Unmatched Dominance/C1174 Embarrassment
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Unmatched Dominance/C1174 Embarrassment
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C1174 Embarrassment

Origin Blood Continent.

Atop the fractured summit, the Great Demon God Grec had risen once again, reclaiming his past splendor. His face, obscured by a dense beard and crowned with short, blood-red hair, exuded an air of unyielding determination and indomitable spirit.

Surrounding him were Munch, Forte, and other Ninth Level elders of the Blood Devil Clan, along with Divine Level Demon Gods from the Freezing Devaputra and various other races.

"Quealy is dead."

With those words, Grec dropped a bombshell that left all the Devaputra experts present reeling in shock.

"Quealy's mastery of spatial secret arts was unmatched, and he even held his own against an elder of the Void Spirit Succubus," Forte interjected. "According to our intelligence, practitioners and great demons from the five supreme forces of the Boundless Land have been secretly arriving in the Dim Starfield through an unknown Galaxy Crossing."

This revelation caused a stir among the Devaputras gathered.

The five supreme forces of the Boundless Human Race seldom launched large-scale invasions into a Starfield, as their advantage lay not in numbers but in the prowess of their elite forces.

Engaging in battle within a fixed Starfield did not play to the Boundless Land's strengths.

"The old elephant of the Demon Palace fell on the Origin Blood Continent, and the Mighty Spirit King of the Devil Palace met his end here as well," Grec continued with a calm and amiable smile. "We'll confront them head-on; they want to wage war in the Dim Starfield, and I'll grant their wish. Just make sure to bring your clan members close to the Origin Blood Continent, or better yet, directly here."

"Though I haven't yet regained the full might of the Great Demon God, as long as the war is within the Origin Blood Continent or its adjacent Realm Boundary, I possess the power to battle even the Qilin in person. Should the conflict drag on until I've fully recovered, the Qilin won't stand a chance of gaining the slightest advantage!"

As he spoke, a drop of blood, gleaming like red agate, emerged in Grec's palm. A strand of his Devil Soul entered it, embarking on a soul-wandering journey across countless miles in a mere moment.

The drop of blood, shining with a translucent red glow, resembled a shattered crystal, brimming with infinite mysteries.

"It originated from the Demon Palace. That girl, Yu Zhu, has met with the Demon Palace's great demon."

Grec's brow furrowed slightly. "Until she has fully refined my revival blood crystal, I can discern her every action and pinpoint her location with a bit of effort."

"What about Yu Yuan?" inquired a tactless Polar Devaputra.

Grec's expression grew stern. "That kid is a different story. He has a Life Altar within him akin to mine, which prevents me from locking onto his position or detecting his movements."

"Patriarch, is it truly possible for the Luan Bird to be reborn through the Luan Bird Queen?" Forte inquired.

"Most certainly!"

Munch, the venerable elder of the Blood Devil Clan, responded. As he gazed at the dark red barrier that Chen Qinghuang had shattered, a subtle ache lingered in his heart. "You youngsters cannot fathom the terror of the Luan Bird. She is the nightmare of all beings; no intelligent race wishes for her resurrection."

The Devaputra Race's great demons all sighed at this revelation.

The enigma of Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang's disappearance remained unsolved, with even those involved, such as Adler and Mitts, in the dark about the truth. High Priest Reid was equally evasive.

The true cause was even further from their grasp.

"Forget the Luan Bird Queen for now. Having released the news, powerhouses from various races will scour the entire Starfield for her. Besides us, the ancient Demon Phoenix of the Boundless Great World will surely act. Our focus should now be on the Dim Starfield, on any bold visitors who dare show themselves!" declared the Great Demon God Grec with gravity.

"We will heed your command!"


On the shores of a foreign land.

Yu Yuan made adjustments, utilizing the spiritual jade within the Universe Ring to envelop the Yellow Court Little World in a spiritual fog. He then gazed upon the yellow sun.

By the reckoning of the Boundless Great World, several days should have elapsed.

The yellow sun appeared to be an eternal fixture, with no rising or setting, and the land beneath him knew no shift from day to night.

It was always the case.

The presence of the realm wall meant that the energy of this world was entirely capable of accommodating the robust beings from the Outland Star River. Yu Yuan was convinced that this place was far from deserted.

There had to be activity from the Outland Star River creatures!

With a furrowed brow, he mulled over the situation for quite some time. Revealing his identity to Chen Qinghuang, given the current circumstances, would likely result in a combined assault from all factions.

Remaining incognito, even in human form, was hardly safer in this world.

After all, humans were considered the common foe of all beings from the Outland Star River.


With a heavy sigh, he decided it was prudent not to rush into exploring. It would be unwise to inadvertently encounter a powerful being from the Outland Star River and meet an untimely end.

Every wisp of soul power and every bit of flesh and blood essence within the Yin God was being siphoned by the transforming Life Altar. For now, he was limited to wielding his spiritual power.

And the spiritual power he had managed to gather lately wasn't exactly plentiful.

Thus, he opted to remain where he was, forgoing any exploration of the woods beyond. He continued to use the spiritual jade, pellets, and herbs at his disposal to recuperate his strength as best as he could.

In this state, he was essentially in deep meditation.

With no day or night to mark the passage of time, Yu Yuan had no idea how much time had elapsed. He had used the spiritual jade and Spirit Crystals from his Universe Ring to fully restore the spiritual power he had depleted in the Dim Starfield.

The pellets were now spent, yet the Life Altar, still in the throes of its transformation towards the Yang God, was voraciously craving more.

"The Yin God cannot leave the body, nor can it exist without soul power or the essence of flesh and blood."

His brow remained knitted with concern. With only his spiritual power at his disposal, his combat abilities were significantly diminished. Many of his Spiritual Spells and the Optimus Nine Slashes were beyond his reach.

The current dilemma, however, was that his Universe Ring still contained jade and crystals capable of replenishing his spiritual power.

Regrettably, he had exhausted the spiritual materials and pellets that could swiftly restore his essence of flesh and blood and soul power.

Lacking any extraordinary items to nurture himself, and relying solely on his natural regeneration or refining abilities from this world, quickly replenishing his soul power and flesh and blood essence was proving to be an arduous task.

He sensed that the mystical energy enveloping the nearby area was exceedingly sparse.

It seemed probable that the entire foreign realm was not particularly remarkable. There were no exceptionally powerful warriors from other races stationed here, engaged in relentless cultivation.

"I need to get moving and assess the situation outside."

He quickly made a decision. After a brief hesitation, he glanced at the slumbering Luan Bird Queen, then gently lifted her up and carried her on his back.

The once prominent auras of death and destruction were no longer evident on Chen Qinghuang. She appeared to be in a peculiar state akin to hibernation, with most of her bodily functions at a standstill. Only her heart would occasionally beat, signaling that her life force was still present.

"I hope you'll be the first to awaken and break this impasse."

Yu Yuan carried the revered female emperor with a heavy heart, surprised by her substantial weight, which contradicted his expectations of lightness.

Drained of his blood essence, Yu Yuan's once robust physique had diminished, and his once overwhelming divine strength seemed to have vanished.

The burden of the Luan Bird Queen added to his troubles, making his journey more arduous. He had to channel spiritual power from his lower dantian to avoid appearing too disheveled.

He chose a direction at random and made his way into the forest, remaining alert and watchful.

Time passed, and eventually, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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