Unmatched Dominance/C117 The Forbidden Landlord!
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Unmatched Dominance/C117 The Forbidden Landlord!
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C117 The Forbidden Landlord!

Yu Yuan's arm bones glinted with a brilliance akin to stars, each sword light shining forth with an unmatched radiance.

Lee Yuchan and Lee Yu's faces transformed with shock.

To them, the very moment Yu Yuan lifted his hand, his entire being radiated with a blinding light.

Lee Yuchan's experience was especially intense and bizarre.

She sensed that with a mere flick of his wrist, Yu Yuan had called forth a Great Sword Immortal, a being capable of traversing the heavens, transforming into his blade, poised to annihilate all malevolent spirits within this sacred ground.

In the depths of the void, the clouds churned as if a colossal dragon python, miles long, roared through the cosmos.

Beneath the hallowed earth, innumerable sword intents swam like a myriad of fish, weaving through the underground.

The sword soul etched upon Yu Yuan's arm appeared to be the pivotal key, the linchpin to unlocking the grand array.

"Hu! Hu!"

A torrent of dense spiritual energy surged towards the resplendent skeleton of the Yang God.

"Crack! Crack!"

A deluge of fine golden lightning erupted from within the bones.

The golden skeleton, which had barely risen and remained unwashed for ages, suddenly fractured into fragments.

Shattered, it turned to bone shards.

As the golden lightning receded, the skeleton's hue faded to ash.

Devoid of any luster or mystique, the bone fragments turned to dust before touching the ground, dispersing into the air.

Only the skull remained, shattering upon impact into a chaos of golden sparkles.

The once formidable dark red flame, sensing imminent peril, instinctively darted away.


Yu Yuan scoffed, "As I suspected, just a lingering essence of the Yang God's soul. Had you been wiser, you would've concealed yourself at the sight of me, refusing to emerge even under duress."


With his command, seven or eight beams of sword light abruptly intertwined, coalescing into a singular sword intent.

The sword intent struck the dark red flame.

The flame, attempting to flee, burst apart in an instant.

It fragmented into specks of dark red embers.

Lee Yu, ever vigilant, contemplated, "Soul sacrifice!"

Nine ancient talismans emerged from the soul sacrifice ball, each one a voracious maw eager to consume the dark red sparks.

A wave of greenish light washed over like ripples, engulfing the tiny flickers of dark red.

In that moment,

Lee Yuchan stealthily made her move, arriving beneath the verdant veil of light in an instant.

Above her, at the crown of her head, strands of her spiritual consciousness intertwined, forming an invisible web akin to that of a spider.

"Lee Yu!" she called out urgently.

Lee Yu was ready, swiftly retracting the soul sacrifice ball and rendering the nine talismans invisible.

The web, woven from Lee Yuchan's spiritual consciousness, ensnared the tiny flecks of dark red light, much like a spider trapping its prey.

The dark red embers, tugged by Lee Yuchan's spiritual web, coalesced once more.

Settling into a cross-legged position, Lee Yuchan began to chant softly. Each syllable that passed her lips echoed through the web, resonating mysteriously and igniting the newly formed soul spirit.

As the soul spirit blazed, myriad beams of light showered down upon Lee Yuchan's crown, transforming into pure soul energy that nourished her soul, particularly the Earth Soul.

Were Yu Yuan's mastery profound enough, he might see within Lee Yuchan's spiritual sea, her Earth Soul morphing into a well, drawing celestial waters from above.

This well water was the soul force she had garnered from the sacrificial offering of a strand of the Yang God's essence.

Invisible to the naked eye, tendrils of smoke wafted from Lee Yuchan's ears, carrying with them the Yang God's residual thoughts, his reluctance, and the bitterness and indignation that had festered post-mortem in this realm.

All were purged from Lee Yuchan following the Martyr Spell's sacrificial rite.

"Not enough!" she declared, sensing the inadequacy of the Yang God's remnant soul for her quiet ritual.

"Hmm, keep going. I'll search some more," Yu Yuan responded, aware that the fragment of the Yang God's soul was insufficient for Lee Yuchan's cultivation of the Yin God. "There's more nearby, no need to hurry."

"More?" Lee Yu inquired, intrigued.

"Why else would I have chosen this place?" Yu Yuan replied with a radiant smile. "Shatter these ice rocks!"

"Ice rocks?"


After a brief moment of hesitation, Lee Yu called forth the Blue Profound Sword.

In Lee Yu's grasp, the Blue Profound Sword became a verdant dragon, its domineering presence swallowing rivers and mountains as it collided with an ice rock.


The ice rock shattered, sending a shower of ice blades, shards, and glimmers in all directions.

Within the chaos, strands of ice light, as if sentient, slipped silently into the earth, seizing the chance to flee.


Lee Yu exclaimed, about to call forth his soul sacrifice ball when Lee Yuchan's eyes sparkled, and she declared, "Return, soul!"

Above her, the web of spiritual consciousness transformed into a net, cascading over the frosty ground.

The earth hissed peculiarly as the ice light, seemingly caught by an unseen force, descended towards Lee Yuchan's head.

Lee Yu possessed the soul sacrifice ball, and Yu Yuan, with his mastery of the Heavenly Soul, could capture a few.

"How come my soul sacrifice ball can't detect those ice lights as the chilly souls they are?" Lee Yu wondered aloud.

"The ice rocks seal them, cutting off their essence," Yu Yuan replied with an easy smile, adding, "Plus, the rank of your soul sacrifice ball is not quite high at the moment."

As he approached with the golden skeleton, the sword light on his arm grew warm.

Standing at the heart of the ice, he was convinced that many more spirits lay concealed beneath the thick ice, their presence meticulously masked.

He understood that all these glacial spirits belonged to a single individual.

That person had been shattered, their soul scattered across this place, not dissipating into the cosmos but instead merging with the ice.

Had the world remained unchanged, that person's soul would have been eternally sealed, without the slightest ripple.

But now, with the Moon Demon's awakening and the loosening of the seals, the remnants of that person's consciousness stirred, and by chance, he had captured them.

"Bad luck for you."

Yu Yuan murmured, gesturing for Lee Yu to proceed, "With your aunt sacrificing the remnants of those soul thoughts, she has a good seventy to eighty percent chance of forging her Yin God."

With that, he squinted and strode towards another spot.

"Yu Yuan, what are you up to?" Lee Yu asked, puzzled.

"The supreme Moon Demon must have emerged. I'm off to confront her," Yu Yuan declared.

"The supreme Moon Demon! You... you're not going to wait for my aunt, Lee Yuchan, to gather her Yin God before you seek her out?"

"The Moon Demon Clan is hardly worth fearing. They failed to kill me at the earlier trial grounds, yet they dared to pursue me here – that's their gravest error! They're oblivious to the fact that in this realm, deeper and more ferocious, I am the sovereign!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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