Unmatched Dominance/C1142 Fighting Against a Tiger for Its Skin
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Unmatched Dominance/C1142 Fighting Against a Tiger for Its Skin
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C1142 Fighting Against a Tiger for Its Skin

As the Dragon Slash Platform began absorbing and integrating the purple-gold dragon egg, Cao Yi of the Profound Sky Sect swiftly weighed his options. He soon reached a decision.

The crimson glow in his eyes abruptly faded, and he donned a long robe that radiated a brilliant green light, replacing the dark red of his previous garb. The malevolent aura that once clung to him was now completely purged.

In an instant, he transformed into the epitome of a refined gentleman, his smile as warm and inviting as his gaze. A righteous energy filled his being, coursing through his meridians and acupoints.

Soft rings of light materialized behind him, enhancing his already remarkable presence.

"I will work with Tan Junshan to put an end to Grec's resurrection ritual," he declared, taking a deep breath. Addressing Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang with unwavering confidence, he continued, "The fragments of the Titan Spinosaurus egg, including the essence of its youngling's soul, have now fused with the Dragon Slash Platform. I trust you will handle them with care. As for this heart, once Tan Junshan and I have erased Grec's lingering marks, it will be your task to refine it."

Yu Yuan, sensing the extraordinary nature of the Dragon Slash Platform, paused in surprise. "Since when did you become so agreeable?"

Cao Yi had been far from amiable in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, masquerading as Ann Jieshan. And in the Chilly Wind Valley, among other places, his appearances were marked by decisive and ruthless action, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

It was precisely because of this that neither Yu Yuan nor anyone else could have imagined that he was not Ann Jieshan, but rather Cao Yi of the Profound Sky Sect. Surely a cultivator of the Profound Sky Sect would not so blatantly slaughter the innocent?

"We've known each other for some time. I know quite a bit about you, yet you... know very little about me," Cao Yi said with an easy smile. "In time, I'll reveal to you the true nature of Cao Yi."

With a whoosh, he transformed into a cluster of auspicious clouds, emanating a pure, gentle light that seemed to cleanse the world's impurities. He moved toward the heart that was voraciously absorbing the residual blood essence of the Moon Swallowing Ape. The clouds condensed into thumb-sized, iridescent orbs, shimmering with divine radiance.

"The Great Demon God Grec and Asura King Sabonis are hell-bent on annihilating all living creatures. They are not only your adversaries but also the common foes of every human being from the vast expanse. Our goals align in the quest to vanquish Grec, so I shall demonstrate my good faith first."

Cao Yi's voice emerged from a heart that was slowly withering away.

The heart appeared desiccated, yet the vast blood energy of the Moon Swallowing Ape had been nearly entirely siphoned off.

Within the shriveled heart's innermost part, the residual blood of the Great Demon God Grec had solidified into a blood-red crystal the size of a millstone.

The regeneration of the Great Demon God's flesh and bones was taking place within this crimson crystal.

The heart's inherent power, along with the blood energy of the Moon Swallowing Ape and the force previously absorbed from the Titan Spinosaurus's dragon egg, all converged into the blood-colored crystal.

As Cao Yi entered, auspicious clouds stirred at the heart's periphery, methodically repairing the blood vessels and sinews that Tan Junshan had witnessed being destroyed, reorganizing them in their unique fashion.

Tan Junshan had merely severed them, only to watch the severed vessels and sinews regenerate.

Cao Yi, however, approached it differently. Transformed into clouds, he acted with the precision of a sculptor and the skill of a surgeon, cutting certain vessels and connecting others to new vascular structures, arranging the bloodlines in an insightful manner.

He wasn't recklessly destructive like Tan Junshan; rather, he was akin to an expert in the Blood Devil Clan's resurrection rituals, delicately fine-tuning with innovative techniques.

Clearly, he had a deep understanding of the Blood Devil Clan's intricate resurrection rituals.

"All of Grec's crystallized essence within this heart, I bequeath to you, Yu Yuan. I shall not claim the slightest bit more."

Cao Yi's voice continued to drift leisurely from within the heart, "What I require of you is patience. Once I've addressed the issues here and all the hidden dangers in this Forbidden Area are neutralized, you will use the Dragon Slash Platform to transport me—and us—to another Forbidden Area."

