Unmatched Dominance/C1175 Unique World
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Unmatched Dominance/C1175 Unique World
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C1175 Unique World

The three black, elk-shaped alien beasts were fatally pierced through their skulls by Yu Yuan wielding the sheath of the Optimus Sword.

Within the Boundless Land, creatures other than humans are referred to as Demons and Demonic Beasts.

To outsiders, these entities are known as alien beasts, signifying creatures from foreign realms.

The trio of alien beasts was of a very low rank, comparable at best to Fourth Level Demonic Beasts, and thus, not classified as Demons.

Only those who have awakened their spirit and intelligence, such as the Demon Gods, are recognized as Demons. Those with inferior bloodlines are merely seen as Demonic Beasts.

In the Boundless Great World, majestic species like dragons, qilins, and phoenixes are considered Demons, possessing intelligence and spirituality from birth.

Such beings are never categorized as Demonic Beasts; from the outset, they are revered as the sovereigns of the Demon Race.

More commonly, species such as the Black Water Serpent, Sky Tiger, and Golden Elephant evolve from Demonic Beasts, gradually developing intelligence before they can ascend to the ranks of the Demon Race.

A profound rule exists within the Demon Beast Clans of the Boundless Land.

If a clan births a Tenth Level Demon God, the entire life form of the clan will undergo a transformation.

This metamorphosis elevates the Demonic Beast Clan that produced a Tenth Level Demon God to the status of the Demon Race in an instant.

Subsequently, any offspring born to this clan will inherently possess advanced intelligence, bypassing the need for gradual progression.

Take the Sky Tiger Clan as an example.

Before the White Divine Tiger ascended to Demon God status, newborn Sky Tigers were merely considered Demonic Beasts. It was only when their bloodline reached the Fifth or Sixth Level that they would experience a sudden surge in intelligence, qualifying them as members of the Demon Race.

However, the moment the White Divine Tiger achieved Demon God status, the racial laws were transformed, turning the world on its head.

Post-ascension, the Sky Tiger cubs were born with innate high intelligence and exceptional spirituality, eliminating the need for bloodline breakthroughs.

Consequently, the entire Sky Tiger Clan leaped from the ranks of Demonic Beasts to those of the Demon Race.

Even if the White Divine Tiger were to fall from grace, the Sky Tiger Clan would remain a Demon Race, retaining the significant advantage of their young being born with innate spirit.

It was precisely because of such peculiar customs that the vast Demonic Beast clans risked everything to evolve and transform. They all harbored dreams of one day entering the Demon Palace, securing a coveted seat among the Demon Gods, and elevating their clan to unprecedented heights. Whenever a clan member showed potential to challenge for a Demon God seat in the future, the entire clan would rally together, pouring all their resources into aiding their ascension.

"I wonder how Yu Zhu and Yu Yiyi are faring," Yu Yuan mused as he skinned a black deer-like alien beast, skewering it on a wooden frame to roast over fire crystals. Beside him, the Flowing Flames pill furnace stood open, cradling the fresh blood of the beast. Every so often, he would ladle a generous portion of the blood and gulp it down with a deep swallow.

The blood of this particular alien beast offered only a meager amount of vital essence, barely making a dent in the needs of the transforming Life Altar. Yet, this was the extent of his current capabilities. Limited to wielding only his spiritual energy in combat, Yu Yuan couldn't even muster a single scarlet blade of light from the Optimus Nine Slashes. Without the ability to blend his Qi and soul power to synchronize with the sword spell, the force he could exert, even while gripping the sword sheath, was disappointingly weak.

Had the alien beast not been so feeble, he might have faced a greater challenge. He refrained from using the Demon Blade, Blood Prison, partly out of fear that it might backfire, and partly because the flesh and blood of those slain by the blade would be consumed by it. The Demon Blade could instantly annihilate three such low-level alien beasts, reducing them to mere specks of blood-colored light within the blade, the weakest and smallest of their kind. Due to the beasts' insubstantial strength, they would likely offer no essence to aid in his recovery, leaving his path to rejuvenation even more elusive.

Before long, the flame-roasted meat began to exude a rich, fatty aroma. Yu Yuan indulged heartily in the feast. Yet, as he savored the meal, a wry smile crossed his lips. If only the Life Altar weren't in the midst of transformation, he could have simply cast the three frail alien beasts into it, and in the blink of an eye, they would have been converted into pure blood energy, seamlessly absorbed and refined by the altar.

If Yu Yuan hadn't possessed the ability to regenerate flesh and blood, the Life Altar would have mercilessly stripped it from him. Nevertheless, he could still utilize the Blood Refining Technique.

The Blood Refining Technique allowed him to avoid gulping down large quantities of alien beast blood. It could enhance his efficiency manifold, enabling him to directly extract the essence from the blood.

Consuming the blood and meat of beasts was the most archaic and inefficient method of replenishing vital energy.

It was too slow, and some of the blood energy would be lost, preventing complete absorption.

Yet, this was the only method currently at his disposal.


As Yu Yuan digested the beast blood and meat within his organs, he continued to eat and drink heartily. He caught a glimpse of the Luan Bird Queen, lying on the grass beside him, and was astonished to see her once black hair had transformed into an unusual deep green.

