Unmatched Dominance/C1159 Two Dragon Eggs
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Unmatched Dominance/C1159 Two Dragon Eggs
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C1159 Two Dragon Eggs

The Great Demon God Grec gazed at the Death Nest suspended in the void with a warm smile. His eyes, seemingly unhindered by any material substance, peered through the deathly energy encasing the nest, past the numerous barriers crafted by Yu Yiyi and Yu Zhu, and settled directly upon Yu Yuan, who had just come to.

Yu Yuan, his body crusted with dried blood, snapped back to full awareness at the sound of Grec's voice. Above him, the Dragon Slash Platform, majestic as a Holy Mountain, was casting a strange, radiant light as it slowly contracted.

One by one, the mighty demons and demon cultivators of the Devil Palace were being slaughtered by the formidable warriors of the Blood Devil Clan, plummeting into the blood-red lakes and seas, only to be quietly swallowed by the crimson waters.

The moment the will of the Yang meridian awoke, the tide of the war shifted dramatically. In a brief span, the Blood Devil Clan decimated the ranks of the great demons and Devil Palace cultivators.

The Mighty Spirit King, at the Middle Period of the Unrestrained Stage, met his demise and was consumed entirely by the churning lake. The Golden Elephant Ancient God crashed thunderously to the ground, its golden blood spraying across the valley, transforming the blood-stained earth into a glittering expanse of gold, inciting a frenzied scramble among the Blood Devils for the precious fluid.

The struggle for possession between Cao Yi and Grec was swiftly resolved. The awakening of the Yang meridian's will, with its extraordinary divine power, had altered the Origin Blood Continent, significantly amplifying the might of the Blood Devil Clan's elites.

Yu Yiyi and Yu Zhu, as if bracing for a formidable foe, stood protectively behind Yu Yuan, tensely marshaling their full strength in vigilant defense. They sensed that Grec had undergone a profound transformation.

"Do you know why I value you above all others?" Grec, now in the prime of his life, soared into the heavens and instantly entered the hollow chest of the Titan. Seated with his legs crossed and hands joined in prayer, he became one with the Titan.

Countless strands of fine crimson lightning burst forth from his body, reaching out to the walls of the Titan's chest cavity. In that moment, he was the heart that the Titan lacked, ensnared within a web of blood-red electricity, his very being intertwining with the vibrant arteries of the Origin Blood Continent.

"I don't know."

With a grim expression, Yu Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, floating above the Death Nest. Above him loomed the Dragon Slash Platform, and he watched Grec, who had entered the chest cavity of the Titan and was now leveling with him as the Titan continued to grow.

Yu Yuan was struck by a peculiar intuition.

The Great Demon God he knew well had truly returned, replacing the younger Grec who had just been reborn. The young Grec, after reincarnation, had chosen to fully embrace his original self, achieving a genuine resurrection.

"Because of you, I was able to hatch the Spinosaurus's offspring on the Dragon Slash Platform."

Grec's laughter boomed as he parted his clasped hands and nonchalantly gestured toward a lake on the ground. The blood-red lake, which had been bubbling furiously, instantly stilled at his touch.

The once dark red lake became crystal clear, revealing a vivid image. The massive bronze coffin that had burst from the earth, its lid inscribed with countless tiny characters, was now sealed shut. Inside, instead of the Divine King known as "Taishi," there was only a dense pool of blood. Within it lay another, larger purple-golden egg, quietly resting.

The blood, rich with the exquisite essence of all life and mixed with numerous tiny blood crystals, nourished the purple-golden egg. These blood crystals seemed to be the remnants of the Life Altar that Grec had shattered.

From within the egg, a powerful heartbeat resonated, seemingly defying the boundaries of time and space.

"Plover Realm!"

Tan Junshan, Chen Qinghuang, and Yu Yiyi simultaneously murmured in awe.

Yu Yuan remained silent.

With a thunderous roar, the Golden Elephant Ancient God, towering a thousand meters tall, rose from the valley, drenched in blood. His long tusks shone with blinding golden light as he huffed and puffed, fixated on the extraordinary sight within the lake. In a raspy voice, he bellowed, "Another Spinosaurus egg?!"

