Unmatched Dominance/C1177 Change to Another Life
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Unmatched Dominance/C1177 Change to Another Life
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C1177 Change to Another Life

After assessing the general situation and learning the name of the world, Yu Yuan hoisted Chen Qinghuang onto his back and set out toward the Rock Clan's town.

From behind, a member of the Mondnacht Clan, Guo Li, called out, "Stop!"

Yu Yuan paid her no heed.

Pelle watched Yu Yuan's retreating figure with a grave expression, shaking his head to halt the three young, impetuous clan members. In a deep voice, he commanded, "Let him go!"

"Grandfather?!" protested Guo Li, clearly displeased.

Pelle reiterated firmly, "Let him go!"

At his words, all the Mondnacht Clan members who had ascended from the Lower Continent with him, including Guo Li, suddenly found a sense of calm.

After a considerable pause, someone remarked, "That kid is no simple matter. We might not be a match for him."

Only after Yu Yuan had vanished into the thick of the forest did Pelle offer an explanation. "He doesn't fear us in the slightest. I detected a faint scent of blood on him. I'm convinced he's responsible for many deaths. Moreover..."

Pelle produced a crescent-shaped gemstone, glanced at it, and announced, "There are skeletons of four Yellow Deer beasts nearby!"

"Yellow Deer?"

A tall man, armed with a bow adorned with fragments of jade, expressed his surprise.

Pelle gestured in a certain direction and instructed, "Over there. Go have a look."


The man sped off like a gust of wind and was gone in an instant.

Shortly thereafter, his scream echoed back, "Grandfather, it's true! There are four Yellow Deer, reduced to skeletons stripped of skin and sinew, not a trace of flesh remaining!"

The Mondnacht Clan members near the cave were visibly shaken by the news, and a collective sense of relief washed over them.

"This tunnel to the Upper Continent was selected for its seclusion," Pelle mused, a touch of nostalgia in his voice. "Its remoteness means that alien beasts often roam here, and they're not of low rank. The Yellow Deer typically range between the Third and Fourth Levels, and they're no easy prey."

He paused, then with a heavy sigh, turned to the man who had returned and said, "Years ago, your father met his end nearby, surrounded and bitten to death by Yellow Deer."

At his words, a somber silence enveloped the group.

"Alright, let's drop the subject," Pelle interjected swiftly. "Regardless of the origins or the story behind those two Dark Elfkind youngsters, we're better off not stirring up trouble with them. Anyone capable of killing four alien beasts on their own is not someone we should trifle with."

The group fell silent at once.

"Now that my bloodline has reached the Fifth Level, I can lead you all. As long as we're cautious and steer clear of those harboring ill will towards visitors from the Lower Continent, we should be fine," Pelle reassured everyone before assigning tasks for hunting and gathering rare medicinal herbs.


By a meandering stream.

Having settled Chen Qinghuang down, Yu Yuan scooped up a spoonful of the stream's clear water and gulped it down with a "glug glug."

Once he finished, he turned and looked back, his brow furrowed in thought.

He had been contemplating how to leave the Epitaxial Realm as quickly as possible and venture into the broader galaxy and higher-tiered domains.

Perhaps commandeer the siblings' Galaxy Ancient Starship?

He shook his head, dismissing the thought almost immediately. Such an action would likely reveal him and Chen Qinghuang, drawing the attention of the siblings' father.

If his cover were blown, powerhouses from various realms might converge from all directions to target Chen Qinghuang.

"Why did my first incarnation choose the Epitaxial Realm? Was it because it's sufficiently remote, or is there some secret here?"

This sudden insight led him to deep contemplation. He sat down, scooped another spoonful of the cool river water, and poured it over his head.

The chill that seeped down from his crown seemed to bring a measure of calm.

Gradually, he recognized that the peculiar Epitaxial Realm might indeed be a wise choice for both him and Chen Qinghuang.

The Epitaxial Realm lacked formidable alien races, and the siblings only occasionally visited, bringing friends along for rides on the Galaxy Ancient Starship.

