson light, unleashed a torrent of lunar energy. True to expectations, she targeted the fissured dragon egg, intent on eliminating Cao Yi within.

This time, the eerie heart below ceased its earth-shattering pulsations.

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

Svale's lithe figure wedged into the largest crack of the dragon egg, and Moon Blades materialized in an instant, striking the Titan spinosaurus' shell and igniting a shower of sparks.

Yet, the shell remained unbroken.

"This shell is so remarkably tough; it seems it could be forged into a divine weapon."

Yu Yuan's true form descended into the Evil Cauldron, and the Yin God retreated to the Consciousness Little World between his brows. Peering downward, he sensed a response from the Life Altar within him after processing Grec's blood essence and pulverizing the blood glow and blood crystals.

Threads of blood energy, rich with the essence of life, wove into his bones and sinews, integrating with his internal organs.

Suddenly, his consciousness wavered, and he glimpsed a series of hazy images.

He faintly saw another Grec, beardless and noticeably younger, standing atop a colossal, vibrant heart.

The heart in the vision was not the one beneath the dragon egg. It was larger, and the demonic energy and life force it harbored were staggeringly powerful.

The youthful Grec, employing the Blood Devil Clan's secret arts, was refining the pulsating heart.

Using his newfound power, he challenged the position of the Great Demon God.

Years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

Now a middle-aged man with a thick beard, Grec had achieved the status of Great Demon God. With an additional heart and a purple-golden egg in tow, he returned to this hidden sanctuary. There, he employed secret arts to extract strands of bloody light from within himself, weaving them into a blood-red lattice across the chest cavity of the Moon Swallowing Ape.

The moment the crimson lattice touched down, it began siphoning the creature's nutrients.

The heart, significantly smaller and more withered than the one in the initial scene, was placed upon the lattice, followed by the purple-golden egg resting atop the heart.

Grec proceeded with numerous preparations, creating an oddity resembling a blood-colored crystal, which he inserted into the heart.

This was the resurrection ritual he had prepared for himself.

Fleeting images followed, showing Grec's repeated visits to the forbidden area.

Sometimes he paused to delve into the intricacies of blood, other times to recuperate from injuries, or to bring exquisitely beautiful women from various tribes for his indulgence.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Lost in contemplation, Yu Yuan was jolted back to reality as the blood shadow within the egg and Svale, now a Blood Slave under Grec's control, engaged in combat.

Subsequently, Yu Yuan watched as Lee Yupan rocketed skyward, hurling chunks of crimson blood crystals in his direction.

As Yu Yuan reactivated the Life Altar, an overwhelming force of suction burst forth from the eggshell, latching onto the altar and dragging it toward the egg.

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