Unmatched Dominance/C1235 Filled with Excitement
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Unmatched Dominance/C1235 Filled with Excitement
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C1235 Filled with Excitement

Pei Yuling spoke with an eerily calm tone.

The Aspect he conjured resembled a deity reigning over an alternate dimension. While not as towering as those of Zhu Huan and Fu Xuanwen, it radiated an aura of mystery and wonder.

Without any superfluous gestures, the illusory river of stars birthed from the Mystic Sea became exceedingly unstable.

The starry vault and the expansive realms within the Mystic Sea appeared to be suffused with Pei Yuling's energy, causing rampant turbulence.

Beru and Leo, caught within, watched as the entire starry river began to fracture like a vast sheet of ice.

They instantly realized that a powerful cultivator, adept in spatial abilities, was interfering from the outside, disrupting the Mystic Sea's normal functions.


Xu Jingyao seized the opportunity to shift his attack, steering clear of the region Yu Yuan's expansive hand couldn't reach, and once again propelled the Fire God Spear forward.

Yu Yuan responded by shifting his palm across the rock's surface, patching the breaches wherever the meteoric rain of fire from the Fire God Spear penetrated.

The Dragon Slash Platform shimmered with light ripples as the dragon breath, extracted by the young beast from the Space-time Dragon's corpse, coursed through his body and manifested through his palm, imposing a seal to suppress the star river within the rock.

"Must it come to this?"

Pei Yuling's demeanor chilled as Yu Yuan continued to disregard his warnings.


With his command, Yu Yuan's hand, previously in motion, seemed to be glued firmly to the rock, immobilized.

An invisible spatial constriction, spawned from Pei Yuling's cry, targeted solely that hand.

A cascade of rainbow hues burst forth from Yu Yuan's fingertips and through the crevices, but after mere seconds, he broke free from the restraint.

Yet, those precious seconds were exactly what Pei Yuling had aimed for.


The stone surface, poised to be covered by his palm, splintered completely. A slender flare of fire burst forth from the Mystic Sea, reversing course like an upward waterfall, and streaked towards the actual Illusion Starfield.

With a resounding blast, the stone, along with the Mystic Sea illusion and the relic, the Illusion Starfield, were all obliterated into fragments.

Beru and Leo, enveloped in swirling starlight, made a hasty escape, looking quite disheveled.

High above, Xu Jingyao, clutching the Fire God Spear, had a rebellious look on his face, which was oddly dotted with what appeared to be freckles. Upon closer inspection, these "freckles" were actually numerous points of starlight, not just on his face but all over his body.

Xu Jingyao let out a howl as the Sun Essence Fire within him, mingling with the starlight specks, purged the impurities from his Yang God physique.

The Fire God Spear rose into the air, traversing the void, covering millions of miles in an instant, heading straight for the yellow sun of the Illusion Starfield!

The Artifact had expended too much power within the Mystic Sea, suffering damage beyond what Xu Jingyao's level of power and combat strength could repair.

The Artifact, sentient in its own right, had long coveted the yellow sun of the Illusion Starfield. Now, without concern for revealing its presence, it autonomously soared toward the sun to harvest its fiery essence.


Fu Xuanwen alighted gracefully next to Xu Jingyao, inquiring, "Are you okay?"

"There's a problem," Xu Jingyao replied. He had used all the Sun Essence Fire bestowed by his sect to smelt away the stellar impurities within him, refining those freckle-like spots.

His power continued to wane rapidly. Not only was wielding the Fire God Spear out of the question, but even resisting extraterrestrial abilities would soon become a formidable challenge.

"The Fire God Spear will obliterate that sun. Once it penetrates the core, I too must enter a period of healing."

While speaking, Xu Jingyao glanced down at Yu Yuan, his face undisguised with loathing. "Every time I nearly broke free, this man would interfere and thwart my escape!"

"The remnants of the Divine Soul Sect cannot escape," Fu Xuanwen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Pei. I am indebted to you for your assistance this time. Rest assured, I will repay you generously in the future!" Xu Jingyao expressed his gratitude with a bow, his hands clasped in a traditional gesture of respect.

He was acutely aware that it was Pei Yuling who had truly rescued him, aiding his escape from the Mystic Sea and Yu Yuan's confinement. Without Pei Yuling's intervention, even the full might of the Fire God Spear would have been insufficient to shatter the illusory cosmic river and break through the stringent blockade imposed by Beru and Leo.

"Of course," Pei Yuling affirmed with a slight nod.

Zhu Huan, Fu Xuanwen, and all the other formidable individuals who witnessed the event couldn't help but hold this master arcane practitioner of spatial powers in higher regard.

