Unmatched Dominance/C1234 One Hand Covering the Sky
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Unmatched Dominance/C1234 One Hand Covering the Sky
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C1234 One Hand Covering the Sky

Zhu Huan's palpable tension and deep-seated concerns did not escape the vigilant gaze of the two Platinum Asuras. As Zhu Huan desperately sought to elude them, Demian and Ciara exerted their utmost effort.

With a cold sneer, Ciara stretched her hand into the shadows, forcefully pulling forth a barrier. The Frost Energy, birthed from the Dark Domain, coalesced into a formidable wall that stood between Zhu Huan and Yu Yuan, halting the advance of the fiery aura enveloping Zhu Huan's dharma, which blazed like a fierce sun, preventing it from moving even an inch further.

Flames crackled and hissed as they collided with the pitch-black darkness, engaging in a fierce contest of cosmic forces.

Driven by hatred for Zhu Huan and his allies, Ciara, having slain her clan's warriors, spared no expense of her blood essence to thwart Zhu Huan's attempt at assistance. She was determined to witness Xu Jingyao's demise at the hands of the stone.

Seizing the opportunity, Demian called forth the soul of an alien beast from the 'Burning Blood Battle Drum' he wore. A silver, scale-covered python-like creature emerged, winding its way out from the armor.

Thousands of meters in length, the beast was not made of flesh and blood but seemed to be a manifestation of the Dark Domain's icy peaks and glaciers. Inside, it roared with a thunderous might.

With a mighty roar, the alien beast shattered Zhu Huan's summoned dharma. A torrent of malevolent thoughts surged through the beast's bellow into Zhu Huan's spirit, extinguishing his blazing dharma as if doused with icy water.

A stream of the Dark Domain's chilling darkness from the Frost Well infused the beast with divine power. As Zhu Huan attempted to reassemble his dharma, the beast plunged into the sun-like circle of light.

Blinding divine radiance, speckled with countless sparks, erupted from within, sending chaotic energies of obliteration rippling through the cosmos.

In the end, Zhu Huan found himself hopelessly ensnared by Ciara and Demian's collaborative assault, unable to draw any closer despite his fierce struggle.

Yu Yuan, clutching the Dragon Slash Platform, gazed ahead at Pei Yuling, who wielded the Void Mirror, internally deliberating the situation. Despite Pei Yuling's possession of the Void Mirror, it seemed the young Titan Spinosaurus within the Dragon Slash Platform might still find a way to counter the Mirror's might, thereby opening the passage within the Frost Well of the Dark Domain.

The question at hand was whether or not to proceed with the action.

Once the Frost Well in the Dark Domain was unblocked, the Asura King, recuperating within the Dark Domain, could potentially use it to traverse into the Illusion Starfield.

Despite the alien race's strongest warrior not being fully healed from his injuries, his arrival in the Illusion Starfield could still turn the tide, leaving Zhu Huan, Fu Xuanwen, and others vulnerable to a catastrophic assault.

Yet, Chen Qinghuang had already awakened.

Her gaze was fixed on this location, and she would instantly detect the Asura King upon his emergence.

The Secular Bird and the top-tier intelligent beings from the outer domain had been enemies for a hundred thousand years. Recently, she had even dispatched a Dark Elfkind witch.

Would a confrontation erupt between the grievously wounded Asura King and her, who had just roused from slumber?

Should a battle ensue, what would be the outcome, and could the Illusion Starfield endure the aftermath?

Yu Yuan was torn by internal conflict.

"Lend a hand!"

Out of nowhere, Beru's call echoed from the stone beside him.

Yu Yuan, still indecisive, narrowed his eyes to see fine but intense flames furiously piercing the stone, revealing cracks in the stone concealing the Mystic Sea.

These flames were the relentless assault of the Fire God Spear.

It seemed that Xu Jingyao, realizing he was outmatched and unwilling to continue battling Leo and Beru within the Mystic Sea, had mustered all his might to shatter the Mystic Sea with the Artifact, the Fire God Spear.

Once the Artifact's power was fully unleashed, the Mystic Sea appeared to be on the brink of collapse.

Beru, sensing danger, was clamoring within the illusory star river, seeking Yu Yuan's assistance.


Yu Yuan started to speak, unsure of how to create obstacles for Xu Jingyao when suddenly, he tuned into the heart's voice of the youngling within the purple-gold dragon egg on the Dragon Slash Platform.

With a stroke of inspiration, he gripped the Dragon Slash Platform with one hand and pressed his other palm against the adjacent stone.

He concentrated on the area being continuously penetrated by the Fire God Spear.

Within the stone.

