Unmatched Dominance/C1148 Yu Zhu Broke Through
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Unmatched Dominance/C1148 Yu Zhu Broke Through
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C1148 Yu Zhu Broke Through

Cao Yi from the Profound Sky Sect was busy refining a blood-colored chunk of flesh, a creation of the Great Demon God Grec. Following the commotion stirred up by Yu Yuan, the Mighty Spirit King of the Devil Palace grew fearful. He proactively sought to curb Mo Yan, forbidding any further provocations that might lead to unnecessary complications.

Standing atop the Devil Blade, Mo Yan's gaze upon Yu Yuan was filled with complexity. He needed no reminders to understand that Yu Yuan had become a figure of great stature, one he now had to look up to. The attitudes of towering figures like the Golden Elephant Ancient God, the Mighty Spirit King, Tan Junshan, and Chen Qinghuang towards Yu Yuan spoke volumes. Yu Yuan was steadily becoming a presence who could converse with such esteemed individuals.

This realization left Mo Yan with a bitter taste in his mouth, and he even began to question his own worth. Was his talent truly average? Was it only because of his father's dedication that he had achieved the Yang God Stage and garnered attention? This seed of doubt, planted deep within his heart, could become a demon if not addressed early on, with potentially grave consequences down the line.

Above the fragmented stars, those with hidden agendas ceased their conflicts. The Dragon Slash Platform hung in midair, its chaotic and vast aura commanding the attention of all beings, human and demon alike. Even powerhouses like the Golden Elephant Ancient God and the Mighty Spirit King, along with Tan Junshan and Chen Qinghuang, scrutinized the platform, trying to grasp the essence it exuded, as if deciphering the universe's wonders and gazing into the profound truths of the Great Dao.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan seized this moment of relative peace to examine the "Life Altar" within his small world of Qi and blood, which was undergoing constant changes due to the presence of the Heavenly Soul. The crystal-like, crimson "Life Altar," having assimilated Grec's blood crystal, had amassed a vast expanse of knowledge. This altar, on the brink of evolving into a Yang God form, now seemed to encompass a boundless sea of knowledge, replete with the esoteric secrets of the Blood Devil Clan and the myriad mysteries of other intelligent races, secret arts, and divine abilities he had previously absorbed. His Heavenly Soul drifted through this sea, delving into the subtleties of its profound wisdom.

This was an innovative technique of refinement.

His Heavenly Soul, having been honed by the Soul Forging Technique for an extended period, had become exquisitely clear and keenly perceptive.

It was likely for this reason that he could sense the many arcane mysteries hidden within the "Life Altar."

Throughout this process, his Heavenly Soul directed the "Life Altar" to draw upon the Qi and blood from his meridians and organs, along with strands of soul power.

Yet, it never surpassed his threshold of endurance.

With the subtle shifts of the "Life Altar," he intuitively felt that once his Heavenly Soul and the "Life Altar" were fully integrated, comprehending the intricate bloodlines of various races and the enigmatic powers of the Blood Devil Clan, his Yang God form would take shape...

His Yang God form would be capable of endless transformations, assuming the guise of any being from the Galaxy Alien Race!

He could morph into members of the Asura Clan, Bright Clan, Star Race, Dark Elfkind, and even the Banshees, all renowned alien races, with his Yang God form.

Moreover, not even his own kin could detect the ruse.

His Yang God form could flawlessly emulate the intricate bloodlines of other races.

While most human cultivators refined their Yang God form through a fusion of spiritual power and the Heavenly Soul, his approach was distinct.

His Yang God form, akin to Chen Qinghuang's, resembled that of a formidable demon or an alien race, a fusion of blood and soul.

Such an extraordinary Yang God closely resembled the Blood Devil Clan, capable of versatile transformations and possessing many unexpected wonders, provided the bloodline was of a high caliber.

He learned to command and alter Blood Slaves, embody the Devil Soul, and master several methods of possession. As the Heavenly Soul merged with the Life Altar, each marvel was gradually revealed and understood by him.

Upon success, he felt he might even rival the enigmatic Outland Devaputra.

After a period of quiet contemplation, he realized that the fusion of the Heavenly Soul with the Life Altar and the cultivation of the Yang God form were not achievements that could be accomplished overnight.

It would be a lengthy metamorphosis.


With a grasp, the Dragon Slash Platform, previously enlarged a thousandfold, rapidly contracted and settled into his palm.

As the Dragon Slash Platform resumed its elongated shape, he immediately sensed the joy and excitement of the young creature within it.

With the slightest intention, he observed the young creature still amassing blood. The shimmering light from the dragon's remains was distilled into pure blood energy, merging with his bones, aiding in the gradual reconstruction of his draconic form.

The Dragon Slash Platform had undergone a transformation after engulfing the purple eggshell, its power noticeably enhanced.

Regardless of what the future held, his adventure with Chen Qinghuang had already paid off handsomely.

Half an hour flew by in an instant.


Tiny shards of crimson light burst forth from Cao Yi's blood-red flesh, and he abruptly solidified, assuming the visage of a paragon of virtue.

Cao Yi cradled a watermelon-sized blood-colored crystal in his hands, glancing towards Yu Zhu atop the Misty Cloud Tower.

Yu Zhu, having anticipated this moment, reached out with her demonic energy to sense the blood-colored crystal, her pupils sparkling with excitement.

She wasn't alone.

Upon the appearance of the blood-colored crystal, many of the powerful demons felt their blood stir with unspoken greed and longing, an innate desire to consume the crystal and assimilate it into the hearts of their demon lineage.

Except for the Golden Elephant Ancient God, the restlessness among the demons was palpable.

Several demons, previously in human guise, could not contain their avarice and yearning at the sight of the crystal, abruptly reverting to their true demonic forms.

"Don't seek your own demise," the Golden Elephant Ancient God, a towering presence amidst the dark, icy cosmos, uttered a cold snort.

His snort was like a dousing of icy water on the souls of the great demons, snapping those teetering on the edge of control back to their senses.

"Cao Yi, what's the delay?" The Golden Elephant Ancient God's impatience was evident as his golden star-like eyes fixed on Cao Yi, pressing him, "You're well aware of the irresistible lure this blood-colored crystal from Grec holds for our kin. Do you wish to see them descend into chaos over it?"

"Haha, Lord Golden Elephant, you flatter me. With your presence, how could any strife arise?" Cao Yi chuckled, then without further hesitation, tossed the blood-colored crystal from Grec towards Yu Zhu, enveloped in the dense, misty vapors.

Yu Yuan, Tan Junshan, and Chen Qinghuang suddenly perked up at that moment. Moons began to orbit the Golden Elephant Ancient God, while Chen Qinghuang's will of destruction created unseen ripples that undulated near the Mighty Spirit King and the Devil Palace's elites.

Any hint of disturbance would trigger the destructive power to burst forth, igniting the Destruction Fire.

Clearly, Tan Junshan and Chen Qinghuang remained cautious around the Golden Elephant Ancient God and the Mighty Spirit King, fearing a sudden grab for power.

Yet, no surprises ensued.

The Golden Elephant Ancient God and the Mighty Spirit King stood motionless, like sculptures, without even a whisper of soul thought or a pulse of vital energy escaping them.

With a whoosh, Yu Zhu displayed her immense true form of the Demon Race. As the blood-colored crystal descended, her once blade-like hooves deftly transformed into agile hands. She grasped the crystal gently and pressed it to her Demon Heart.

In the instant the crystal fused with her Demon Heart, her bloodline level skyrocketed from the Eighth Level to the Ninth Level, shattering the bloodline's previous limits.

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