Unmatched Dominance/C1221 Qiyan!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1221 Qiyan!
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C1221 Qiyan!

The Great Sage of the Star Race began to call out from a distance.

Gheirat glanced down at the demon trapped in the bottle and let out a snort, remarking, "Make the best of it."


The bottle shattered, releasing a river of toxic liquid. The demon, once confined, burst forth like a bolt of lightning, heading straight for the Celestial Star Beast that was under demonic possession.

"Qiyan, it is indeed Qiyan!"

Miao Kun of the Thunder Sect sensed the toxic river that had not yet merged with the Celestial Star Beast. He quietly referenced the sect's secret scriptures, his expression growing grave.

"What's that?" inquired Cao Jiaze with curiosity.

Despite the approaching Star Race and an Asura Clan warship, this prodigy from the Profound Sky Sect remained unflustered, even finding the time to ask questions.

The Yang God practitioners from various sects, standing on the fragmented continent, felt less tense thanks to his composed demeanor.

"An Earth Demon birthed in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea. This particular demon is quite extraordinary, having collected the sea's deadly toxins during its formation to craft a bizarre liquid form. The ancient texts describe how the Devil Palace requested our assistance to confine it within the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea," Miao Kun explained, deep in thought.

"This demon is unique; its growth and evolution are fueled by consuming the inner demons of human cultivators. A cultivator's life is often shadowed by various dark thoughts that lurk within the heart. Some overcome these and achieve a higher state, while others succumb to their inner demons, facing dire consequences during pivotal breakthroughs."

"The consequences range from falling into a demonic state and regressing to instant soul dispersion, leaving no trace behind."

"Devil Palace cultivators, known for their unorthodox sword techniques, harbor the most tumultuous inner demons. One of the Palace's esteemed cultivators discovered this demon in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea. Learning of its ability to absorb these inner demons and grow stronger, he attempted to capture it but failed. Subsequently, he persuaded an elder of the Thunder Sect to help seal the demon away."

"After that, any cultivators from the Devil Palace who couldn't resist their inner demons were sent inside, allowing him to consume these demons and permanently eliminate the threat."

Miao Kun paused briefly, glancing at the Yang God experts from the Heavenly Source Continent.

"Many elders from the three great upper sects, aware they couldn't withstand their inner demons, were also sent to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea after receiving permission from the Devil Palace."

At these words, a peculiar look crossed the faces of those present.

"You mentioned earlier that he was supposed to have died?" Cao Jiaze inquired.

"Yes, the wielder of the Optimus Sword disagreed with this practice. He stealthily entered the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and with a single stroke, destroyed the realm that held him captive. He later claimed that he had slain the bizarre Earth Demon with one blow, severing the path for all cultivators to use it for absorbing their inner demons," Miao Kun confirmed with a nod.

"Why would he do that?" Cao Jiaze asked, puzzled.

"Because one can only advance their realm by directly confronting and overcoming their inner demons," Miao Kun said with a wry smile. "Anyone who relies on Qiyan to consume their inner demons will find their cultivation permanently stunted, with no hope of further advancement. Worse still, their realm might even regress."

"He made it clear that those who depend on external forces to deal with their inner demons don't deserve to live. They squander the vast fortunes of the world, hindering the progress of up-and-coming cultivators and blocking the path for the new generation."

With Miao Kun's explanation complete, the meteorite manipulated by Gheirat had reached Yu Yuan.


Cao Jiaze nodded slightly, now understanding the situation thanks to the explanation.

Internally, he admired Nie Qingtian's stance, feeling that his actions were justified.

Yet, why was Qiyan still alive?

"To think that you transform and grow stronger by devouring cultivators' inner demons? You truly are a wonder," Yu Yuan marveled, his gaze fixed on the Demon who had not departed with Elena but had chosen to stay by his side, his eyes shining a bit brighter.

The Demon known as Qiyan, perhaps having learned from past setbacks, wisely remained silent.

"Yu Yuan! What brings you to the Illusion Starfield?" Beru asked, his eyes lingering on the departing, damaged warship, a hint of fear in his voice. "Nevertheless, I owe you my thanks. Thank you for taking her... to another starfield, rather than leaving her in the Illusion Starfield."

