Unmatched Dominance/C1139 Garo's Corpse
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Unmatched Dominance/C1139 Garo's Corpse
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C1139 Garo's Corpse

In the Outland Star River, atop a fragmented celestial body, the Nine-Headed Demon God Sidla met his demise. His serpentine form writhed in agony as it was pinned beneath a towering golden mountain range. The Golden Elephant Ancient God, revealing his immense form, brought down his fearsome hooves, pulverizing a segment of Sidla's snake body into a pulp.

Meanwhile, another great demon, shrouded in a dense, toxic fog, brandished its blade-like spider legs with lethal precision. The legs carved through the air, leaving a trail of dazzling light as Sidla's heads were severed one by one. The venomous mist enveloped Sidla, trapping his Devil Soul, which found itself unable to escape the noxious cloud, let alone abandon its demonic flesh for freedom.

Scattered across the broken star were numerous formidable demons from the Demon Palace and powerful beings from the Devil Palace, led by the Mighty Spirit King. Like Sidla, these Outland Devaputras, born of the Shadow Demon Clan and having forged their own Demon Bodies, were relentlessly hunted down and annihilated by the great demons and demon cultivators.

Among the chaos, Mo Yan, wielding the Kyara Demon Blade, reveled in the carnage, his sinister laughter echoing as he cut down his foes. Thus, the Shadow Demon Clan's stronghold swiftly succumbed. Sidla, of Demon God Level, watched his final head roll from his lofty neck, his serpentine body stilled at last.

The thick smoke, infiltrating Sidla's demonic form, revealed the true architect of his downfall. The colossal spider within the mist gradually contracted, ultimately coalescing into the slender figure of Yu Zhu. With the battle's outcome no longer in doubt, the Golden Elephant Ancient God shifted from his elephantine guise to his human form, casting an approving gaze upon Yu Zhu. "Is it time?" he inquired.

"Indeed. Once I refine the Nine-Headed Demon God Sidla, my lineage will achieve a breakthrough," Yu Zhu replied calmly.

The surrounding demons and Devil Palace practitioners, including the Mighty Spirit King, regarded Yu Zhu with newfound reverence. It was her keen instincts that had led them to Sidla and uncovered the Shadow Demon Clan's hidden lair. Yu Zhu's potent toxins had played a pivotal role in Sidla's defeat, sapping him of his strength and leaving him vulnerable to the Golden Elephant Ancient God's devastating blows. Trapped within the virulent fog, Sidla's Devil Soul withered, succumbing to the relentless corrosion of the poison.

In the final moments, as Sidla was nearly depleted, Yu Zhu, in her demonic form, brandished her spider legs and severed the heads of the Nine-headed Demon God one by one.

"This place..."

The Unrestrained Stage cultivator from the Devil Palace, the Mighty Spirit King, squinted as he surveyed the fractured star. He turned to Mo Yan and requested, "The Kyara Demon Blade, may I borrow it?"

Without any hesitation, Mo Yan tossed the immensely heavy Devil Blade, which weighed over ten thousand kilograms, to him.

The Mighty Spirit King caught the Devil Blade, allowing his soul to merge with it as he attuned to its essence in silence.

Next, he hurled the Devil Blade toward a jagged rift in the shattered star.

Crack! Crack!

The canyon crumbled under the might of the Devil Blade, sending millstone-sized boulders soaring into the air and revealing a colossal dark body nearly a thousand feet in height.

The body, as if cast from gold metal, bore a face shielded by demonic armor, yet it was riddled with numerous holes.

The long-deceased demonic form, a magnified human shape amplified a thousandfold, featured dense black hair and robust limbs, unmistakably a Dharma Body.

Devil cultivators, also known as Human Demons, would manifest their dharmas upon reaching the Unrestrained Stage, often assuming such formidable forms.

The chest cavity of the demonic body was hollow, the heart seemingly excavated and removed.

From the gaping chest, a bizarre demonic energy surged, sporadically emitting ghostly lightning.