She appeared significantly younger and possessed an extraordinary beauty.

Yu Yuan, tearing into a large chunk of beast meat, approached her and scrutinized her with squinted eyes.

The Luan Bird Queen, still unconscious, had all her spiritual energy retracted. Her once powerful Qi and blood had vanished, making her seem like an exceedingly ordinary yet stunningly beautiful young woman.

"With a bit of adornment, she could pass for human, concealing any traits of her race."

Yu Yuan pondered the situation and realized that given the likelihood of alien races inhabiting this world, if they could keep their human identities hidden, their safety would be greatly enhanced.

By disguising both himself and Chen Qinghuang as members of an alien race, they could move about the nearby areas with less risk of trouble, especially if they weren't identified as humans.

Humans were the common foe of the alien races. If discovered, they would face relentless hostility.

During such a precarious time, powerful beings from various races might be searching for them.

If their cover was blown, with Chen Qinghuang still unconscious and Yu Yuan at a critical juncture in cultivating the Yang God, his combat strength severely limited and without the Evil Cauldron, the likelihood of being besieged was alarmingly high.

Resolved to act on his thoughts, he sourced materials from his surroundings, picking leaves and crushing them into a juice. He applied it to Chen Qinghuang's face and neck, matching her skin tone to her green hair. He then carefully trimmed the eyebrows of this unparalleled empress from ages past and etched a ring-shaped symbol prominently on her forehead.

The symbols originated from the Dark Elfkind. Yu Yuan had learned about them through his acquaintances, Mia and Lulu. Additionally, his Heavenly Soul had gleaned the secrets of various races while meditating at the Life Altar.

Over time, the image of Chen Qinghuang he once knew faded, replaced by a strange vision of a Dark Elfkind girl he had conjured.

"Given the energy levels of this world, it's unlikely that any formidable alien races are stationed here. Those of a lower rank wouldn't be able to discern her true nature at a glance."

After altering Chen Qinghuang's features, Yu Yuan surveyed his surroundings, contemplating his next move. He resolved to transform into a Dark Elfkind that would harmonize with Chen Qinghuang.

With this thought, streams of vital energy subtly emanated from the evolving Life Altar, caressing his earlobes, gliding through his hair, and flickering through his veins and organs.

In mere seconds, his hair took on a deep green hue, his ears lengthened, his cheekbones became sharply defined, and his internal organs rearranged themselves. He had transformed into a male member of the Dark Elfkind.

Gazing into a summoned silver mirror, Yu Yuan stared at his unfamiliar reflection for a long time. It was then that he realized the profound alien techniques his soul had mastered during its fusion with the Life Altar.

He understood that once the Heavenly Soul and the Life Altar fully integrated, transforming the Life Altar into his Yang God, he would be able to morph into any common alien race at will. He could even wield the bloodline powers of alien races so adeptly that even Ninth Level Bloodline warriors of his own kind would be none the wiser.

But for now, he was merely a facade, lacking the essence of what he portrayed.

In a land of perpetual daylight, where the yellow sun never dipped below the horizon, Yu Yuan carried Chen Qinghuang on his back. They wandered like two lost Dark Elfkind through forests teeming with alien beasts and trees of unknown species.

His life was primitive, spent hunting alien beasts and consuming their flesh. Disheveled and unkempt, he let his beard grow wild, unconcerned with his appearance.

Time passed in this manner, unmeasured.

Then, one day, beneath a towering tree, he stumbled upon a hole so deep it seemed bottomless. Dropping a large stone into the abyss, he waited, but no sound returned.

Driven by curiosity, he settled down next to the hole. As he began to refine a piece of spirit jade, he couldn't help but wonder if members of the Crypt Clan were living beneath the surface.

The Crypt Clan were known for constructing subterranean caves and creating what they called underground cities, preferring the depths to the surface world.

Half an hour later, he was astonished to see a procession of men and women from the Mondnacht Clan emerging from the hole.

The group, comprising both young and old Mondnacht Clan members, looked as though they had traversed a great distance, arriving before him weary and worn.

An elderly Mondnacht man, leaning heavily on a cane and clutching a large stone, glared at him and accused, "You Dark Elfkind scamp, have you no decency? Throwing things into the passage connecting two continents is strictly forbidden. Don't you know any better?"

The elder spoke in the language of the Star Race. Thanks to Yu Yuan's profound understanding of the Life Altar, he could not only comprehend but also speak the language fluently.

"Two continents?" Yu Yuan pondered aloud.

"You mean to say you've been living in the woods all this time, oblivious to everything?" a young Mondnacht boy jeered. "Even though it's my first time on this continent with my grandfather, I'm aware that your world is graced by an eternal yellow sun, unlike ours."

He gazed up at the sun, squinting slightly, and murmured, "Our homeland is far superior, with its bright and everlasting full moon."

Yu Yuan was taken aback by the revelation.

The boy's words made it clear to him that the Domain Boundary he was currently in was indeed stationary.

The land beneath his feet was aligned with a galaxy, over which a yellow sun perpetually shone.

Beneath him, at the cave's end, there must be another land facing a different galaxy.

And within that galaxy, a luminous moon eternally cast its glow.

Libre Baskerville
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