Unmatched Dominance/C1237 It Could Still be like This?
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Unmatched Dominance/C1237 It Could Still be like This?
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C1237 It Could Still be like This?

The Luan Bird Queen's gaze pierced through the infinite cosmic sea, settling on Yu Yuan from afar.

Her attention was focused solely on Yu Yuan.

The spiritual power and alien forces that Pei Yuling and Fu Xuanwen had recently applied near Yu Yuan were eradicated as if by the scorching sun, vanishing in an instant.

No one else present, whether they were from a foreign race or a mortal cultivator, could detect her presence.

She hadn't descended...

Yet, there was no need for her to be seen or felt. In the minds of all, it was as if a towering deity had taken its stand, exuding an authority that was beyond reproach and too sacred to be directly confronted.

To even attempt such a confrontation was sacrilege!

The five Heaven Palace Seals were pressing down on an arm bone that was slowly turning gray-white, as the unrestrained power of death made Fu Xuanwen's experience unbearable and filled him with dread.

He had activated five Heaven Palace Seals, unleashing a mighty river of spiritual power from within, executing several secret arts of the Profound Sky Sect, just managing to halt the encroachment of the deathly force.

Although he had momentarily stemmed the tide of death's power, he was unable to eradicate it quickly.

"Chen Qinghuang!"

In a cry of despair, Fu Xuanwen, guided by instinct, faced the starry expanse that Yu Yuan was gazing into.

With a thunderous jolt, his mind reeled, and he beheld a majestic azure bird performing an ethereal dance, its presence heralding death and destruction as it soared through his soul's consciousness.

The bird's wings, bearing death and ruin, scattered forces imbued with the profound truths of the Dao, threatening to obliterate his soul.

Fu Xuanwen groaned, blood spurting from his mouth as he plummeted downwards.

The blood he expelled carried the stench of decay, reminiscent of a long-deceased corpse exhaling its last breath.

The bizarre spectacle unfolding around Fu Xuanwen brought the ongoing battle to a halt.

The two Ninth Level Platinum Asuras ceased their assault on Zhu Huan, retreating to the frigid darkness, their spirits sinking with the weight of the moment.

Amidst the hissing sounds, the spatial rifts torn open by Pei Yuling's power flickered in and out of visibility.

He took advantage of the spatial fissures, erasing the specks of gray-white light that emerged.

Everyone could tell that Pei Yuling needed to constantly traverse the void to fend off the encroaching power of death. He dared not reveal himself in the true world of the Illusion Starfield. The Void Mirror, once used to counterbalance the Frost Well of the Dark Domain, no longer existed.

After Ciara tapped into her bloodline talent, the enigmatic well could establish a connection with the Dark Domain. They could relay the situation here, including the casualties of their people, to Sabonis without omitting a single detail. Yet, Ciara's face was etched with bitterness.

Demian, perceiving her sense of helplessness, shook his head firmly and exclaimed, "No!"

"I understand," Ciara sighed with resignation.

What good was a connection to the Dark Domain? The Asura King was still nursing his grave injuries. Even if he were to learn of the catastrophic upheaval in the Illusion Starfield and rush here in a fit of madness, could he truly alter the course of events? The Secular Bird's revival and the distant deathly erosion had left Fu Xuanwen in a dire state; could he indeed prevail?

Ancient legends spoke of the Divine Bird, a harbinger of death and ruin, relentlessly pursued and besieged by numerous Tenth Level experts until it finally perished in the Oblivion Starfield after leaving a trail of desolation across many star systems. Could the clan leader, especially in his weakened state, realistically expect to triumph?

Ciara and Demian, both Platinum Asuras, exchanged knowing, wry smiles and swiftly came to a resolution. They would not reach out to the Dark Domain, even if it meant the extinction of their people, to avoid troubling the Asura King. As long as Sabonis was alive, the glory of the Asura Clan remained intact. The clan could still prosper, filled with boundless hope and the potential for rebirth, maintaining their stance in the first echelon.

"Yu, Yu Yuan!"

Han Dan from the Silver Moon Sect, liberated by Fu Xuanwen's summoning through the golden Heaven Palace Seal, radiated admiration as if she were a young girl in awe of her hero. "Lau Ying of our sect truly has exceptional insight!"

