Unmatched Dominance/C1136 The Young Beast Was Crying for Help
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Unmatched Dominance/C1136 The Young Beast Was Crying for Help
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C1136 The Young Beast Was Crying for Help

After the Luan Bird Queen spoke with detached calm, a colossal energy surged from within the dragon egg, as if it harbored the power to obliterate all life.

The eggshell suddenly revealed more irregularities, as if iron mountains were battering the dragon egg, intent on cracking it open to unleash an apocalyptic force.

The old genius from the Profound Sky Sect, who had fused the Spiritual Spells of righteousness and wickedness, realized the futility of the situation and held his peace.

Blinding streaks of divine light, tinged with blood and laced with secret arts, sporadically burst through the cracks in the eggshell.

Each burst of divine light shaved off a sliver of deathly power from the Death Wing wedged in the massive fissure.

In the shadows, it seemed as if an ancient Devaputra was murmuring incantations, drawing upon the gods' power to erode the Secular Bird's legacy.

Elsewhere, blood-red currents of electricity clashed with the destructive force within the dragon egg in a battle of principles.

The clash between Chen Qinghuang and Cao Yi appeared to touch upon the very essence of the Great Dao.

Yu Yuan hovered midair, gripping the sheath of the Optimus Sword, his expression somber.

Meanwhile, Yu Yiyi pursued Yuefei, who shared Lee Yupan's body, along with the lingering consciousness of the Great Demon God, Grec.

Tan Junshan, delicate as a fine hair, was deciphering Grec's resurrection ritual, intent on obliterating it, while Chen Qinghuang fiercely dueled with Cao Yi.

These titans, whether Demon Gods or at the Unrestrained Stage, wielded unmatched combat prowess and a deep understanding of the Dao's laws.

In contrast, he struggled with a bottleneck in his cultivation; his Yang God form remained unrefined. Despite wielding the Dragon Slash Platform and having grasped several sword spells of the "Optimus Nine Slashes," he couldn't fully unleash his power. He was incapable of sustaining a prolonged battle with a truly formidable opponent.

Back in the Plover Realm, he had merged the powers of the Evil Cauldron, Dragon Slash Platform, and Soul Transformation Pool. With a swing of his sheath, he unleashed a crimson sword light that sliced through the frigid darkness—a fleeting glimpse of his potential.

He had drawn on far too much external force with that strike, and it had significantly drained his own reserves.

"Hah, when it comes down to it, my cultivation level just isn't sufficient."

As he surveyed the unfolding scene before him, he sighed with a sense of reflection and quietly strategized on how to leverage the current circumstances to induce a transformation in the Life Altar and coax the Heavenly Soul to merge with it.


Moments later, the Dragon Slash Platform within his God Fault Acupoint trembled subtly.

A sliver of his consciousness coalesced into a tiny speck of soul light, no larger than a grain of rice, and descended into the Dragon Slash Platform.

He observed the Space-time Dragon and the remains of the Silver Frost Giant Dragon shimmering with an unusual crystalline light. Within the fragmented dragon carcass, flickers of blood-like luminescence appeared to be drawn and tugged by some unseen force.

This luminescence seemed to be the most pristine power contained within the Dragon God corpses, embodying the core and most potent talents and mysteries of the Dragon Clan.

At the location of the Space-time Dragon's head, a mysterious energy began to emerge, as if connecting to another dimension.

As this energy materialized, an impulse sprang unbidden into Yu Yuan's mind.

With a mere thought, he could use his own strength to snuff out the nascent orb of mysterious energy.

After all, he was the master of the Dragon Slash Platform. Even though his mastery over its powers was not yet complete, he still had the capacity to obliterate that enigmatic force.

Within that orb, he sensed an inexplicable threat, prompting a moment of indecision.

"Save, save me."

"Please, I'm begging you."

"Please save me, I want to live..."

These fragmented pleas emerged from the orb of mysterious energy, conveying a sense of utter helplessness and sorrow. To Yu Yuan, they were reminiscent of a newly sentient child facing imminent peril, instinctively reaching out for assistance.

The thoughts evoked an impression of innocence and naivety in Yu Yuan, as if untouched by the harsh realities of the world.


The Yin God from his Consciousness Little World swiftly entered the Dragon Slash Platform, materializing beside the mysterious energy.

While his conscious mind could not discern the true wonders of the mysterious energy in intricate detail, it could still sense it in a hazy way.

