Unmatched Dominance/C1158 The Red Ant Struggle Against the Great Tree
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Unmatched Dominance/C1158 The Red Ant Struggle Against the Great Tree
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C1158 The Red Ant Struggle Against the Great Tree

Yu Yuan channeled all his might into the elongated Dragon Slash Platform, which began to radiate a dazzling divine glow. This sacred artifact, crafted by a Dragon Slayer of the Divine Soul Sect who poured his heart and soul into its creation, now frenziedly siphoned Yu Yuan's soul power and life force. Desperate to break free from this realm and the source of the Yang Meridian, he was willing to sacrifice everything.

Upon discovering the secrets hidden within the Origin Blood Continent, he realized that as long as they remained, there was no chance of further triumphs. To stay was to embrace death itself.

In that moment, the Dragon Slash Platform transformed into a colossal beast, greedily devouring the cosmos. Yu Yuan, his mind clouded by the draining of his soul and vitality, teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. Left with no alternative, he retrieved several pellets from his Universe Ring and consumed them in one desperate gulp.

The Dragon Slash Platform expanded exponentially, becoming a towering, jagged mountain range encircled by layers of temporal and spatial barriers, exuding a tremendous force capable of cleaving through the fabric of the universe.

"Shatter!" he roared.

With each tear, luminous spatial fissures split open before the Dragon Slash Platform, each crackling with the essence of desolation, silence, and eternal void.

Yu Yuan's cry was a primal challenge to the heavens, intent on shattering all barriers and seals of the world. The dark red firmament, assaulted by the raw power of the Dragon Slash Platform, suddenly revealed a dense network of bloodlines.

Clusters of bloodlines pulsed with an intense, otherworldly glow, hinting at the profound mysteries of life's genesis, the awakening of bloodlines, and the origins of species.

From the dark red barrier emerged an indifferent supreme will, regarding the universe's living creatures with the detachment of one observing inanimate objects. This will, deeply rooted within the Origin Blood Continent, seemed to surge from the earth's core to the barrier sealing this world, all in a single breath.

It watched, with a chilling indifference, as Yu Yuan, in his hubris, wielded the Dragon Slash Platform to puncture the heavens.

Suddenly, the dark red barrier was illuminated by a constellation of brilliant stars, surrounded by fiery suns and luminous crescent moons, all bathed in a sinister blood-red hue. They resembled enormous crimson eyes, sending chills down the spine of any onlooker. Meanwhile, the resplendent celestial bodies shimmered in a kaleidoscope of colors, painting a breathtaking spectacle across the sky.

With a thunderous boom, the Dragon Slash Platform, like a blade through the veil, struck the dark red wall. Multicolored stars burst into oblivion, and the blood-red suns and moons appeared to be shattered by the might of the Dragon Slash Platform.

Light cascaded down like rain, causing space itself to tremble, and the Origin Blood Continent to thunder in response.

Yet, in the next instant, more celestial bodies emerged, with new stars blanketing the sky!

The ruptured spatial fissures, infiltrated by the hidden laws of the Origin Blood Continent, swiftly healed.

Yu Yuan, having soared from the rear of the immense Dragon Slash Platform, was drenched in blood. His visage was horrific, as if this single blow had taught him a brutal lesson.

His formidable strike, which seemed unstoppable, was quietly neutralized, leaving barely a trace on the barrier wall.

Despite his utmost effort and wielding the renewed Dragon Slash Platform, he was like an insect trying to topple a great tree—insignificant.

Yu Zhu, Yu Yiyi, and the Luan Bird Queen, who had ascended with him, were stricken with horror.

The three women arranged themselves in a triangular formation around him, deploying their secret techniques and arcane arts to conjure a multitude of light shields, barriers, and ice walls.

Their goal was to thwart any powerful Blood Devil Clan members from exploiting the situation.


Perched atop a towering peak, Munch, who had lived for tens of thousands of years, stood with his hands clasped behind him. Squinting, he gazed at Yu Yuan, who had failed to breach the barrier and was now severely wounded. "I said it before, our Blood Devil Clan's holy land isn't a place just anyone can enter or leave at will. For millennia, when the Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods of the Boundless Land passed by, they too mostly chose to steer clear."

"They didn't dare to tread lightly or intrude rashly. What makes you think you can?"

"The Dark Domain of the Asura Clan is a no-go zone for all beings in the galaxy. Isn't our Origin Blood Continent just as forbidding?"