The Illusion Starfield's starlight showered down upon the meteorite and onto Beru, who expressed his sorrow with a bitter tone, "Another relic has been destroyed."

Leo, clutching the broken strands of the Mystic Sea, gazed at the fragments that once composed the Mystic Sea as they dissipated into twinkling stardust. "Yet another sacred item is lost," he lamented.

As a divine Son of God, graced by the heavens, the starlight of the Illusion Starfield sensed his wounds and bestowed healing star energy upon him.

He stood atop the meteorite, his strength rejuvenating with each passing second, while the Life Altar within him operated at full speed.

But Beru's battered body was not something that could be mended swiftly.

Yu Yuan presented a bottle brimming with a spectrum of liquids, "I crafted this in the Epitaxial Realm; it should aid in your recovery."

Beru, without hesitation, accepted the bottle and downed its contents in one go.

"Yu Yuan, what Pei Yuling truly desires is the Dragon Slash Platform you possess. He's plotting your demise!"

The venerable sage, who had lived for millennia, spoke gravely, "Ignore his pretenses. His claims of wanting to align with the Divine Soul Sect, his neutrality—it's all deceitful."

"Believe me, a practitioner who has mastered spatial powers and attained the Unrestrained Stage would never tolerate the rise of another at the Primordial Spirit Stage!"

"Yan Qiling and Zhou Xuan of the Divine Soul Sect have your trust. In time, with your permission, they'll experience the legacy of the Space-time Dragon."

"Moreover, they might reach the Primordial Spirit Stage without the Space-time Dragon's influence."

"Pei Yuling fears nothing—not even the five exalted Primordial Spirits or the Demon Gods. His Aspect reveals that if he chooses to flee, not even the Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods could seal every space."

"Zhou Xuan and Yan Qiling together could limit him. If either ascends to the Primordial Spirit Stage, they could end him outright."

"The Dragon Slash Platform you wield also holds this power, ensuring that escape is impossible. Do you grasp the significance?"


The Great Sage Beru spoke with rapid urgency.

Yu Yuan hadn't even finished processing Beru's words before he was nodding emphatically, the realization dawning on him.

A cultivator at the Unrestrained Stage wouldn't fear facing a Primordial Spirit or Demon God a level above, knowing that even in defeat, escape was easily within reach.

But should either Zhou Xuan or Yan Qiling ascend to the Primordial Spirit Stage, Pei Yuling would lose the freedom to act at will within the Outland Star River.

And then there was the Dragon Slash Platform in his possession!

With the leader of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan rumored to have vanished while exploring the Chaos Abyss, those who could pose a threat to Pei Yuling or corner him were few and far between.

Ironically, they were all aligned with the Divine Soul Sect.

"I understand."

Yu Yuan grasped the implications.

"Mr. Pei, please take me to heal first!"

Xu Jingyao, having burst forth from the Mystic Sea, sensed the Fire God Spear nearing the yellow sun and respectfully bowed to Pei Yuling.

"Remember your words from today."

Pei Yuling beckoned Xu Jingyao into his sleeve with a mystical gesture.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Jingyao vanished from sight, only to reappear in another starfield, wielding the Fire God Spear and plunging into the fiery yellow sun.

The yellow sun, blazing at the edge of the Illusion Starfield, was a tumult of fierce flames.

Wrapped by the Fire God Spear, Xu Jingyao made a slight adjustment and in an instant, reached the core of the sun.

Pei Yuling's other sleeve suddenly bulged as if inflated by a strong gust.

He raised an eyebrow, hesitated briefly, then decided, "Well, let's add to the excitement."

With a whoosh, Rong Xun, Xie Binn, Han Dan, and Kin Haolong of the Silver Moon Sect tumbled out from the sleeve.

The Yang cultivators, hailing from the Boundless Great World but having chosen the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce, were initially taken aback, then their expressions shifted dramatically.

The sight before them was overwhelmingly astonishing, sending a shiver down the spines of the four cultivators who had ventured beyond the Boundless Great World.

"Yu, Yu Yuan?!"

Xie Binn, after his initial shock, noticed Yu Yuan standing with Beru and Leo of the Star Race and couldn't help but exclaim.

"We've already met in the Epitaxial Realm, so there's no need for such a commotion," Yu Yuan said with a blink.

"The Epitaxial Realm? You mean the one from the Dark Elfkind?" Han Dan was quick to catch on, smacking her forehead. "I knew something was strange! It was you all along!"

"And where might the Luan Bird Queen be?" Kin Haolong inquired with a hint of wonder.

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