Unmatched Dominance/C1206 The Waves Suddenly Rose
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Unmatched Dominance/C1206 The Waves Suddenly Rose
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C1206 The Waves Suddenly Rose

The Galaxy Ancient Starship, shaped like a flying fish, glided through the dim starlit expanse. Atop the "fish head" of the ship, three Star Race experts stood, bathed in resplendent starlight, unaffected by the erosive power of the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent. They were Leo, Beru, and Gheirat.

Gheirat, the sovereign of this Starfield, stood behind Leo and Beru, gesturing towards a distant gourd-shaped floating landmass, describing its stunning natural wonders. He eagerly invited them to visit and take in the sights.

Leo and Beru, with polite smiles, graciously declined, expressing their desire to head to the Epitaxial Realm first. From Gheirat, they had learned that this realm, a gift to his children, was not part of the Illusion Starfield but had appeared out of nowhere, sparking their curiosity. The presence of Demonic Beasts, abundant Spirit Plants, and once, even mortals, made the Epitaxial Realm all the more intriguing to them.

Eager to explore, Leo and Beru proposed a visit to the Epitaxial Realm to witness its marvels firsthand. Gheirat, having sworn fealty to Leo, considered the Illusion Starfield under his rule to be part of Leo's domain. Eager to please his rare visitor, he was prepared to accommodate Leo's wishes.

Moreover, Gheirat harbored hope that the persistent menace of the Yimo in the underground caverns might finally be addressed by Leo and Beru. Along the way, he revealed the existence of the Yimo, further igniting their interest.

Without rush, Gheirat showcased other realms within the Illusion Starfield to Leo and Beru, proudly demonstrating the prosperity and order achieved under his leadership.

"There!" Beru, known as the Nine Stars Sage, suddenly detected an anomaly. His gaze fixed on an inconspicuous realm off their planned course. "Follow me, let's check it out!"

With a surge of his bloodline, the stars of the Illusion Starfield seemed to brighten in unison. Beru transformed into a shooting star, leading the way.

Sensing the urgency, Leo's expression grew somber. "There's trouble!"

After an extended period, three streaks of starlight descended upon the charred remains of the devastated land.

They witnessed the shattered realm wall, and the influx of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent eradicated the lower lineage members of the Star Race.

Cities lay in ruins, mountains crumbled, and the earth was scorched black everywhere.

It was an apocalyptic vision.

Gheirat suppressed his rage as he soared through the world, yet he found not a single survivor.

Upon rejoining Leo and Beru, his rage gave way to profound grief. "I apologize for this tragedy. I did not foresee such an event."

The Illusion Starfield contained nearly a hundred realms, but only twenty to thirty were truly suitable for life to thrive and propagate.

Of those, only about a dozen had robust realm walls and decent star energy.

The Star Race members and the Eighth Level warriors stationed here were all dead. With the natural barriers torn asunder, Gheirat was deeply affected.

"The tactic of incinerating a world is typically employed by the Red Devil Sect and the Primordial Yang Sect," Beru sighed, offering a logical analysis. "To my knowledge, the Red Devil Sect's masters were assigned to the Dim Starfield to collaborate with the Devil Palace and Demon Palace, making their presence here unlikely."

"The Primordial Yang Sect?" Leo exclaimed in anger.

"Yes, practitioners from the Primordial Yang Sect have invaded the Illusion Starfield. Judging by the extent of destruction, it seems there are no cultivators at the Unrestrained Stage here, only some Yang Gods," Beru deduced.

"The Primordial Yang Sect!"

Gheirat's growl was primal, akin to that of a wild beast.


A warship disintegrated slowly amidst the flames, surrounded by the floating corpses of the Star Race.

With a subtle thought, Xu Jingyao made the Fire God Spear vanish from his side. He squinted and clutched the head of a bleeding Star Race warrior.

His flame-wreathed fingers, sharp as Flame Crystals, penetrated the skull.

The Yang God's body shone like a crimson gem, his divine aura swirling as he extracted crucial information from the head. "The Nine Stars Sage of the Star Race is currently inspecting the Illusion Starfield. Heh, he's too old to be a threat, but the individual accompanying him is quite significant."

"Who?" Loo Rui inquired with curiosity.

"That person, born with a Life Altar, capable of connecting to the myriad stars above and freely harnessing their energy—a true prodigy of the heavens," Xu Jingyao said with a sinister smile.

"Leo?! Is he in the Illusion Starfield too?"

Huang Baiqi, Wan Jing, and several Yang God powerhouses from the Spirit Void Sect, Cold Yin Sect, and Thunder Sect shrieked as though they had stumbled upon a treasure, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Yes, it's Leo!"

Xu Jingyao cracked a smile, then paused thoughtfully before speaking out of character, "Let's not be hasty or take any rash actions. Leo, along with Gheirat and Beru, and possibly other Star Race experts... with our current strength..."

He surveyed the group before him, his demeanor cool and collected, "We're not a match for them."

"Young Sect Master, do you have any advice?" Loo Rui asked.