With a thunderous crash, the Golden Elephant Ancient God, along with the three Blood Slaves he had enslaved, plummeted to the ground. They first demolished a mountain, then were buried under an avalanche of rocks.

This outcome was mitigated by Tan Junshan's intervention, preventing the Golden Elephant Ancient God from falling into the seething blood lake where the Mighty Spirit King had perished.

"The Mighty Spirit King's demonic form has been dissolved and refined. The distinguished Demon Cultivator sought by Tan Xiaotian will no longer grace this world," Munch cackled unrestrainedly. "A Demon Cultivator at the Unrestrained Stage can only meet such a fate on the Origin Blood Continent. After the Mighty Spirit King, you, the venerable elephant, are next!"

Three colossal Blood Slaves soared into the crimson rivers, seemingly drawing blood energy to prepare for their onslaught against the Golden Elephant Ancient God.

"Has the Mighty Spirit King perished?" Yu Zhu cried out in shock.

Beside her, Yu Yiyi, clad in dark armor and silently communicating with a host of evil spirits, gave a slight nod. "I can no longer detect his soul's presence. His Yin God, Yang God, and primary soul began to dissipate the moment he plunged into that boiling lake, vanishing completely in an instant."

"The Mighty Spirit King is indeed dead," Chen Qinghuang confirmed with a calm resolve.

Gracefully, she removed the crown from her head, revealing her stunning visage that could captivate any onlooker on the Origin Blood Continent.

The woman, whose fame had skyrocketed in recent years, called forth a nest wrapped in an aura of endless death from deep within her being.

She stood within the nest, gesturing for Yu Yiyi and Yu Zhu to accompany her and bring the nearly spent Yu Yuan inside.

After a brief hesitation, the two women supported the weakened Yu Yuan, stepping into the nest shrouded in a somber and desolate aura of death.

A crescent moon abruptly ascended from the chasm where the Golden Elephant Ancient God had met his demise.

Atop the moon stood Tan Junshan, a recluse from the Moon Sect, his face shadowed as he gazed upon the Golden Elephant Ancient God buried beneath rubble. His brow furrowed, he declared, "Grec is regaining his memories."

"Memories?" Yu Yiyi called out.

Tan Junshan grunted affirmatively, casting a glance at the tumultuous lake where the Mighty Spirit King had sunk. "Grec of the Plover Realm was indeed vanquished by the trio of Divine Kings from the Divine Soul Sect. Yet, the memories and the sophisticated blood techniques he mastered in his later years seem to have been seized by an unseen force, thrust into the reborn Grec's body across the void."

"With such a Grec, what chance does Cao Yi have?" Yu Yiyi's expression turned bitter. "Now I understand why Cao Yi, who initially had the upper hand, suddenly found the tables turned, and was overpowered and humiliated by the youthful Grec."

For Grec had only just been reborn when he began to assimilate another self.

The Grec who had met his end at the pinnacle of the Plover Realm had quietly transferred all his accumulated wisdom and memories across the vast expanse of the cosmos, directly to the Grec now before them.

Thus, Grec had achieved what could only be described as a true resurrection.

Perhaps his bloodline level and battle power hadn't fully recovered, but Grec was already the patriarch of the Blood Devil Clan, a figure who had lived for thousands of years and had rarely faced defeat across the vast Starfield.

No matter how extraordinary Cao Yi was, he hadn't ascended to the supreme Primordial Spirit, nor had he become the strongest being in the Boundless Land.

Not having reached the ultimate level, he was clearly no match for Grec, who had been fully resurrected.


Beneath the Titan, the youthful Grec laughed radiantly as he drew a twisted blood shadow from deep within his brow.

This twisted blood shadow was none other than Cao Yi, the prodigy of the Profound Sky Sect.

The blood shadow underwent constant transformation. Dense, mysterious patterns and the secret language of blood occasionally surfaced, as if to reshape and refine the blood shadow.

It didn't take long before the blood shadow abruptly contracted and reverted back to Cao Yi.

Cao Yi's dark red pupils, ablaze with crimson flames, stood silently behind Grec, becoming his guard just like Quealy and Knox had—effectively transformed into a Blood Slave.

Meanwhile, Grec's features were rapidly shifting. A thick beard sprouted at his temples and the corners of his mouth as he transitioned from the image of a teenager to that of a young man.

The brightness and integrity that once adorned him were now replaced by an air of determination and ruggedness. A commanding presence unique to a formidable leader began to emerge and intensify.

"Yu Yuan, we meet again."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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