Unmatched Dominance/C1134 The Humiliation Was Very Big
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Unmatched Dominance/C1134 The Humiliation Was Very Big
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C1134 The Humiliation Was Very Big

Crimson blood crystals scattered in the direction of the purple-gold dragon egg by sheer coincidence.

Each blood crystal concealed the essence of the Great Demon God Grec, refining the exquisite blood of mighty beings from various races.

These blood crystals were immensely beneficial to Yu Yuan's Life Altar. Without a second thought, fearing the scattered crystals would go to waste, he swiftly summoned the altar to gather them.

Unexpectedly, a bizarre force erupted from the shattered dragon egg!

The altar trembled fiercely, pulled by the power within the eggshell, and began to sink slowly.

"Cao Yi!"

Yu Yuan's expression shifted dramatically, instantly realizing something was amiss. He quickly focused his mind and soul, attempting to use the Qi and blood connection between himself and the Life Altar to reel in this peculiar artifact back to the Xuan Men acupoint.

With a ripping sound, the blood crystals transformed into crimson lightning, several times finer than a hair, slicing through the hidden Qi and blood link to the Life Altar in an instant.

For a moment, Yu Yuan was completely severed from the Life Altar.

A chill rose in Yu Yuan's heart as he turned his gaze to Lee Yupan.

He recognized that the situation had shifted; the blood crystals morphing into dark lightning and attacking was not within the capabilities of Lee Yupan or the ancient Moon Demon.

Only Grec could achieve such a feat!

At that moment, Lee Yupan's eyes were eerily white, one radiating a sinister dark red glow. Her facial expressions fluctuated wildly, oscillating between manic terror and a chilling, emotionless calm.

Enveloped in a radiant silver light, she advanced step by step towards the purple-gold dragon egg.

With each step, the air cracked as if unable to withstand her dreadful might, threatening to burst apart.


Yu Yuan's heart pounded with shock. He could not fathom that Lee Yupan, who had not yet reached the Unrestrained Stage, possessed such formidable pressure that it could nearly shatter the very fabric of space.

Even after Yuefei had lost Calves' physique and merged with Lee Yupan's soul, she should not have attained such power!


Sensing the gravity of the situation, Yu Yuan pointed towards the Life Altar, which vibrated intensely in the void, yet continued its slow descent.

His true form remained still as Yu Yiyi, cradling the Nether Cat, manipulated the Evil Cauldron and in an instant, enveloped herself with the Life Altar that belonged to her. She intended to reclaim the altar and return it to Yu Yuan.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The heartbeat capable of shattering the cosmos resounded once more from beneath the dragon egg.

Yu Yiyi let out a stifled groan, instantly wounded. With a hardened expression, she cast aside the Nether Cat and invoked a secret spell, transforming the Evil Cauldron, which had once quaked the Boundless Land, into an entirely different manifestation.

The cauldron abruptly contracted, forming into an ancient suit of armor adorned with intricate Demonic Markings.

Enveloped in the armor forged from the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yiyi was covered head to toe. The Demonic Markings squirmed as the wails and shrieks of countless Evil Demons rent the heavens asunder.

Clad in the eerie armor, Yu Yiyi's movements were fluid and graceful, as though she had transformed into someone else entirely.

A crystalline spike swiftly took shape in her palm. With a light huff, she brandished the gleaming spike, tracing patterns through the air.

As the spike carved its path, a frigid flame ignited, and the icy energy from the Cold Abyss began to radiate outward.

The blood-red crystals hurled by "Lee Yupan," which had solidified into dark lightning, became momentarily encased in ice due to the Frost Energy.

This included Yu Yuan's Life Altar, which was slowly descending, now submerged in a chilling, dense fog.

From the purple-gold dragon egg below, a force that had been exerting its pull on the Life Altar ceased as Yu Yiyi slashed through the air with her icy spike, severing the unseen tether.

The link between Yu Yuan and the Life Altar was abruptly reestablished. With a mere flicker of his intent, the altar soared towards him.

Yu Yiyi swung the icy spike once more, transforming the dark lightning into strands of ice.

These strands, drawn by her power, actively sought out Yu Yuan's Life Altar. The altar, in a vortex of blood-red, ground them down, extracting their sanguine essence.

"She may have been overtaken by the Moon Demon or perhaps Grick's will has seized her mind. Either way, she's no longer the empress we knew."

Yu Yiyi, gripping the icy spike, stood poised above the fissured dragon egg. The cacophony of demonic wails emanating from her armor withstood the dreadful pulsations emanating from beneath the egg.

