Unmatched Dominance/C119 Yuefei!
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Unmatched Dominance/C119 Yuefei!
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C119 Yuefei!

"Are you truly a challenger from the Silvermoon Empire? Who exactly are you?"

The innocent-looking girl in white gazed at the composed Yu Yuan, effortlessly discussing secrets of the Outland as if recounting well-known tales, her eyes shimmering with shifting light. "It's incredibly rare to earn the sword souls' approval. And you, if you were merely a challenger from the Silvermoon Empire, couldn't possibly grasp the mysteries of the heavens!"

Yu Yuan spoke of the Outland Devaputra and the Moon Demon Clan with clarity, evidently well-versed in their lore.

Yet, for most cultivators on the Profound Sky Continent, the existence of the Outland Devaputra remained unknown.

Only within the ancient sects of the Quietus Continent and the Heavenly Source Continent, where the powers of the Yang God, Freedom, and Primordial Spirit had been passed down for millennia, did knowledge of the enigmatic forces beyond the heavens and the Outland Devaputra exist.

"Your cultivation is merely at the Spirit Accumulating Stage of the human race. Your three souls shouldn't be this refined!"

"To wield a sword is already an achievement for you, but now, you..."

"What kind of person are you?"

Doubt clouded the verdant eyes of the formidable Moon Demon residing within the girl.

Yu Yuan offered a carefree smile, "Who I am is no longer your concern."

He quietly lifted his hand toward the girl.

In that instant, he felt an extraordinary connection to the ancient, vast, and wild breath of this world.

This was his ultimate confidence!

The sword soul, using him as a conduit, could harness the world's sealing power and employ an ancient, magnificent formation to strike down his chosen foe.

Be it the golden skeleton or the evil soul trapped within the rock, he could obliterate them both.

As for the Moon Demon before him, it might have been a threat in the previous realm, causing him no small amount of trouble.

But here...

Yu Yuan's eyes narrowed, his raised arm brimming with sword intent.


Deep within the murky clouds, a bolt of lightning cleaved through the churning cloud sea, poised to strike.

The mighty Moon Demon within the girl looked up, suddenly overwhelmed by the horrifying premonition of imminent destruction.

"No, please don't."

She timidly knelt before Yu Yuan, her head bowed against her chest as she whispered a desperate plea, "No, please don't."

Yu Yuan's face remained cold and impassive as he asked, "Is your life worth sparing?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed, her head snapping up, the emerald light in her eyes flickering with quiet intensity. "My life has value! If you spare me, I promise to repay you!"

"Hehe," Yu Yuan chuckled darkly, his smile chilling. "I've said it before—the Moon Demon Clan isn't particularly powerful among the Outland Devaputras. You might be the last of your kind in this world. To the Moon Demon Clan, you could be invaluable, but to me? Not necessarily."

"I possess knowledge of many things, things you've yet to uncover," declared the supreme Moon Demon.

A harsh truth had become clear to her.

Within the Silvermoon Empire's secret proving grounds—where her Moon Demon Clan lay hidden—Yu Yuan could only wield the power of the sword soul to deliver a lethal strike to a soul spirit.

Such a Yu Yuan was not to be feared; his cultivation was too low to be a threat. At most, he could muster a single sword strike, maybe two.

She had fortified her body with the purifying power of the moonlight, confident she could withstand a strike from Yu Yuan's blade.

Moreover, she had two followers who could compel Yu Yuan to draw his sword at least once.

If things unfolded as she anticipated, Yu Yuan would be drained of strength after one or two strikes, sealing his fate.

But in this unfamiliar world, Yu Yuan had evolved.

He was no longer just a swordsman; he could now harness the ancient array's power through the sword soul, capable of causing cataclysmic shifts in the cosmos.

The sword soul was the linchpin of the array.

Though the sword itself was gone, its soul persisted in the world, now integrated into Yu Yuan's arm.

Yu Yuan had seemingly become the interim focal point, the key to activating the colossal ancient array.

Lacking the actual sword, Yu Yuan couldn't unleash the full might of the ancient formation. Yet, even borrowing a fraction of its power to erase her existence would be effortless.

Realizing this, she instantly understood that her schemes were likely doomed.

Yu Yuan stood before her, and even if she attempted to flee at the earliest opportunity, escape seemed an impossible feat.

She faced a stark choice: plead for mercy or face immediate death.

For the survival of the Moon Demon Clan, she had no alternative but to plead.

"What do they call you within your Moon Demon Clan?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"Yuefei," she replied, her head bowed. "If you're aware of our clan, then you know that from a young age, our souls can separate from our bodies, much like your human Yin Gods and Yang Gods, allowing our spirits to roam freely."

"Our physical forms were too fragile when we arrived from beyond, unable to endure the fearsome forces of the icy, dark cosmos. They all perished en route."

"Only our spirits survived, taking refuge in Moon Fragments, which enabled us to live on in the forbidden lands."


The formidable Moon Demon, who identified herself as Yuefei, suddenly became docile and meek, kneeling before Yu Yuan in the guise of a young girl in white, recounting the ancient tale of her clan being struck down from the heavens, sword by sword.

Yu Yuan listened with rapt attention.

"Our Moon Demon Clan may not be the strongest among the Outland Devaputra, but we possess our own pride," Yuefei said, her voice rising with indignation. "Why did he invade our homeland and rend our earth just to complete his formation? We bore him no malice!"

"And who is he?" Yu Yuan pressed.

"I do not know his true name, only that he refers to himself as..."

Mid-sentence, Yuefei transformed into a streak of green lightning, hurtling towards Yu Yuan.

She was several times faster than the previous Moon Demons, leaving no opportunity for Yu Yuan to react. Before he could grasp the situation, she was upon him.


Yu Yuan was sent flying as if struck by a primordial titan, his ribcage shattered.

Simultaneously, a chilling will, sharp as an icicle, pierced directly into his soul's sanctuary.

Yu Yuan's arms, aglow with pinpoints of sword light like a constellation, illuminated both his form and the surrounding area, as if he stood in a realm of radiance.

Unconsciously, he swung his arm, executing a slash.

From deep within the earth, three sword intents soared forth, blending into his swordplay.

With a swift slash, the demure girl in white was cleaved in twain, right between her eyebrows.

Two clusters of ethereal green souls split and materialized, then immediately fled, heedless of their surroundings.

It was then that Yu Yuan collapsed with a thunderous crash, his chest drenched in blood, the sparkle in his eyes nearly extinguished.

"Yuefei, the Moon Demon Clan."

With gritted teeth, Yu Yuan uttered these words, coughing up several more mouthfuls of blood.

A sudden realization hit him—he had been overly confident, underestimating the Outland Devaputra's deceit and savagery, and had paid the price.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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