Unmatched Dominance/C1145 The Second Piece!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1145 The Second Piece!
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C1145 The Second Piece!

Surges of spatial energy filled the galaxy, while the icy winds from beyond the heavens howled furiously.

The elongated Dragon Slash Platform radiated a magnificent light, causing the nearby void to undulate with wave after wave. Each wave seemed to open a gateway to another dimension.

The appearance of the Dragon Slash Platform triggered a widespread collapse of the shattered stars.

The river of blood grew wider and more distinct.

The Gallow Demon Corpse, towering a thousand feet high, with its hollow chest cavity, revealed undulating scarlet flesh upon the Dragon Slash Platform. Yu Yuan, Tan Junshan, and Chen Qinghuang noticed nothing amiss upon their arrival.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The only reaction from Yu Yuan, Tan Junshan, and Chen Qinghuang was their quickening heartbeats.


Trailing behind, Cao Yi emerged with a beaming aura of righteousness. He flashed a wide grin, effortlessly distancing himself from Yu Yuan and the others, and stepped directly above the pulsating scarlet flesh.

"Yu Yuan!"

"Tan Junshan, Chen Qinghuang!"

"Cao Yi!"

At this moment, the formidable figures from the Demon Palace and Devil Palace finally grasped the situation and let out piercing screams.

"Yu Zhu!"

Yu Yuan, gripping the Dragon Slash Platform in one hand and his sword sheath in the other, descended into the Evil Cauldron. Upon reaching the Oddity Stars, he immediately sensed a familiar presence.

Narrowing his eyes, he spotted Yu Zhu, with her human face and spider body, amidst the thick toxic smoke.

Yu Zhu's emerald eyes ignited with twin flames of shame, and she hastily retracted her demonic form.

The smoke billowed towards her, forming towering clouds that she reconstituted into a slender, black figure atop the tower. Clutching the hem of her garment, she appeared as an anxious little girl, too unsettled to meet Yu Yuan's gaze.

The corrosive smoke tower continued to dissolve and assimilate the lingering thoughts and energy of the Nine-headed Demon God, Sidla.

As Yu Yuan's gaze fell upon her, she casually tugged at the edge of the dense, gray-black smoke.

Segments of Sidla's serpentine body seemed to retract at her touch.

"It wasn't my intention to kill him," Yu Zhu murmured, her head bowed as she explained to Yu Yuan alone through their soul connection.

"I'm aware that the Nine-headed Demon God previously visited the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and Evil Peak. I'm also privy to the fact that he's an emissary for the Outland Devaputra. The Demon Palace has tasked me with working alongside the Golden Elephant Ancient God to assassinate him, using his demise to catalyze the evolution of my bloodline."

"Your relationship with him, whether it's deep or not, is beyond my knowledge."


In her heart, Yu Yuan was akin to a stern father. She felt as if she had erred and was too apprehensive to confront him directly, opting instead to communicate with Yu Yuan in a manner only they understood.

"When you were confined in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, I was too feeble to be of any assistance. Furthermore, Ann Wen from the Blood God Cult disposed of my mother's remains there, and I needed time to distill the exquisite blood essence within."

"I'm confident that you'll be safe."


Her flurry of thoughts transformed into ripples of the soul, spreading across the serene surface of Yu Yuan's heart lake.

Yu Yuan, visibly astonished, listened to her whispered thoughts while assessing the unfolding scene before him.

At that moment, Cao Yi, a venerable prodigy of the Profound Sky Sect, stood atop the writhing mass of crimson flesh. It appeared that another resurrection ritual for the Great Demon God Grec had been abruptly halted.

As the Golden Elephant Ancient God, Mighty Spirit King, and numerous formidable figures from the Demon Palace and Devil Palace closed in, Cao Yi commanded, "Everyone, halt!"

Having demonstrated his prowess and acumen within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Cao Yi had secured his place within the Profound Sky Sect.

Cao Yi commanded a level of respect from the likes of the Golden Elephant Ancient God and Mighty Spirit King.

Thus, when he intervened, the powerhouses of the Demon Palace and Devil Palace took a moment to compose themselves.

"Enough with the antics. If it came to a real fight, you all might not stand a chance."

Tan Junshan, wearing an impish grin, emerged from the carcass of the Gallow Demon. His soul essence unfurled, and suddenly, numerous moons, akin to silver discs, materialized around the shattered Oddity Stars and in the dark expanse of the starry sea. These moons served as his eyes, granting him an immediate grasp of the entire situation.