The warship's course was set towards the Winged Race's territory, a detail Beru had already noticed.

He believed that Yu Yuan had shown respect to him and the Star Race by not allowing the perilous Secular Bird to roam freely in this starfield.

"Here we are, meeting once again."

Leo greeted them gracefully from atop an asteroid, his smile warm and welcoming.

"I've learned quite a bit about your actions in the Epitaxial Realm from that fellow," Gheirat, the realm's ruler, said, extending the Star Race's formal greetings with sincere words. "Thank you for exercising restraint. Without it, Denise and all the beings of the Epitaxial Realm wouldn't have stood a chance."

Qiyan had relayed every detail of Yu Yuan and Elena's deeds without omission.

They also learned that Yu Yuan had been well-behaved in the Epitaxial Realm, and upon discovering Xu Jingyao's plot to assassinate Leo, he had gone out of his way to send a warning.

This first encounter left Gheirat with a favorable impression of Yu Yuan.


The Asura Clan's warship came to a halt at the other end, where two prominent Platinum Asuras were assessing the situation ahead.

"Yu Yuan? The same Yu Yuan from the Plover Realm?"

Judging by the looks on Beru and Leo's faces, there was no mistaking it—it was indeed that Yu Yuan!

"The Optimus Sword?"


Demian and Ciara, the Platinum Asuras, stood on the warship's deck, silently communicating through their bloodline techniques.

The Asura King's harrowing experience in the Plover Realm was well-known among the higher echelons of the Asura.

The failed invasion of the Plover Realm was a frequent topic of discussion among the surviving clan members.

Though Demian and Ciara had not witnessed it firsthand, they had learned all about it through the accounts of their kin.

Thus, they knew that the Optimus Sword, long sealed in the Dark Domain, had been freed not only due to the Asura King Sabonis's incapacitation but also because it had acquired a sword soul.

And that sword soul had originated from a young man of the human race named Yu Yuan.

This young man had mastered Nie Qingtian's "Optimus Nine Slashes," effectively making him Nie Qingtian's successor in another life. With the sword soul etched into his being and wielding the sword sheath, he was a force to be reckoned with.

The two Platinum Asuras tasked with pursuing the "Optimus Sword" quickly deduced that the Divine Sword, now animated with a sword soul, was seeking out Yu Yuan!

Yu Yuan was located within the Illusion Starfield, and the Divine Sword, having detected his presence, had traversed countless miles to reach this starfield.

Upon this realization, Ciara contemplated using the "Frost Well of the Dark Domain," ready to expend a vast amount of her blood energy to reach out to the Asura King and forge a gateway between the two realms.

She had a strong hunch that the Divine Sword was not far off, already en route to their location.

A bone-chilling coldness began to emanate from within her, and her form seemed to be gradually consumed by the encroaching darkness, as if she were about to vanish right before their eyes.

Beru, who was in the midst of a warm exchange with Yu Yuan, instantly sensed the looming danger and his face turned pale with alarm. "Ciara, cease your actions!"

"The Optimus Sword is within the Illusion Starfield!" Ciara declared. "The Divine Sword is targeting Yu Yuan, and it is my duty to inform our King!"

The revelation of the "Optimus Sword" sent a tremor of shock through the gathered Yang Gods from across the cosmos.

"You're mistaken! Hold your fire! I'll explain everything!" Beru implored, his voice filled with urgency as he called out to Ciara, "Stop! Not here in the Illusion Starfield, not now! The Secular Bird is close by. Any rash action could endanger Sabonis!"

Leo and Gheirat were petrified with fear.

Should the Asura King descend, the Secular Bird slumbering within the derelict warship would surely awaken.

The Secular Bird would naturally assume that the Asura King was there to end her life.

If a battle between her and the Asura King erupted in the Illusion Starfield, the consequences would be catastrophic. Not only would those present be in peril, but the entire starfield could become a desolate wasteland.

"No, don't! The Divine Sword isn't after me!" Yu Yuan's voice was tinged with desperation. He watched as Ciara was on the brink of bridging the two worlds to summon the Asura King and more Platinum Asuras from the Dark Domain, and he too screamed in an attempt to halt her actions.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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