To them, the distinction between the Upper and Lower Continents of this domain was trivial, merely a playground for their leisure and skirmishes.

Here, with due caution, he should be able to avoid detection.

Once Chen Qinghuang awoke or his Life Altar completed the Yang God transformation, they would effortlessly escape the domain's barriers and rejoin the expansive galaxy beyond.

"Perhaps the best choice is to make use of everything the Epitaxial Realm has to offer, staying hidden while searching for something that can aid in the transformation of my Yang God."

He was resolute in his decision.

From then on, he no longer obsessed over leaving. Maintaining a safe distance from the Rock Clan's towns on the Upper Continent, he focused on hunting higher-tier spirit beasts to replenish his vital energy.

One day, to his surprise, he discovered Nerves Calming Grass thriving in a secluded valley.

He knew that this grass was typically a unique spirit plant of the Boundless Great World, an Earth Level herb that required ample sunlight to flourish robustly.

In the Boundless Great World, suitable locations for cultivating Nerves Calming Grass were scarce.

"The Upper Continent knows no night; the yellow sun is everlasting."

Glancing at the sky, Yu Yuan stroked his chin and nodded in agreement, recognizing that the land beneath his feet was indeed ideal for nurturing Nerves Calming Grass.

With Chen Qinghuang on his back, he approached and examined the plant before plucking one casually.

He rinsed the roots in the river water with a wooden spoon and chewed on them, allowing the green sap to seep into his organs. As he did so, he meditated and absorbed the essence.

Soon after, a smile crept across his face.

The quality of the Nerves Calming Grass here surpassed even that of the special cultivation sites managed by the Medicine God Sect in the Boundless Great World.

Refreshing green specks, like diminutive green stars, drifted into his Consciousness Little World, reviving his parched Yin God ever so slightly.

"This bounty cannot go to waste. It's best to harvest them all and refine them into pellets!"

In that moment, he saw the Epitaxial Realm in a new light; it was not the resource-scarce place he had imagined.

The deliberate cultivation of the Nerves Calming Grass suggested that the inhabitants of the Upper Continent had acquired the seeds from elsewhere and chosen this tranquil valley for their propagation.

If Nerves Calming Grass was here, what other wonders might exist?

The Epitaxial Realm's distinctive environment made it conducive for several rare medicinal herbs to thrive, easily blooming and fruiting, and nurturing miracles.

In the Lower Continent, a world perpetually shrouded in darkness where the sun never shone, Yu Yuan remembered there were many medicinal herbs that could be of use to him.

"Perhaps, I should consider a different approach to survive in the Epitaxial Realm."

Yu Yuan's interest was piqued. Given his limited combat abilities and the Epitaxial Realm's abundance of unique medicinal herbs, he decided to adapt to his surroundings and reinvent himself as a pharmacist of the Dark Elfkind.

He began to deliberately shift his focus in that direction.


After a considerable amount of time had passed,

a group of Fire Lizard Tribe members, their backs laden with baskets of herbs, arrived noisily at a secluded valley.

Their wails filled the air when they discovered that not a single stalk of the familiar nerves calming grass remained in the valley.

At the mouth of the valley, a towering Silver Scale Clan warrior with a grim expression rode in on a tamed alien beast. In the language of the Star Race, he demanded, "What's going on here?"

"Sir, the nerves calming grass has disappeared!" an elderly member of the Fire Lizard Tribe informed him.

The Silver Scale Clan warrior, a Fifth Level combatant, had already assessed the situation. He inhaled sharply and grunted, "Those accursed Lower Continent thieves! I was too lenient, not keeping a close eye on the Mondnacht Clan. I underestimated them, thinking they wouldn't dare to cause trouble!"

"Was it them?" the aged Fire Lizard elder asked in shock.

"Alien beasts aren't drawn to nerves calming grass. The Rock Clan knows full well who this valley belongs to!" the Silver Scale Clan warrior stated icily, "Who else but those from the Lower Continent would dare to steal from us here?"

"Track them down!"

Libre Baskerville
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