"We have two options: either we leave the Illusion Starfield immediately, pretending to be oblivious to everything—this is the only way to ensure our safety, considering the unsavory deeds we've committed here," Xu Jingyao said with a composed expression. "Or, we go for broke and pull off a major heist!"

"We'll follow your lead!" Huang Baiqi declared.

"Then let's carefully devise a plan to erase the Star Race's brightest star from existence!" Xu Jingyao laughed boisterously, turning to the three from the Primordial Yang Sect behind him, "You three, use the coordinates I've given you to cause as much havoc as possible, drawing the attention of Leo and Gheirat."

"Then make a swift exit from the Illusion Starfield and spread the word about Leo's whereabouts to our allies. We'll arrange for Unrestrained Stage cultivators to secretly enter—make sure they remain undetected."

He then gestured towards Loo Rui, Huang Baiqi, Wan Jing, and a few others.

"The deceased Star Race clansman was ordered by Gheirat to head to a place called the Epitaxial Realm and await Leo and Beru's inspection," he explained, lifting the Star Race's skull. "From the intelligence within this fellow's mind, the Epitaxial Realm holds some mysterious allure, which has captured Leo and Beru's interest."

"We'll head to the Epitaxial Realm and wait for them to come find us. Heh, after they've been led astray and come back with nothing, our people should be arriving just in time."

"What do you think?"

Xu Jingyao, who had laid out the strategy, turned his gaze to the assembled experts from the major sects. With the Fire God Spear in hand and his esteemed status within the Primordial Yang Sect, these Yang God powerhouses were willing to follow his lead.

"I'll follow your lead!"

"We think it's a solid plan!"

"Let's go for it!"

Realizing that Xu Jingyao was far from impulsive and that his quickly crafted plan was highly feasible, the Yang God experts from the various sects nodded in agreement one by one.

"Then let's make it a big one!"


Yu Yuan was unaware of the swirling undercurrents and scheming within the Illusion Starfield where he resided.

He was ready to depart.

He handed Denise seven bottles of pale green, thick medicinal liquid, each as wide as her arm. "I won't bother with names, as they'll need to be renamed, which is rather cumbersome."

The concoction's primary component was the blood of the Celestial Star Beast, blended with the blood and flesh of high-rank alien beasts brought by Elena, and combined with the spirit plants from the Epitaxial Realm. The delicate balance of different bloods unlocked the potential within the Celestial Star Beast's blood, aiding in the enhancement of the Star Race's bloodline.

Yu Yuan couldn't guarantee that Denise would be able to elevate her bloodline with the seven bottles of medicinal liquid.

But he was certain that it would be 100% effective in enhancing the Star Race's bloodline.

Particularly since Denise's bloodline was at the Seventh Level.

Which was not particularly high.

It was only after he had obtained a drop of Beru's blood in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, learned more about the essence of the Star Race's blood, and delved deeper into the mysteries of the bloodline after studying a blood crystal from the Great Demon God Grec, that he was able to tailor the treatment.

Hence, the creation of those seven unique bottles of medicinal liquid.

"Do you intend to leave the Epitaxial Realm?"

Upon accepting the medicinal liquid, Denise had an epiphany. She glanced at the slumbering Chen Qinghuang and then at the restless, peculiar Celestial Star Beast crouched by the cave. "Are they coming with you? Is that creature inside the Celestial Star Beast?"

From Yu Yuan's account, she learned that the alien demon lurking deep underground had successfully broken free.

"It'll take some time."

Yu Yuan nodded, offering no further explanation.

Shortly thereafter, Xie Binn and Rong Xun from the Clouds Sect, along with Han Dan and Kin Haolong from the Silver Moon Sect, arrived from various regions of the Lower Continent.

The quartet had reaped considerable rewards, their spirits were high, and their weapons and Yang God physiques shimmered with electricity and starlight.

"It's odd that those from the Cold Yin Sect and the Spirit Void Sect are yet to show up."

Kin Haolong looked up at the sparkling stars and exhaled contentedly, "Honestly, the Epitaxial Realm has a familiar vibe. I've grown quite fond of it here and am in no rush to leave."

Rong Xun and Xie Binn approached and peered at the Celestial Star Beast behind Yu Yuan.

The possessed alien demon turned its gaze on them, "What are you two juniors from the Thunder Sect staring at?!"

"Who is he?" inquired Xie Binn, puzzled.

"Don't concern yourselves with that."

Yu Yuan gestured dismissively, signaling Denise and Elena to depart first. After a moment's thought, he continued, "I can't keep you in the Epitaxial Realm indefinitely. From now on, the choice is yours—whether to go or stay, it's entirely up to you."

Given that Leo, Beru, and Gheirat were already en route, he was confident that even if the Yang God experts from the Spirit Void Sect and the Cold Yin Sect managed to find the Epitaxial Realm, they wouldn't gain any advantage.

Thus, there was no longer any reason for Rong Xun and the others to remain.

"You promised to reveal the secrets of the Epitaxial Realm and the origins of those mortal remains," Rong Xun stated gravely.

Yu Yuan nodded in acknowledgment.

As he pondered how to begin, a burning sensation suddenly emanated from the profound sword mark on his arm.

"Optimus Sword!"

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