Unmatched Dominance/C1169 We Can Talk Things over
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Unmatched Dominance/C1169 We Can Talk Things over
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C1169 We Can Talk Things over

Quealy, a Ninth Level Elder of the Blood Devil Clan, advanced toward Yu Yuan with a fervent, blood-red blaze flickering in his eyes.


The venomous smoke emanating from Yu Zhu's body met Quealy's crimson river of light, and thick smoke billowed forth as the toxin silently dissolved.

She realized that the blood-colored river, imbued with spatial abilities, was keeping her and Yu Yuan apart. Aware that her natural toxic powers were ineffective against the Polar Devaputra but could wreak havoc on Quealy, she wasted no time in striking.

Yet, Quealy was not like the other Blood Devil Clan members; he was adept at manipulating space.

The presence of the blood-colored river of light thwarted Yu Zhu's dense poisonous fumes from getting anywhere near Quealy.

Meanwhile, the Freezing Devaputras, acting on Quealy's command, swarmed from various directions, relentlessly besieging her.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Zhu was engulfed by the oddly-shaped Polar Devaputras.

Suddenly, Moon Blades rained down from the heavens, aiding Yu Zhu in obliterating numerous Polar Devaputras.

Brilliant sparks continued to flicker among the clusters of purple Devil Souls, causing the Freezing Devaputras, who sought to harm Yu Zhu with their ancient Devil Soul abilities, to emit harrowing shrieks.

Yu Yuan looked up to see Tan Junshan's Aspect undergo another transformation, morphing into an ethereal deity with three moons suspended behind him.

One of these moons was the very weapon he had been cultivating, with Yu Yiyi and the Dragon Slash Platform at its center.

In that moment, Tan Junshan appeared as a deity wielding the power of the moons, his vast silhouette fluttering its voluminous sleeves.

Moon Blades and beams of moonlight not only shattered the Polar Devaputras but also reduced dozens of mutated monsters to a mist of blood.

This individual, who had attained the Late Period of the Unrestrained Stage and was once hailed as the most carefree figure in the Silver Moon Sect, no longer concealed his prowess due to the peril at hand and began to unleash his formidable strength.

Above his head, a crescent-shaped weapon, hovering ten feet high, crushed all the monsters in its path, including those of the Crypt Clan possessed by the Blood Demon, proving unstoppable and indestructible.

With a swift whoosh, the crescent-shaped weapon plummeted downward.


The weapon effortlessly pierced through the scarlet river of light that Quealy had refined.

"Yu Yuan, you and Yu Zhu go in and just keep moving forward," was the command.

Tan Junshan's dharma form, now human-shaped, was etched with determination. With an arm radiating brilliant moonlight, he seized the additional moons behind him and thrust them into the crescent-shaped weapon.

The two moons, as if by magic, were absorbed instantly by the weapon.

Yu Yuan's spirit was jolted. Seizing the moment, he connected with Yu Zhu's soul, then transformed into a bolt of crimson lightning, plunging into the crescent.

A dim gray glimmer followed as Yu Zhu, evading the Polar Devaputra's siege, also returned to the crescent.

"Tan Junshan is formidable indeed, having secretly refined more than one moon."

Yu Yiyi, diligently guarding Chen Qinghuang, marveled at the weapon's incredible energy. As she watched the lunar energy form rings and incinerate more mutated monsters, she remarked, "This Moon Blade, forged with the moon's essence and augmented by the crystal cores of two additional moons, now truly embodies the presence of an Artifact."

Upon entering, Yu Yuan also observed the crescent-shaped weapon emitting a purer lunar energy than before.

The rings of lunar energy drifted outward, deterring Quealy and the Polar Devaputra besieging Yu Zhu from touching or confronting it.

With a howl, the weapon obliterated all in its path.

In an instant, the crescent-shaped weapon had shattered the siege of the mutated monsters, the Crypt Clan, and the Polar Devaputra.

"The Demon Palace has reached a verdict: he is worthy of a Divine Throne, yet there are no vacancies," they said.

Upon her return, Yu Zhu gazed at Tan Junshan's towering dharma form with awe. Privy to the secrets of the Demon Palace, she shared, "Should the Silver Moon Sect remain uninvolved, and a Primordial Spirit perishes amidst the brutal clashes with foreign races, he is among the next in line."