The Great Demon God Grec was suddenly overcome with melancholy. He sighed deeply, reflecting, "The three Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect are truly formidable. They plotted against me in the Plover Realm, using my abundant blood energy to warm the dragon egg, hastening the Spinosaurus's emergence from its shell."

"I was overly confident and underestimated the Divine Soul Sect because I hadn't truly dealt with them before."

"I paid a steep price for that. They caused my death in the Plover Realm, a death orchestrated by the Divine Soul Sect's cunning plans."

Yu Yuan remained silent.

Upon seeing the bronze coffin and the purple-golden egg within, he realized that the unsettling heartbeat he had heard twice before was from another Spinosaurus dragon egg.

He had sensed something even before he and Chen Qinghuang entered the forbidden area where the Moon Swallowing Ape's body lay.

Previously, he only knew that the heartbeat was connected to the Dragon Slash Platform and the dragon corpses. Now, it was confirmed.

"The two dragon eggs left by the mighty Spinosaurus—one was found by me, and the other fell into the hands of the Divine Soul Sect. To hatch the egg of the most formidable Starry Behemoth, an astronomical amount of blood energy is needed. I, Grec, am far stronger than the deceased Moon Swallowing Ape. Without a doubt, I am the best candidate."

"The Asura King and I thwarted their grand ambitions with the Babel Chamber of Commerce, which enraged them and made us their targets."

At this point, Grec's face was etched with bitterness as he shook his head and sighed deeply.

The Divine Soul Sect's plot had stripped away the blood energy he had cultivated for thousands of years, sealing it within the bronze coffin to nurture another Spinosaurus dragon egg. He was deeply resentful and frustrated.

But he had to accept his defeat.

"The Divine Soul Sect clearly understands that the Spinosaurus's offspring hold the power to transform the Boundless Land. Indeed, the entire Boundless Great World was formed from the sinking of the Spinosaurus and the active influx from the Yin Meridian source."

"The Divine Soul Sect aims to use the Spinosaurus to make the five greatest powers of the Boundless Land submit to them."

"Hehe, but I won't let them get their way! I'll throw a wrench in their plans!"

He gazed at the dark red sky, then lowered his eyes to the similarly hued earth.

"Thank you, Yu Yuan, for taking the Dragon Slash Platform out of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. Thank you for your kindness in rescuing the second young beast and for bringing it to the Dragon Slash Platform. And finally, thank you for bringing the Dragon Slash Platform to the Origin Blood Continent. I, Grec, am deeply grateful for your generous assistance in my time of need."

He respectfully bowed to Yu Yuan, following the customs of the human race.

Yu Yuan's expression was dark and foreboding.

Tan Junshan and Chen Qinghuang, after hearing his words, felt a bitterness in their mouths.

It seemed that they had unwittingly fallen into Grec's trap the moment they intruded upon his first resurrection site and disrupted it.

The chain of events began when Grec first attempted to resurrect himself, voraciously drawing upon the residual blood energy of the Moon Swallowing Ape within the purple-gold egg and siphoning strength from the dragon egg.

Grec's initial resurrection attempt failed, and the blood-colored crystal fell into Yu Yuan's hands. Subsequently, he harnessed the power of the Dragon Slash Platform to lead everyone into the second forbidden zone.

The subsequent series of actions, aimed at utterly destroying Grec and venturing into the Origin Blood Continent, appeared to have been anticipated by Grec all along.

Until now.

"To show my gratitude, you will be the last to die. I will grant you the sight of what is to come," Grec said with a smile.

Without notice, the Titan, now towering at an immense height, stretched out an enormous hand that blotted out the sun.

This colossal hand descended from the heavens, abruptly seizing the neck of the Golden Elephant Ancient God and then forcefully pressing it down into the boiling lake where the Mighty Spirit King had sunk.

"It's time for you, old elephant, to meet your end."

Libre Baskerville
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