The Yin God, on the other hand, was a different story.

The Yin God Yu manifested in the form of Yu Yuan's soul, squinting his eyes as he scrutinized the enigmatic energy before him.

Gradually, he discerned within the dazzling radiance at the core, a dragon-shaped youngling coiled and quivering slightly, seemingly terrified and trying to evade something—as if it feared being devoured.

The moment Yu Yuan caught sight of the young creature, he experienced an epiphany regarding the mysterious energy.

It was merely an extraordinary projection, displaying a wondrous realm within the dragon egg through the residual power of the Space-time Dragon, within the confines of the Dragon Slash Platform.

The Space-time Dragon, capable of warping space-time and disregarding spatial constraints, meant that what the Yin God saw was merely a true reflection. The Dragon Slash Platform hosted an illusion, while the actual events were unfolding within the dragon egg.

"The Spinosaurus's offspring has already developed consciousness and a soul. It is the soul of the youngling that is calling for help."

Yu Yuan's physical self stroked his chin, furrowing his brow in deep contemplation. In that moment, he empathized with the youngling's despair and helplessness.

The Spinosaurus's young had done nothing wrong; it had only just begun to form its consciousness and was yet to hatch successfully when Cao Yi arrived, intent on consuming its dragon form—and he might have already succeeded.

The lingering will of the Great Demon God Grec also sought to consume the youngling to facilitate his own resurrection.

Chen Qinghuang, Tan Junshan, and Yu Yiyi, these outsiders, were indifferent to its fate, focused solely on destroying everything in their path to seize any advantage for themselves.

The youngling, not yet fully hatched, could only send out desperate pleas for assistance.

It was driven by a primal urge to survive, to witness the world and gaze upon the stars.

"Save me, please save me!"

The plea echoed repeatedly, with no certainty that anyone could hear, or whether anyone would be moved by compassion to respond.

Inside the Dragon Slash Platform, the Yin God Yu concentrated his soul's awareness and peered closer, barely making out a dragon skeleton being consumed by swathes of blood-red light, on the brink of vanishing.

Only at the head of the dragon, a mysterious ethereal glow enshrouded the youngling's soul.

The one ravaging the young dragon's skeletal remains was, of course, Cao Yi from the Profound Sky Sect. He was channeling most of his power into a bloodied figure, even as he fought Chen Qinghuang, using it to augment his own strength.

To save or not to save?

In that moment, a tender part of Yu Yuan's heart was relentlessly hammered by the desperate cries for help.

The Titan spinosaurus, once the sovereign of all beasts and the founder of the Boundless Land, was also the ancestral source of both the Titan and Naga bloodlines.

The multitude of dragon carcasses on the Dragon Slash Platform were its progeny. What would happen if he saved the young creature?

Could the Dragon Slash Platform shatter into pieces?

And if the young beast consumed the dragon corpses to grow stronger, would the Divine Soul Sect's Artifact still retain its intended power?

What if the young beast's burgeoning strength turned against him? And should it survive, might it unleash even more terrifying events?

These thoughts swirled chaotically in Yu Yuan's mind, leaving him deeply conflicted.

At that moment, the strange space-time energy emanating from the Space-time Dragon seemed to awaken the other two aspects of his subconscious. The selves from his first and second lives, with their logic and judgment sealed for eons, became like inner demons, urging him to disregard the young beast's cries, to seize the chance to activate the Life Altar, and to consume both the remains and the nascent spirit of the young beast, thereby empowering himself.

It was also then that he remembered his past life as the Medicine God Hong Qi, who had created Yu Zhu solely for his service, to live and die at his whim.

Hong Qi had never truly seen Yu Zhu as a partner, let alone as family.

She was merely an extraordinary demon of his own making.

Yet, upon their first encounter in Chilly Wind Valley, Yu Yuan had been touched by Yu Zhu's affection, her grievances, her nostalgia, and her patient waiting. His perspective had shifted; he could no longer regard Yu Zhu as merely a puppet.

From the depths of his heart, he began to accept Yu Zhu, treating her as kin.

Yu Zhu had sensed this change and had never let him down, even being willing to sacrifice her life for him in critical moments.

"I am Yu Yuan, not Hong Qi, nor anyone else! No one can influence me, no one can change me! Not even my former selves!"

With a disdainful snort, he released his Yin God and reached out to the soul of the young beast within the enigmatic energy.

"How can I assist you?"


Libre Baskerville
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