"Lord Golden Elephant and Mighty Spirit King, the two of you alone won't be able to capture me and lass Chen." Tan Junshan, nonchalantly picking his nose and flicking away the contents, let out a sly chuckle, "We've come from another of Great Demon God Grec's resurrection rituals. We've already destroyed one, and this here is the second."

He explained with a chuckle.

His intervention had a calming effect on the Mighty Spirit King and the Golden Elephant Ancient God. The leaders of the Demon Palace and Devil Palace immediately turned to Cao Yi, seeking his confirmation.

"I've come to halt this resurrection ritual. Once we're done here, you'll join us in an assault on the Blood Devil Clan's elders, who are conducting a ceremony in the third forbidden area!" Cao Yi, standing on the crimson blood block, released clouds of auspicious energy from his body, which filled the hollow in Jia Luo's chest.

As the clouds dispersed, the once invisible bloodlines shone brightly.

"We previously saw a withered heart in the chest of the Moon Swallowing Ape; it turns out it belonged to Jia Luo," Cao Yi mused, stroking his chin and feeling the pulsing crimson block beneath his feet, along with the emanating essence of Grec. "You have plenty of tricks, but they're futile. You're not Grec in his prime."

After his arrival, the unsettling laughter of Grec ceased to emanate from the squirming crimson block.

"This object..."

Cao Yi transformed into a mass of quivering flesh and blood, larger than the one below, exuding a ferocity and cruelty eerily reminiscent of Grec's.

Yu Yuan interjected abruptly, "After you refine this, it should be given to Yu Zhu."

In his own domain of Qi and blood, the Life Altar, tirelessly kneaded by Tianhun, detected a scent of information and mystery within the crimson flesh that originated from Grec.

Each of Grec's three resurrection ceremonies would ultimately coalesce into similar blood-colored crystals, which bore the secret arts and insights Grec had gleaned, including the Blood Devil Clan's intricate Devil Spell and his understanding of various racial bloodlines.

The knowledge and secret arts within the crystals largely overlapped; acquiring another would be of little benefit.

However, if Yu Zhu were to obtain and assimilate one...

"Give it to her?" Cao Yi's voice was laced with astonishment. "And what about me? Surely, I can't be expected to work for nothing."

"For the third forbidden area, should a similar prize emerge, I will not lay claim to it," Yu Yuan stated flatly, foregoing further negotiation. "Only with the Dragon Slash Platform in my possession can we penetrate the forbidden area where the Blood Devil Clan's elders reside. Cao Yi, since you've already shown such largesse, why not indulge once more?"

After a brief pause, Yu Yuan added, "She, too, is a great demon of the Demon Palace, allied with your cause."

At these words, the Golden Elephant Ancient God and the Mighty Spirit King, along with the other great demons and demonic cultivators, exchanged puzzled glances.

Tan Junshan couldn't suppress a chuckle.

Chen Qinghuang, her face veiled by a beaded curtain and crowned with an imperial diadem, silently straightened her slightly askew crown and stepped away from the chest cavity of the Naga Demon Corpse. "Let's leave it at that."

Yu Zhu, who had been standing on the Misty Tower with her head bowed, finally looked up.

Her eyes brimmed with happiness.

Yu Yuan offered no reprimand or words of comfort; instead, he instructed Cao Yi of the Profound Sky Sect to relinquish the blood crystal of the Great Demon God Grec.

Actions, in this case, spoke louder than any words could.

"The Demon Palace will provide other forms of compensation for this!"

The Golden Elephant Ancient God was visibly moved. His pupils sparked with golden light as he stared intently at the blood-colored flesh Cao Yi held, declaring earnestly, "Yu Zhu has been chosen by that individual. The Demon Palace has placed great trust in her! Cao Yi, if you agree to hand over Grec's blood crystal for Yu Zhu to refine, both the Demon Palace and that individual will surely acknowledge your generosity."

"The Demon Palace, that individual..."

The Mighty Spirit King from the Devil Palace pondered the significance of his statement, his face betraying his intrigue.

It was clear to everyone present that Yu Zhu, as a great demon of the Demon Palace, harbored more than ordinary feelings for Yu Yuan.

Was the Demon Palace not concerned that she might one day betray them for Yu Yuan, given their full investment in her cultivation?

Such incidents had occurred several times within the Demon Palace. Had that individual not learned from past mistakes, or did they truly have such unwavering confidence in Yu Zhu?

"Since you've brought up that individual," Cao Yi said with a sudden gravitas, "very well, I accept your terms and the Demon Palace's. I will part with the second blood crystal of Grec and entrust it to Yu Zhu for refinement!"

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