"The Forbidden Area housing the Demon Body will be our next target. We must dismantle his second line of defense!"

"Beyond that lies a third Forbidden Area, the dwelling place of the Blood Devil Clan elders, which will become a battlefield!"

"I hope to collaborate with all of you to ensure that the resurrection rituals of the Great Demon God Grec are utterly thwarted."


The once-celebrated prodigy of the Profound Sky Sect continued to disrupt the resurrection ceremony before him while earnestly revealing his true intentions.


A slender beam of moonlight, conjured by Tan Junshan, emerged from the heart and swiftly expanded into the form of an ordinary person.

As Cao Yi entered and began to counter the Great Demon God's revival ceremony with clouds, Tan Junshan realized that Cao Yi was the true remedy to the problem, as opposed to himself.

What Tan Junshan couldn't achieve, Cao Yi had proven he could.

"This man is undeniably ruthless in pursuit of his goals, stopping at nothing. One moment he's a deadly foe, and the next, he's willing to collaborate," Tan Junshan remarked, casting a glance at the Moon Swallowing Ape at his feet. "He's aware that to ensure Grec's permanent demise, the revival ceremonies in all three forbidden areas must be destroyed."

"Take the sects of the Boundless Land, Heavenly Source Continent, and Quietus Continent, for instance. They band together at the first sign of an external threat. On the matter of Grec's death, indeed, a temporary alliance seems prudent."

"Furthermore, the goodwill Cao Yi has extended appears quite promising."

Tan Junshan made this observation while looking towards Yu Yuan.

Chen Qinghuang followed his gaze.

To venture to another forbidden area of the Blood Devil Clan and engage their elders in battle, Cao Yi required the strength of Tan Junshan, Chen Qinghuang, and Yu Yiyi.

However, reaching the remaining two forbidden areas would necessitate the use of the Dragon Slash Platform.

Even Chen Qinghuang, who controlled the Death Nest, lacked the means to transport them from a withered heart to the other two.

Cao Yi was well aware of this, which is why he so generously forfeited any further gains from this particular forbidden area.

His aim was to secure Yu Yuan's current approval and consent, and then, perhaps at the final forbidden area, he would reassess his strategy once Grec's revival ceremony was assuredly thwarted.

"Let's first evaluate his sincerity and see if his knowledge of Grec's revival ceremony is as extensive as he claims," Yu Yuan stated gravely.


Cao Yi's laughter echoed from each vibrant cloud, "From Ann Jieshan's soul, I learned of their connection to the Blood Devil Clan. Having accessed the residual memories of the clan's elder patriarch, I've been studying the Blood Devil Clan's revival ceremony. I'm prepared to spend decades, even centuries, plotting to obtain what I desire."

"At this moment, I stand here because I dare to, and naturally, I have confidence in myself!"

"Just wait a bit longer, and you'll see whether my words contain any boastfulness."

More and more faint glimmers emerged from the miniature heart. Gradually, everyone could clearly sense that the Moon Swallowing Ape's residual blood energy had ceased its flow to the heart. The resurrection ritual for Grec had, at least for the moment, come to a halt.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All the peculiar lights and auspicious clouds converged on the blood-colored crystal nestled within the heart.

Outside, Yu Yuan and his companions exchanged knowing looks, silently signaling each other to remain vigilant as they awaited what would come next.

After a quarter of an hour.

The shrunken, depleted heart began to expand and swell outward, like a balloon being inflated.

Inside the expanding heart, Cao Yi, clad in a flowing green robe that shimmered with a jade-like luster, was enveloped by a vast white mist of spiritual energy, encasing a translucent blood-colored crystal.

Within the crystal, a skeleton was faintly visible, seemingly regenerating flesh over bone and refining its veins and blood vessels.

Cao Yi, pointing at the blood-colored crystal, flashed a grin at Yu Yuan, "This object can only be processed by your Life Altar. Of course, I'm capable as well, but I won't compete with you for it just yet."

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"Would you prefer I come to you, or shall I bring it out to you?" Cao Yi asked with a mischievous laugh. "If you're worried I might play tricks, I'll bring it out to you."

"Then please, bring it out," Yu Yuan responded cautiously.

He had always been cautious of this enigmatic talent from the Profound Sky Sect, never one to act rashly or charge in without considering the risks.

"Very well."

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