Kin Haolong's smile was radiant as he nodded emphatically. The two Yang cultivators from the Silver Moon Sect had been adrift in the cosmos in recent years, only catching wind of the exchanges between Yu Yuan and Lau Ying.

Not long ago, they had turned up their noses at Lau Ying, thinking it beneath her as the next leader of the Silver Moon Sect to associate with Yu Yuan, which they felt reflected poorly on their sect. The Silver Moon Sect had recently elevated its status with a member achieving the rank of Primordial Spirit, taking a significant step forward.

However, upon encountering Yu Yuan in outer space, they were taken aback to see that Yu Yuan, who hadn't even refined his Yang God, was far from intimidated in the presence of powerhouses like Fu Xuanwen, Zhu Huan, Wai Zhuo, Cao Jiaze, and Xu Jingyao, as well as other prodigies. Instead, he shone brightly, capturing everyone's attention. Even the Luan Bird Queen, reborn under a new identity, showed him favor.

What did this imply? It confirmed that Lau Ying was indeed discerning and possessed exceptional insight!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Xie Binn, Rong Xun, Han Dan, and Kin Haolong, having been liberated, naturally gravitated towards Yu Yuan's position in the starry sky, clearly aligning themselves with him. Leo and Beru, after being thrown off course, gradually regained their composure and also made their way toward Yu Yuan. Gheirat followed suit shortly after.

The surviving Asura Clan warriors seized the moment to regroup with Ciara and Demian. They plunged into the frigid darkness, drawing on the power flowing from the Dark Domain to replenish their depleted energy and heal their wounds.

Standing alone in the Gloom Star River, Chu Yao's gaze was filled with complexity. He could hardly believe that his once feeble master, now with a new face and a rejuvenated body, had taken command of the fabled Dragon Slash Platform, mastered Nie Qingtian's sword spell, and even won the Secular Bird's admiration.

Chu Yao rubbed his eyes, questioning whether he was caught in a dream.

"Time, space..." Yu Yuan whispered to himself, clutching the Dragon Slash Platform. He felt the colorful ripples of the Space-time Dragon coursing back through his palm and fingertips. Figures that had just emerged due to the reversal of time were swiftly drawn back into his body. The century-long life experiences of Hong Qi were vivid in his memory, yet the more painful moments from the end of his past life stubbornly remained shrouded in secrecy.


Within the Dragon Slash Platform, the still-developing young beast emitted a faint roar.

Yu Yuan concentrated, listening intently to the roar, and gleaned some information...

The young beast conveyed to him that there was another 'him' who couldn't manifest due to the constraints of time, or perhaps because that 'him' was from an era too distant from the present.

Or maybe, that 'him' was so powerful that even time had no effect on him.

"Of course!" Yu Yuan understood the implication of the young beast's message.

"Is the Secular Bird... not far from here?"

Zhu Huan of the Primordial Yang Sect had given up on his pursuit to kill Yu Yuan and instead joined Fu Xuanwen, looking down at the ghastly white bones with a furrowed brow. "What do we do now?"

Wai Zhuo, Cao Jiaze, and the rest of the Yang God cultivators also turned their attention to Fu Xuanwen, who was suffering from the deadly power.


Pei Yuling finally managed to rid himself of the deathly power, leaving it behind in the ruptured spatial rifts before returning to the world, looking disheveled.

"That one only cares about whether Yu Yuan lives or dies. Nobody else matters."

Pei Yuling, still visibly shaken, spoke while scanning his surroundings.

It seemed that at the slightest hint of death's power, he would open a spatial passage and flee without a second thought.

He was ready to abandon Chu Yao.

"Yu Yuan, you should go first. Take Elder Xie and the others with you."

Cao Jiaze, with a wry smile, maneuvered an enigmatic palace next to Fu Xuanwen. "The Star Race and the Asura have no quarrel with you. Let's just act as if we've never seen you, as if you've never been in the Illusion Starfield. Does that sound good?"

All the human visitors from the vast expanses were momentarily baffled by his suggestion.

Could it really work like that?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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