Unmatched Dominance/C1135 The Combination of the Devaputra
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Unmatched Dominance/C1135 The Combination of the Devaputra
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C1135 The Combination of the Devaputra

Yu Yiyi, Tan Junshan, and Chen Qinghuang reached a consensus.


Yu Yiyi, wielding the Ice Concubine, charged at "Lee Yupan" first, fearing that hesitation might lead to complications.

Yuefei and Grec had formed an alliance, sharing Lee Yupan's body, and were rapidly gaining strength.

The subterranean realm was a sacred site of the Blood Devil Clan. As the clan's leader, Grec had made countless contingencies. Observing Lee Yupan's ability to shatter the fabric of space revealed Grec's mastery over the world's latent forces.

Yu Yiyi was acutely aware that any delay would only make him harder to confront.

At that moment, from the slender frame of "Lee Yupan" atop the Moon Swallowing Ape, streams of blood light burst forth.

The blood light burrowed into the ape's thick fur, voraciously consuming the vital essence within, much like earthworms feasting on a massive serpent.

The presence of "Lee Yupan" surged as a result.

Yuefei, now within Lee Yupan, synergized with the vestiges of Grec's will, slowly unveiling the dread powers of the Outland Devaputra.

Yu Yuan, observing from below, instantly recognized Grec's handiwork, intent on siphoning the Moon Swallowing Ape's power.

Grec's lingering will sought to empower Lee Yupan as swiftly as possible, and in tandem with Yuefei, purge all foreign elements from this realm.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Lee Yupan" launched an assault, her petite fists hurtling towards the approaching Yu Yiyi.

The ferocious lunar energy collided with Yu Yiyi like a colossal pillar, crystallizing the space around her descent.

In this moment, "Lee Yupan" appeared to be bolstered by an additional divine force, seemingly manipulating space and the concealed laws to produce myriad miraculous effects.

"This is truly the might of a Great Demon God."

Yu Yiyi's brow furrowed as she sensed the space's anomalies, and she swung the ice spikes in her hand once more.

The icy light danced like lightning, and the space couldn't bear the brunt of such fierce ice blades, shattering as if it were glass.

In a mere moment, she shattered the spatial seal, moving freely between heaven and earth.

Her figure flickered, evading all the moon energy beams. The Nether Cat perched on her shoulder let out a series of squeaks, revealing a horde of murky demonic shadows that lunged at Lee Yupan, only to vanish in the blink of an eye.

When they reemerged, the feline demonic shadows had infiltrated Lee Yupan's body.

"To attack us Outland Devaputras in such a manner is utterly ridiculous."

The voice came from Lee Yupan, but it was Yuefei who sneered dismissively. Slender moon shadows split from her, skewering the intruding demonic shadows.

The defeated demonic shadows released a flood of meaningless soul thoughts and jumbled memories, akin to negative debris, which suddenly overwhelmed Lee Yupan.

The assault of the demonic shadow was a feint; the true threat lay in the barrage of soul thoughts it carried.

With three consciousnesses within her, Lee Yupan was momentarily overwhelmed by the onslaught of random memories and negative debris, each consciousness vying for dominance over her soul.

Yu Yiyi seized the moment, her ice crystal spike unleashing dozens of chilling light blades.

Lee Yupan's slender form was riddled with holes, yet no blood spilled; instead, grayish-brown demonic shadows emerged, taking the form of civet cats.

In a moment of clarity, the wounded Lee Yupan seemed to expel the meaningless memories and negative debris through her wounds.

She huffed, then slipped into the Moon Swallowing Ape's fur, eerily gliding through, continuously absorbing the returning blood light.

Surprisingly, the snort came in a masculine tone.


Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang inwardly gasped at the sound.

"I don't recognize you!" Grec's robust, raspy voice emanated from within the ape's fur. "It must have been the former me who interacted with you. No matter, once I'm fully revived, I'll recall all that has transpired."