"Besides him, Ann Wen and Jee Ningshuang are also contenders. Zu Ann, consistently overlooked, has faced deliberate hindrances on his path to divinity."

Yu Zhu's voice dropped to a whisper, as if she feared being overheard.


Responding to Yu Yuan's mental summons, the blood-sated Demon Blade returned, settling firmly into his palm. As Yu Yuan grasped the blade, he could almost hear the wails of countless tormented souls, and a fierce craving for blood surged within him, urging him to lash out recklessly.

He fought to control the impulse, taking several deep breaths before exclaiming, "We must be vigilant!"

Tan Junshan's formidable power was not lost on him. When Tan unleashed his full strength, his combat prowess possibly surpassed even that of the Golden Elephant Ancient God. Out in the vastness of the Outland Star River, Tan could likely stand his ground against Munch of the Blood Devil Clan without faltering.


The momentum of the crescent-shaped blade halted abruptly.

A towering demonic figure, as immense as a mountain, materialized from the shadows, wielding a golden halberd. His body, a patchwork of multicolored armor, blocked the path of the blade.

The golden halberd clashed with the oncoming blade, sparking a dazzling explosion of golden light.

Adler of the Elemental Devil Clan!

And there was another, a Demon God shrouded in a misty demonic aura, standing atop a hefty tome brimming with demonic script that glittered like a dark sun. This Demon God, resembling a celestial nymph with ribbons dancing in the air, was none other than Mitts from the Internal Demon Clan.

These two Demon Gods, previously seen in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and the Plover Realm, had now unexpectedly joined forces to intercept the crescent blade's path.

"It's you two!"

Yu Yuan's expression turned grim as he surveyed the scene, realizing that behind Adler and Mitts, vague demonic silhouettes hinted at the presence of numerous Outland Devaputras lurking in the darkness.

Back in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, he had fought alongside Adler and Mitts. In the Plover Realm, they had parted ways early.

By all accounts, Adler and Mitts owed their allegiance to the present leader of the Outland Devaputra Race, not the Great Demon God Grec.

So why were they here?

"Yu Yuan, hand over the Luan Bird Queen, and we will grant you passage," Mitts, the fairy-like Demon God, said with a slight bow, offering him a respectful salute before she explained, "We are not acting on Grec's orders, nor have we come on behalf of the Blood Devil Clan. We are here by the command of our patriarch."

"The Luan Bird Queen must die!" Adler interjected forcefully. "The supreme leader of the Elemental Devil Clan received a message from Grec. He learned that the Secular Bird would be reborn from within the Luan Bird Queen, so he summoned the High Priest and instructed him to make haste to the Dim Starfield without delay."

"The High Priest of the Elemental Devil Clan!" Tan Junshan's visage darkened.


In an instant, he shrank back, retracting his Dharma form to stand in his normal human shape on the Moon Blade, positioned between Adler, the Demon God, and said, "Let's talk this through!"

"Elemental Devil Clan!"

Yu Zhu's demeanor grew grave, a flicker of unusual luminescence sparking within her Demonic Eye.

Fearing that Yu Yuan might not grasp the gravity of the situation, she covertly infused him with all the knowledge that the Demon Palace had insisted she learn before her venture into the Outland Star River.

The mightiest faction in the vast expanse of the Outland Star River was not the Blood Devil Clan.

They were merely second.

Before Grec's emergence, before he ascended to the rank of Great Demon God, the Blood Devil Clan ranked only fifth.

For tens of thousands of years, the preeminent race of the Outland Star River had remained unchanged.

It was always the Elemental Devil Clan, with Adler at its helm.

The chieftain of the Elemental Devil Clan, who also presided as the current overlord of the Outland Star River, was the very same figure who had led the charge in slaying the Secular Bird.

His was a life spanning over a hundred thousand years, universally recognized as the most formidable force in the galaxy!

In comparison, the Great Demon God Grec was but a young upstart, forever striving to challenge and surpass that very individual!

"The Secular Bird must not be allowed to resurrect!"

Adler and Mitts declared in unison.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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