Unmatched Dominance/C1155 Returning the Favor with the Same Method
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Unmatched Dominance/C1155 Returning the Favor with the Same Method
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C1155 Returning the Favor with the Same Method

Could he wrest control of the Origin Blood Continent from the youthful grasp of Grec?

If not alone, could the addition of Yu Zhu tip the scales?

The thought alone set Yu Yuan's mind ablaze with excitement.

The three resurrection sites that the Great Demon God Grec had prepared for him were indeed special. The numerous contingencies he had concealed there were perfectly attuned to his rebirth.

Thus, upon awakening, the reborn Grec immediately leveraged his profound connection with the Origin Blood Continent to seize the upper hand.

The blood-colored crystal he and Yu Zhu possessed also bore Grec's essence, along with the Blood Devil Clan's sophisticated divine powers.

Together, they might be recognized by this realm as two additional Grecs.

Considering the current state of affairs, it seemed that all human cultivators, demons, and monsters who had infiltrated the Origin Blood Continent were in dire straits.

Without a miracle, they would inevitably be overwhelmed by the endless hordes of Blood Devils, their bones and souls consumed.

Yu Yuan's gaze flickered as he covertly communicated with Yu Zhu.

Meanwhile, the demons that had once rampaged through the Outland Star River were being overpowered by Blood Devil champions. Blood shadows infiltrated their defenses, and their demon souls were forced to battle the Blood Devil elites using their own flesh as the battlefield.

Constrained by the rules of the Origin Blood Continent, the demons were at a disadvantage compared to the demonic cultivators and quickly began to falter and weaken.

"Cao Yi, find a way to kill Grec as quickly as possible."

Chen Qinghuang suddenly cast a glance at the Profound Sky Sect prodigy lurking in her shadow. "Hiding is futile now. Grec is waiting for the Titan to reconstruct its body. He intends to transform this Titan into a formidable Blood Slave and take refuge within it."

"Cao Yi!"

Across the void, Yu Zhu and Yu Yiyi, who had transformed the Evil Cauldron into remarkable armor, were taken aback.

Yu Yuan was equally taken by surprise.

Had Chen Qinghuang not mentioned Cao Yi's name, they might have completely overlooked his presence!

Cao Yi, a practitioner of both righteous and nefarious arts, had entered the Origin Blood Continent not long before and seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Chen Qinghuang's reminder prompted them to focus intently and scrutinize the situation. It was only then that they noticed Cao Yi had, at some point, condensed into a cluster of blood-red light, concealing himself on the very mountain where Chen Qinghuang stood.

The Luan Bird Queen had long claimed a mountain as her solitary domain.

Bathed in the glow of a crimson full moon, a lengthy shadow trailed behind the Luan Bird Queen.

Cao Yi was concealed within that shadow, remaining silent throughout.

The mystery of his technique was baffling. Since Yu Yuan's second arrival on the Origin Blood Continent, he had somehow completely forgotten about Cao Yi, the instigator of it all.

Cao Yi appeared to have veiled the fates and the spiritual perception of all, leading the world's mightiest to overlook him.

This included the formidable members of the Blood Devil Clan!

Grec, once a bright and handsome youth, felt a shiver in his heart upon hearing Chen Qinghuang's words.

For reasons unknown, even he, who now commanded the Origin Blood Continent and awaited the Titan's transformation into a Blood Slave, seemed to be blindfolded by unseen hands.

Without Chen Qinghuang speaking up, he, enveloped by the Devil Soul, had also forgotten Cao Yi's existence.

He was akin to a deity of the Origin Blood Continent, supposedly all-knowing.

Yet, Cao Yi had shattered the immutable laws, eluding his senses and spiritual awareness, as if existing beyond the world's established norms.

How could Grec not be astonished?

"I haven't been idle," came Cao Yi's disgruntled voice from the elongated shadow behind Chen Qinghuang. He showed no desire to make an appearance, "Chen Qinghuang, your silence won't make anyone think you're mute. Aren't you aware of the many things I've been orchestrating behind the scenes? Why insist on rousing others?"

"If you don't employ more forceful measures soon, the Great Demons in the heavens and those Demonic Cultivators will be annihilated," Chen Qinghuang stated icily.

"What concern is it of yours? Or mine?" Cao Yi responded indifferently. "In the Outland Star River's interstellar conflicts, death is inevitable. If they're outmatched, perishing at the hands of alien adversaries is the destiny of our valiant warriors! Even Demon Gods can fall, and Primordial Spirits can be extinguished, so what of them?"