"His lingering consciousness is converging on Lee Yupan's body," Chen Qinghuang remarked with a frosty smirk. "He's far too optimistic. Without us, Cao Yi alone would give him a run for his money. Besides, we arrived just a step behind. His plans for revival are doomed to fail."

As she spoke, she caught Tan Junshan's eye, silently cueing him to take action.

"Ah, I really dislike fighting; it's such a hassle."

With a sense of resignation under her indifferent gaze, Tan Junshan shook his head and sighed.

He then transformed into a beam of bright moonlight, shooting straight for the heart beneath the eggshell.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The heart pounded vigorously, yet the moonlight, now his form, remained undisturbed as it smoothly penetrated the heart.

Yu Yuan watched as the moonlight rapidly diminished in size. By the time it entered the heart, it had become as fine as a strand of hair, resembling a Bloodline Crystal Chain from an alien race, intent on disrupting the heart's structure to locate Grieg's hidden blood and shatter his peculiar resurrection ritual.


Yu Yuan, gripping his sword sheath, watched Tan Junshan, now reduced to a mere filament within the heart, and couldn't help but express his sincere admiration.

Many Unrestrained Stage cultivators, when they manifest their imposing dharma, stand as tall as mountains, towering hundreds of feet high.

Tan Junshan, however, seemed to take a different approach, capable of condensing his form to such an extent, employing a more delicate method to confront his enemies and dismantle their schemes.

He was now beginning to see the bigger picture: Grieg's lingering will was merging with Lee Yupan from all around.

Within the heart, the drops of Grieg's peculiar blood essence were amassing immense blood energy, striving to forge new flesh and bones, to construct a new body.

Once the new body was complete, the integration of the residual Devil Soul and consciousness would signify the completion of the resurrection.

The Blood Devil Clan, unlike other Outland Devaputra, heavily depend on their physical bodies for their innate secret arts. They are a type of Outland Devaputra born with flesh and blood.

Thus, Grieg's resurrection required an abundance of flesh and blood essence.

"Stay outside, keep an eye on the three battles, and be vigilant yourself."

Chen Qinghuang's face bore a grave expression. Her wings, an extension of the Death Nest, had expanded several times over, and the deathly aura emanating from her was so oppressive that Yu Yuan felt uneasy all over.


In an instant, she vanished from her spot, reappearing at the largest fissure in the dragon egg.

From her wings erupted a gray-white deathly light, which blasted the eggshell, as hard as gold metal, into numerous fragments.

Yu Yuan glanced down and noticed that Chen Qinghuang was using a pair of wings to prop open a crack in the dragon egg. It appeared she was concerned that the crack might seal shut too quickly, trapping her inside.

She had already detached from her wings and was now giving Cao Yi a hard time inside the dragon egg, hidden from Yu Yuan's view.

"Luan Bird Queen, we have no quarrel. Why are you interfering with my work?"

Cao Yi's familiar voice finally echoed from within the dragon egg. It was unmistakably him, someone Yu Yuan had encountered on numerous occasions. "I came here in secret to eliminate a potential threat to the vast world. Without your intervention, Greco's resurrection ceremony would never have succeeded. I'm well-versed in the Blood Devil Clan's secret arts and numerous malevolent blood techniques. I've thoroughly deciphered the resurrection ceremony he prepared for himself."

"Isn't his failure to resurrect what you wanted to see?"

Amidst the thunderous energy shockwaves, Cao Yi spoke with frustration. Yu Yuan could see the purple-gold shell of the dragon egg bulging intermittently.

The bulges seemed to be the result of the forceful clash between Cao Yi and Chen Qinghuang's powers.

The dragon egg of the Titan spinosaurus was truly wondrous. It was not only as hard as divine iron but also as pliable as cotton, able to endure the fearsome battle between Chen Qinghuang and Cao Yi without shattering. The egg's mysterious and yielding nature cleverly diffused the conflict.

"I want to see you and Greco perish together."

Libre Baskerville
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