Unmatched Dominance/C1224 Humans Were the Most Respected
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Unmatched Dominance/C1224 Humans Were the Most Respected
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C1224 Humans Were the Most Respected

The nebula within Gheirat's chest was clearly linked to the Illusion Starfield, its mysteries hidden in plain sight. He had effortlessly crushed a seemingly insignificant crystal. Despite Cao Jiaze's efforts, using five Heaven Palace Seals to protect the fractured earth, it had utterly collapsed.

The prodigies of the Profound Sky Sect could sense an intangible force tearing at the resplendent barrier formed by the Heaven Palace Seals. With a crack and a whoosh, the broken boulders, influenced by Gheirat's bloodline ability, hurtled toward the barrier, wreaking havoc from within.

The Yang cultivators, who had been vigilantly stationed above, were thrown into disarray. Suddenly without a foundation, they found themselves without support.

Miao Kun let out a cold snort and raised his hand, releasing a lightning token. As it expanded, he descended onto it with ease and gestured for Chu Yao to join him. Chu Yao, after a moment's hesitation and a glance at Cao Jiaze, who was visibly struggling, decided to act. The barrier was under siege from both the outside, by Demian's "Blood Boiling War Drum," and the inside, by the frenzied Asura warriors and colliding boulders. Cao Jiaze was too preoccupied to notice anything else. Realizing this, Chu Yao leapt onto Miao Kun's lightning token.

The moment he entered, a web of green and silver lightning formed, crackling with energy. Thumb-sized orbs of lightning condensed at the intersections, hinting at the profound mysteries of the lightning path being cultivated within. This gave Chu Yao a measure of comfort.

Jiang Xingwen's Glazed Sacred Body shone brilliantly as a chilling soul energy emanated from the depths of her mind, slowly spreading to the surrounding area. A fellow late-stage Yang God Stage cultivator from the Profound Sky Sect let out a soft sigh. His gaunt figure effortlessly bypassed the barrier's constraints and soared out.

From his sleeve, he summoned a large red copper bell, radiating with a light that was impossible to ignore. The sonorous toll of the bell resonated instantly, harmonizing with the rhythm of the "Blood Boiling War Drum." The slender Yang God Stage cultivator stood atop the bell, his sleeves billowing as if he were an ascetic from a bygone era, gazing intently at Demian from a distance.

He recited an ancient text with a voice that seemed to echo from the heavens, instilling tranquility in the mind.

The bloodthirsty Asura closest to him, marked as his target, listened to the recitation. His body, as hard as iron, suddenly burst open, blood gushing forth.

The Asura's blood boiled in chaos, spurred by the recitation and the resonant tolling of a large red copper bell.

A gaunt Yang cultivator began reaping lives, moving like a razor-sharp blade through the midst of the frenzied Asura warriors.

Everywhere he passed, not one Eighth Level Asura warrior remained whole; all were cleaved into pieces.


A female cultivator from the Profound Sky Sect, wielding a short spear and enveloped in a radiant yellow aura, seized the moment to break into the ranks of the Asura warriors.

With each swing of her spear, brilliant yellow streaks pierced the heavens, radiating outwards.

Sixth and Seventh Level Asura warriors burst apart upon contact with the spear's light.

Cultivators from the Profound Sky Sect, accompanying Cao Jiaze, burst forth from the dazzling "barrier" to engage in fierce combat with hundreds of Asura Clan warriors.

They wielded spiritual weapons of Heaven Level quality, exceptional in their craftsmanship.

The valiant Asura warriors, in their bloodthirsty frenzy, could not withstand the piercing blades and soon fell in droves.


An Eighth Level Asura, empowered by Demian's blood and surged in battle strength, lunged at the female Profound Sky Sect cultivator, grasping her spear and suddenly embracing her.

The formidable warrior bared his teeth in a wild roar as he forcefully hugged the female Yang God, causing her to explode violently.

One by one, the Yang Gods began to fall.

It was as if a signal had been given; more crazed Asuras sacrificed themselves, entangling the emerging Profound Sky Sect Yang Gods, dragging them down in a deadly embrace.

Asuras never fear death.

"Cao Jiaze is using his power to protect us, but he is only a novice Yang God," observed Li Xin from the Cloud Water Sect, unable to stand idly by. Clutching a banner, she charged ahead of the Profound Sky Sect cultivators, "If this goes on, he won't last. We must make our own escape and show the Asura our true strength!"

"Let's go!"


The call was met with a resounding chorus of agreement.

Cultivators from various sects, who should have remained shielded by the "world barrier," surged outward, spurred by Li Xin's words and actions.

A fierce battle erupted.

Innumerable bolts of lightning, ice storms, and seas of flame materialized, amplified by spiritual weapons and fueled by Spiritual Spells and secret arts.

Cao Jiaze, his true form bleeding profusely, realized that the "world barrier" had become unnecessary. With a shift in his thoughts, he abandoned his defensive stance.

One majestic palace continued to guard him, while the other four transformed into blades of war, relentlessly striking the bloodthirsty Asuras.

Asuras of lower bloodline levels couldn't withstand the palaces' onslaught and burst into clouds of blood mist.

"How can the Human Race cultivators of the Vast Ocean be... this formidable?"

Leo, blessed by the stars at birth, watched the unfolding carnage with disbelief, his face etched with a grave expression.

Before his breakthrough to the Eighth Level bloodline, he had been well-protected.

His encounters with the powerful Human Race of the Vast Ocean had been few. During his time in the Plover Realm, the pervasive absolute cold and the presence of the Asura Clan obscured his view.

It was only after he departed with Chen Qinghuang that he had the opportunity to witness the formidable combat prowess of the Human Race's Yang God Stage cultivators up close.

The Asura and the Dark Domain Asura were among the most formidable combat forces of the Outland Star River's various races, aside from a select few elite Devaputras.

Yet, even with their potential unleashed by the "Boiling Blood War Drum," the Asura Army failed to secure a decisive advantage.

In the initial clash, it was the Asura warriors who fell in droves.

Leo was inwardly astounded.

"Every Human who steps out of the Vast Ocean has been endlessly honed and baptized by battle. There are no weaklings among the Yang Gods. Moreover, they wield terrifying spiritual weapons, and their bodies are as sturdy and unique as blades," Gheirat said, his face tinged with bitterness. "The Yang Gods of the Human Race are every bit as resilient as the Asura's bodies."

"If they weren't so powerful and fierce, the various races of the Outland Star River wouldn't need to band together, relying on sheer numbers to contend with them."

Yu Yuan, who had been silently observing the battle alongside his comrades, watched intently as a Yang cultivator from the Profound Sky Sect clashed with a notoriously fierce Asura from the Outland Star River. His feelings were a mix of emotions.

Suddenly, Gheirat's expression turned to one of intense fury as if he had sensed something alarming. He whirled around abruptly.

A bloodstained ship emerged, cutting through the dim starry sky at a slow pace. The warship's deck was crowded with Star Race clansmen, both young and old, dressed in fine garments. They knelt on the ground, their eyes swirling with a longing for death.

Xu Jingyao of the Primordial Yang Sect sported a savage grin as he set a beautiful Star Race woman ablaze with fierce flames. Her agonized screams echoed in the distance.

With a sharp thrust of her ice lance, Wan Jing from the Cold Yin Sect impaled a handsome Star Race youth from head to toe. Upon noticing Yu Yuan, she paused, seemingly taken aback, then gave a small wave.

Libre Baskerville
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