Xu Jingyao's roar echoed through the burning expanse of the illusory galaxy. His extraordinary Yang God form shone like a rare stone imbued with boundless refined Sun Essence Fire.

Countless specks of Sun Essence Fire flowed within the Yang God, endlessly fueling the Fire God Spear that pierced the heavens, unleashing beams of sky-splitting flames.

These searing flames were meant to penetrate all cosmic barriers and shatter the Mystic Sea!

Xu Jingyao could see the layers of star energy barriers on the brink of being punctured by the relentless thrust of the Fire God Spear, as if they were mere film awaiting rupture.

Then, out of nowhere, an immense palm materialized before him.

The Divine Hand, swirling with a spectrum of auroral light and emitting the essence of a Space-time Ban, pressed against the star energy barrier that the Fire God Spear relentlessly pierced.

A hand that obscured the heavens.

In an instant, the star energy barrier, which was moments from being breached, transformed into the palm of the colossal hand radiating infinite prismatic light. Intricate patterns on the Divine Hand's palm sprouted miniature, vibrantly colored Space-time Dragons.

These Space-time Dragons soared within the palm, weaving a luminous veil capable of sealing all realms!

The Fire God Spear, driven to its utmost, had all of Xu Jingyao's Sun Essence Fire channeled into it. Yet, the flames that could shatter the vast cosmic walls failed to break through the sky-concealing hand!

Thus, he remained trapped, unable to cleave through the Mystic Sea and break free.

"It's a slight sting, like that of a needle."

Yu Yuan's murmur, resonant and majestic as that of a deity, suddenly emanated from the palm, leaving Xu Jingyao feeling deeply frustrated and utterly confused.

The fierce onslaught of the Fire God Spear was reduced to a mere pinprick in Yu Yuan's description?

Xu Jingyao was consumed by a sense of profound humiliation.

Amidst the tumultuous inferno that had reduced countless stars to cinders, Leo and Beru emerged.

They observed Xu Jingyao, who wielded the Fire God Spear and nearly shattered the Mystic Sea, with grave expressions.

Only through direct combat with Xu Jingyao could one truly comprehend his might and affirm that the Primordial Yang Sect's decision was indeed correct.

Before Beru's intervention, Leo had not managed to gain the upper hand. Initially, the battle was evenly matched, but once Xu Jingyao acclimated to the Mystic Sea and steadied himself, Leo found himself in a difficult position. After stepping out and suffering a severe blow from Fu Xuanwen, Leo re-entered the fray only to be dominated by Xu Jingyao.

Without Beru's intrusion, Xu Jingyao might have inflicted another heavy blow on Leo within his own Mystic Sea, potentially leading to its destruction. It was only in the face of the vast ocean's prodigies that the Star Race's favored child, born with a Life Altar, realized why humanity could dominate the Outland Star River.

"Yu Yuan!" Pei Yuling suddenly closed the gap, settling mere meters away with the Void Mirror hovering above his head. He focused intently on the hand that shimmered with light, gently covering the surface of a rare stone, and said, "Please, hand Xu Jingyao over to me. He must not fall to the hands of foreigners!"

As he spoke, a hint of malice flickered in Pei Yuling's eyes, a stark contrast to his usual detached demeanor. Space fissures unfurled behind him like a peacock's tail, with dazzling light bursting forth from the elongated, luminous cracks, creating a spectacle akin to a magnificent fireworks display.

In this moment, Pei Yuling shed any previous hesitation, his gaze filled with unwavering resolve.


A wondrous Dharma Idol, encircled by nine layers of spatial luminescence, materialized behind Pei Yuling. His flowing sleeves resembled gateways to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, brimming with the profound mysteries of space.

Pei Yuling's Dharma Idol exuded a serene composure, akin to a deity venerated within a temple. The fissures behind him morphed into ethereal blades, sharp enough to cleave through any dimensional barrier.

This display of raw edge caused Zhu Huan and the approaching Fu Xuanwen to grow increasingly grave. It appeared they were witnessing a side of Pei Yuling they had never seen before. The master of spatial powers, who seldom revealed his edge, had erupted with such formidable presence when truly angered and determined to act.

Yu Yuan inhaled deeply, taking in the gravity of the situation.

He watched in horror as the illusory river, created by the Mystic Sea, began to behave erratically the instant Pei Yuling spoke up and demanded the release of the captives.


The crisp sounds echoed, emanating from the stone surface beyond the reach of Yu Yuan's palm. Mysterious and deep fissures began to form, spreading wider with each passing moment.

If the stone represented a true, scaled-down microcosm, then under the spatial rending of Pei Yuling, this tiny universe was now crisscrossed with jagged rifts.

"Please, do not provoke me again."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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