Unmatched Dominance/C1168 Polar Devaputra
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Unmatched Dominance/C1168 Polar Devaputra
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C1168 Polar Devaputra

In the depths of the gray, fog-enshrouded clouds, a host of bizarre Devaputras lunged at Yu Zhu's bewitching form. These newly emerged Devaputras had either crafted a devilish body from a dry skeleton, merged with some kind of sturdy armor, taken possession of a divine weapon, or even inhabited the shattered Yang God body of a human. Each devil body was devoid of flesh and blood, containing only a dense Devil Soul that pulsed within.

The ancient Outland Devaputras, for the most part, assumed such forms. Their forte was using the Devil Soul to crush their enemies' spirits, unlike the Blood Devil Clan who possessed flesh and blood and could harness their bloodline to wield innate secret techniques.

Within the toxic fog, the corrosive miasma had little effect on these Outland Devaputras. Yu Zhu, revealing her true monstrous form as a magnificent jade spider, glistened all over. Her demonic energy shone brilliantly like the dawn's first light. With her razor-sharp legs, she sliced through the invading Devaputras, cleaving them into pieces. Her fearsome demonic energy surged, dispersing the Devil Souls of those Devaputras who had lost their armor and skeletal devil bodies.

Yet, her Blood Restraint Technique, woven from spider silk, failed to produce the desired effect. She was unable to extract even a strand of vital essence from the bloodless bodies of the Devaputras, who had transformed armor, bones, and blades into their devilish forms, to replenish her own energy spent in battle.

Suddenly, scarlet sword beams flashed through the dark brown smoke, cutting down the Devaputras that swarmed towards her legs in rows. The Devil Souls of these creatures were a pale purple hue, flickering dimly like extinguishing lanterns.

"The Polar Devaputras are here," Yu Yuan, clutching his sword sheath, declared as he stepped in front of Yu Zhu, his brow furrowed in concern.

Within him, the crimson Life Altar was poised to transmute into the Yang God's body. Through analyzing the blood-colored crystal, he had uncovered the origins of this race. The Starfield where the Polar Devaputras roamed lay not far from the Dim Starfield of the Blood Devil Clan, connected by a secret passageway. The chieftains of the Polar Devaputra Race, along with their entire kin, revered the Great Demon God Grec.

The Devaputra Race could be seen as the most devoted followers of Grec. The gateway linking the Polar Devaputra to the Dim Starfield must be concealed nearby. They were likely commanded by the Great Demon God to hasten from their home Starfield to aid the Blood Devil Clan in eradicating those who fled.

Another sword swing sent out waves of scarlet light, reducing a fresh onslaught of Polar Devaputra to a heap of shattered bones. Wisps of pale purple Devil Souls emerged from the debris, flickering like purple flames and exuding a chilling, eerie presence, seemingly fixated on his soul. A trace of coldness flickered across Yu Yuan's brow.

In that moment, he thought that if the Thunder Sect's Grand Cultivators were present, with their divine weapons and torrents of lightning, they could instantly decimate the Polar Devaputra, now vulnerable without their devil bodies, leaving only their Devil Souls.

The Outland Devaputra crafted devil bodies to shield themselves from forces like the Thunder Sect, whose powers naturally subdued them. A devil body could withstand most lightning strikes, keeping the Devil Soul unharmed. Yet, as he executed the Fallen Moon Slash, sending forth crimson beams, he could only blast their devil bodies apart without inflicting serious damage on their Devil Souls.

He turned to Yu Zhu, now in her monstrous form, and said, "Revert to your human shape." The towering Yu Zhu deftly maneuvered her spider legs, relentlessly crushing and slicing through the devil bodies of the Polar Devaputra. But the clusters of Devil Souls, akin to purple flames, proved difficult for Yu Zhu to handle with ease.

This was precisely why numerous Polar Devaputra braved the toxic vapors, unafraid of Yu Zhu's wrath. Unlike the God of Plague, the venomous cloud she had integrated into her demon body was only effective against flesh and blood, unable to permeate the ethereal Devil Soul as the Devil Envoy could, causing the Devil Souls of the Outland Devaputra to erode and dissolve.

"Understood," Yu Zhu acknowledged, aware that her enlarged demonic form was too conspicuous and ineffective at protecting her entire body. Moments later, she transformed back into a slender young girl, her back adorned with radiant, peacock-like bone plumes.