Curiously, the Kyara Demon Blade hovered persistently over the skull, refusing to drift away, while emitting mournful wails.

With a grave voice, the Golden Elephant Ancient God lamented, "It is Kyara."

"Kyara? Is he the original master of the Kyara Demon Blade?"

Mo Yan's expression shifted as he gazed upon the towering Dharma Body below. He could sense a profound demonic energy, deep as the ocean, still pulsating within the body, seemingly influencing the essence metal of the star.

"It seems that the Kyara Demon Blade was crafted from the essence metal of this dense star," surmised the Mighty Spirit King. "With the forging of the Devil Blade, this wondrous star fragmented. After Kyara fell in the Outland Star River, the Shadow Demon Clan acquired his remains and brought them here."

"It appears that a powerful being from the Outland Devaputra attempted to refine Kyara's demonic form," someone noted.

"Yet, his heart was removed, leaving the demonic form incomplete."


The Mighty Spirit King, his face etched with confusion and bewilderment, continued, "Who could have taken the heart?"

"To possess Kyara's demonic form, one must be of Demon God Level to refine it. Moreover, the process had already begun; success was only a matter of time. But for the heart to be taken by another, all previous efforts have been rendered futile."

"How peculiar," mused the Golden Elephant Ancient God, shaking his head in bafflement.

"Mo Yan, given that it's Kyara's remains and the form hasn't entirely disintegrated, you might try using the Kyara Demon Blade to harvest some of his unique powers," the Mighty Spirit King suggested after a moment's thought. "Proceed with caution. We'll support you from behind. The chest cavity, where Kyara's heart was lost, retains an odd essence. We'll take precautions."


Mo Yan, beaming with excitement, flew over to the Devil Blade and gently took hold of the hilt with both hands.

At the site of Sidla's corpse, the nine-headed Demon God, droplets of blood transformed into tiny spiders, infiltrating Sidla's Devil Soul amidst the dense, toxic smog.

Yu Zhu, too, rose into the air amidst the poison, gazing curiously at Kyara's chest cavity.


In the Blood Devil Clan's forbidden territory.

As Yu Yuan held the Dragon Slash Platform, attuning to the stirrings within with his soul's awareness, the Silvermoon Queen atop the Moon Swallowing Ape broke free from the icy blade's seal and stepped forth successfully.

Her escape was possible only because Yu Yiyi, upon seeing Yuefei's Devil Soul depart, refrained from bolstering her power further.

In essence, Yu Yiyi had shown restraint.

Lee Yupan, bathed in resplendent moonlight, regained her clarity and intelligence.

Her expression was one of profound sorrow.

Within the small world of her mind, a palm-sized full moon served as a soul imprint, encoding the ancient secrets and sophisticated techniques of the Moon Demon Clan, as well as Yuefei's deep insights into lunar energies.

This was the final gift Yuefei bestowed upon her before departing.

While her soul was imprisoned, she overheard the quarrel between Grec and Yuefei, followed by a reluctant compromise.

Grec's residual will desired that Yuefei possess her body, assimilate her soul, and integrate everything that was hers.

By possessing her body, Yuefei could achieve a seamless bond with it, maximizing the inherent strengths of a Devaputra.

This was a more complete method than merely imprisoning her soul and using her body to battle.

Possession would grant Yuefei greater power than simple embodiment.

Yet, by doing so, she would cease to exist, her soul utterly annihilated.

Yuefei refused Grec's proposal, and after a fierce dispute between the two Devaputras, Grec reluctantly settled for her soul's imprisonment rather than destruction.

Even though Yuefei had not sought her consent, forming an alliance with Grec and confining her to use her physical form in combat, the Silvermoon Queen couldn't bring herself to despise Yuefei. Learning that Yuefei had been absorbed by the Evil Cauldron and was on the verge of being transformed into an Evil Demon, she felt a profound sorrow.

"Can you... can you free Yuefei and return her to me?"

Moments later, upon noticing Yu Yiyi's gaze, she couldn't help but plead.

Yu Yiyi gently shook her head, "It's too late."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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