She tilted her head back slightly, casting a glance towards Chen Qinghuang above her, and said, "Cao Yi, keep a close watch."

Chen Qinghuang, reminiscent of a death goddess, saw her ashen wings expand several times over without her noticing. Her brows furrowed slightly, seemingly startled by Yu Yiyi's actions. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded and agreed, "Alright."

Yu Yuan, the master of the situation, was also taken aback.

Yu Yiyi held an icicle in her hand that appeared familiar to him. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it seemed to have been crafted by the Ice Concubine. Could the most formidable Evil Demon, having reached the tenth level, transform into her weapon in a crucial moment? And could the Evil Cauldron morph into her protective armor shield at will?

Yu Yuan gave it another look and detected the scents of the Dark Demon, Rend Armor, Yellow Light Demon, and other Evil Demons emanating from the pitch-black armor. This indicated that all the mighty Evil Demons could be assimilated into the armor, becoming a part of Yu Yiyi's arsenal, ready to be wielded at her discretion.

With a resounding crack, a massive ice blade chopped down upon the soaring "Moon Swallowing Ape," sending the empress of the Silvermoon Empire tumbling back to the midsection of the Moon Swallowing Ape.

Yu Yiyi, brandishing the icicle, had the Nether Cat perched on her left shoulder. The creature's eyes blazed with twin orbs of ghostly fire, fixated on the eyes of "Lee Yupan."

As "Lee Yupan" regained her composure and dissipated the chilling force of the ice blade, her own eyes suddenly mirrored the Nether Cat's, igniting with identical ghostly flames. The appearance of these spectral fires instantly revealed the hidden truth to Yu Yiyi.

"The Moon Demon within Lee Yupan and the lingering will of Grec have forged an alliance. Yuefei, once a revered Moon Demon Saintess and a member of the Outland Devaputra Race, harbors a deep-seated hatred for all in the Boundless Great World. She, alongside Grec and Asura King Sabonis, wishes for the extinction of all beings within the Boundless Great World."

"Lee Yupan's will has been suppressed by their combined forces, leaving her utterly devoid of self-awareness."

Puff! Puff!

No sooner had Yu Yiyi spoken than the ghostly flames in Lee Yupan's eyes flickered out, extinguished in an instant.

The nefarious Soul Secret Arts that had been cast within the Nether Cat were utterly dissolved.

Lee Yupan clutched a tuft of hair from the Moon Swallowing Ape's midsection, as thick as a serpent, her hand voraciously absorbing the rich lifeblood within like a leech.

Shortly thereafter, Lee Yupan appeared to have bolstered her strength, her chilling, otherworldly gaze turning skyward.

Above, Yu Yiyi stood clad in the Evil Cauldron's armor, wielding icy spikes. Yu Yuan had successfully retrieved the Life Altar, and there was Tan Junshan, who seemed to have just come to grips with the unfolding events.

"Did you not foresee Yuefei making such a decision?" Chen Qinghuang coldly addressed the Moon Sect's Unrestrained Stage cultivator with an accusatory tone. "You invited her here. Shouldn't you be the one to take responsibility?"

Tan Junshan nodded with a rueful smile, "Yes, the oversight was mine."

"Then see to it that it's taken care of," Chen Qinghuang commanded.

"I believe she would be more fitting for the task," Tan Junshan said, somewhat sheepishly, gesturing towards Yu Yiyi. "The Spiritual Spell I practice has much in common with hers, and I would be considerably slower to act."

"I'm ready to handle it. You can confront Cao Yi or disrupt Grec's resurrection ritual," Yu Yiyi offered.

"Alright, either way works for me," Tan Junshan consented.

Yu Yuan, hovering midair, touched his nose and chuckled sheepishly, feeling a tad embarrassed.

Yu Yiyi, the cauldron soul, suddenly unleashed formidable strength, prompting Yu Yuan to realize for the first time that Yu Yiyi, having refined her body, had achieved a level of combat prowess beyond his imagination. With the backing of the Ice Concubine, the Nether Cat, and other high-ranking Evil Demons, Yu Yiyi's might had soared to match that of Chen Qinghuang and Tan Junshan.

Despite being their master, Yu Yuan remained in the Soul Wandering Stage. Even with his formidable physique and control over the Dragon Slash Platform, he still fell short of the power wielded by Chen Qinghuang, Tan Junshan, and Yu Yiyi. Consequently, as they prepared to confront Grec and Cao Yi, they did not consider him a primary combatant.

Yu Yuan experienced a deep sense of humiliation.


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