Her bones, which seemed to be a scaled-down version of her spider legs, could also serve as sharp blades in her hands.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

As expected, the bones swirling behind her effortlessly penetrated several gaudily armored Polar Devaputras.

Some slower Devaputras were even infiltrated by her demonic energy, which seeped into their Devil Souls, causing them to let out agonizing screams.

"He is Yu Yuan, the human youngster who foiled Lord Grec's plans in the Boundless Land!"

A massive, three-acre ball of purple Devil Soul undulated and slowly took the form of a sinister purple apparition. "He's worth a fortune. Join me in assaulting his consciousness and soul! But remember, do not obliterate his soul completely. We must keep his intellect intact, for we aim to take him alive!"

The Polar Devaputra erupted into a frenzied roar.

Dozens of clans from all around echoed his call, swiftly converging near him, resembling a cluster of bizarre, burning purple lanterns.

"Soul Guide!"

The leading Devaputra bellowed in the ancient demonic tongue.

Yu Yuan was jolted. He felt as though his Yin God, primary soul, and even the Heavenly Soul of the Life Altar, which he continued to refine within his own microcosm of Qi and blood, were bound by innumerable ropes, on the verge of being extracted from his flesh and drawn into the purple devilish flames laid out by the Devaputras.

"Hehe, you're out of your depth."

After the initial shock, he quickly regained control of his three souls, baring a mischievous smile. "Haven't you realized? The Evil Cauldron I wield is equipped with numerous Demonic Formations similar to yours. Didn't Grec inform you that I've mastered the secret arts of the Divine Soul Sect? The sect was founded specifically to counter beings like you—the most ancient and purest of Heavenly Devils!"

With that, he activated the Ghosting Arts.

His Yin God, releasing an irresistible essence from his Consciousness Little World, instantly threw the Polar Devaputras into disarray.

In the moment the Ghosting Arts were deployed, he sensed the Demonic Soul Arts of the Polar Devaputras falter and lose their potency.

Ironically, the ancient and pure Polar Devaputras found themselves overwhelmed by the very soul techniques designed by the Divine Soul Sect to subdue them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Clusters of smaller purple flames defied the Polar Devaputra's attempts to stop them, piercing directly into the acupoint between his eyebrows.

"Fool! He's with the Divine Soul Sect. Don't be deceived and venture into his soul consciousness!"

The mightiest Polar Devaputra struggled to cling to his wits, resisting Yu Yuan's enchantments, but his cries and the Devil Soul Intent he unleashed were futile.

The feeblest Polar Devaputra's intellect was shattered in an instant, and they surged towards Yu Yuan.

"So, it's the Ghosting Arts."

A deep voice emanated from a suit of dark red armor suspended in midair. Inside, flesh began to twitch and rapidly form bones, veins, and even organs.

In a mere moment, Quealy, once seen by Yu Yuan on the Origin Blood Continent, took shape.

As soon as Quealy spoke, the Polar Devaputra, whose intelligence had been compromised, regained their clarity. They halted in their tracks, just shy of reaching Yu Yuan.

Quealy's hands extended from within the armor, elongating gradually.

Seconds later, he had fully assumed the form of Quealy from the Origin Blood Continent, now only distinguished by the dark red armor.

"You go after the Demon Palace girl. Yu Yuan is mine."

Upon speaking again, Quealy conjured a crimson river of light between Yu Yuan and Yu Zhu, effectively dividing the two.

This scarlet river concealed spatial powers, making Yu Yuan and Yu Zhu, though visible to each other, feel worlds apart.

"A Blood Devil adept in spatial forces."

Yu Yuan was taken aback. Back on the Origin Blood Continent, Quealy had appeared unremarkable, never showcasing his true might.

He was usually silent, standing behind the youthful Grec, while Munch and Forte took the lead. Unexpectedly, the once inconspicuous Quealy was indeed extraordinary.

"Why can't we master the power of space when so many human cultivators can?" Quealy scoffed. "We have flesh and blood. Anything humans can achieve, we Blood Devils can accomplish with effort."

He paused briefly.

Then, with an air of superiority, he declared, "We are the most elite race in the vast cosmos! The Blood Devil Clan will ultimately reign supreme over all creatures, following the divine will to purge the boundless filth and cancerous blights like yours!"


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