After her statement, Chen Qinghuang fell silent.

The Golden Elephant Ancient God heaved a long sigh and spoke, "Cao Yi, please don't allow the Titan beneath me to truly become a formidable Blood Slave. Trust me, if it becomes saturated with blood energy and Grec takes possession, none of us will make it out alive."

"A Titan with a Tenth Level bloodline?" Chen Qinghuang expressed her reverence.

The Golden Elephant Ancient God solemnly nodded in confirmation.

Yu Yiyi's face turned pale, and instead of using telepathy, she called out with grave seriousness, "We must prevent this Titan from accumulating enough blood energy to condense flesh and organs!"

"Cao Yi!" Chen Qinghuang cried out in anger once more.

"Hey, I've been telling you I was busy, but you wouldn't believe me."

Behind her, Cao Yi's voice of discontent emerged once again. As the final word "believe" was uttered, everyone was horrified to see that it came from Grec's chest.

The elongated shadow behind Chen Qinghuang vanished eerily, as if it had never been there.

In the eyes of the youthful Grec, a thumb-sized, date-red mark suddenly appeared on his forehead.


Grec uncontrollably spewed a mouthful of blood and promptly sat down cross-legged. With his hands, he summoned violent crimson lightning, which eagerly surged toward the mark on his forehead at the call of his Devil Soul.


Cao Yi's unrestrained, boisterous laughter echoed from inside Grec's head, sending shivers down the spines of the Blood Devil Clan members, leaving them with an inexplicable sense of unease.

"For ages, you Outland Devaputras have taken over our bodies and devoured our souls through possession. I've always wanted to see if I could turn the tables, using your methods and the secret arts passed down by you Outland Devaputras!"

Intricate blood patterns slowly spread across Grec's forehead, cheeks, and neck, then continued downward.

Cao Yi's power and presence spread rapidly like a virus, infiltrating Grec's flesh, Devil Soul, and every thread of his consciousness.

The transformation of the skeletal Titan into a Blood Slave was abruptly halted.

The formation of organs in his midsection ceased, and the hair sprouting from his skull, coarse as underbrush, stopped growing any longer.

"Cao Yi!"

"The genius of the Profound Sky Sect truly has a knack for this!"

The surviving Great Demons and the Devil Palace cultivators were suddenly invigorated.

The Golden Elephant Ancient God, who had yet to join the fray, and Tan Junshan, who was close to Chen Qinghuang, were equally stunned by the unexpected turn of events. They instinctively turned their gazes toward Grec.

No one could have anticipated that Cao Yi would employ the techniques of the Outland Devaputras to take possession of Grec!

"He assimilated Ann Jieshan's soul and mastered the secret arts of the Blood God Cult, which originated from a Blood Devil Clan elder's failed attempt to possess an ancestor of the An family," Chen Qinghuang explained with unruffled composure, as if she had foreseen Cao Yi's silent preparations for a grand gesture.

"Having deciphered the Blood Devil Clan's arcane methods and thoroughly grasping the resurrection ritual, he naturally possesses such capabilities and strength."

"For him, possession is a trivial matter. The real challenge lies in the fact that his target is Grec."

With that, Chen Qinghuang looked up at the dark red firmament, sensing the barrier sealing the Origin Blood Continent. She continued, "Once Cao Yi's possession is complete and the barrier is breached, we'll be able to flee the Origin Blood Continent. Upon reaching the Outland Star River, should the Blood Devil Clan's elites dare to pursue us, the outcome of that hunt is anyone's guess."

"Incredible, he's truly formidable," Tan Junshan remarked, nodding in admiration.

"You've been safeguarding him all this time; you knew full well the extent of his power," Chen Qinghuang said, giving him a knowing glance.

When Yu Yuan arrived with the Dragon Slash Platform, crossing the galaxy to reach us, I had already relocated to a mountain peak at Cao Yi's silent behest. In the shadows, Tan Junshan and I collaborated on a scheme.

I concealed Cao Yi's actions and presence, while Tan Junshan shielded us from the Blood Devil Clan elders' sensory detection. This allowed Cao Yi to cast his spells on the young Grec undetected, so covertly that not even the Blood Devil Clan elders sensed anything amiss.

Together, our combined efforts enabled Cao Yi to exploit a blood connection and seamlessly merge into Grec's newly formed body.

"I can't just stand idly by, can I? Since you've taken his two blood crystals, then it's only fair that I get to resurrect him!"

Libre Baskerville
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