Unmatched Dominance/C1239 Supreme Divine Power
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Unmatched Dominance/C1239 Supreme Divine Power
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C1239 Supreme Divine Power

A startled cry echoed from the Galaxy Warship that had materialized out of nowhere, heard by only a handful of people.

Denise turned around, her mind swirling with confusion.

Inside the warship, Mi Tine of the Dark Elfkind gazed at Yu Yuan through the crystal face, her expression distant and thoughtful.

She reminisced about the time she served Yu Yuan, recalling his clothing, habitual gestures, and even the smallest nuances of his behavior...

And then there were the bizarre incidents that occurred when she first met Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang on the Upper Continent.

Slowly piecing things together, she exclaimed, "Hart! His Highness, he is Hart!"

Mi Tine called out to Denise.

Docter, who had just emerged from the cabin, overheard and staggered, "Hart?"

Denise's brows furrowed as she began to seriously consider the veracity of Mi Tine's claim.

"It's undeniable, it's him!" Mi Tine yelled, her face alight with conviction.

Her belief in her own judgment was unwavering!

Having harbored doubts for some time, after departing the Epitaxial Realm, she had also heard tales of the Secular Bird. She learned of the fabled Secular Bird's potential rebirth through a human girl.

The mysterious deaths of many from the Fire Lizard Tribe on the Upper Continent of the Epitaxial Realm, along with the oddities she witnessed concerning Chen Qinghuang during her time with Yu Yuan, solidified her belief.

She was now certain that the siblings who had appeared in the Epitaxial Realm, disguised as Dark Elfkind, were none other than the Secular Bird and Yu Yuan!

"Hart? Yu Yuan of the Human Race?"

Denise finally pieced it together, her expression one of disbelief.

"He is Yu Yuan, from the Divine Soul Sect."

Gheirat sought to clear up his daughter's confusion. Through the possessed Alien Demon Qiyan, this Star Race General had coerced all the secrets to light. He pointed to Yu Yuan and whispered, "The Hart that appeared in the Epitaxial Realm is Yu Yuan. He and Elena have known each other for a long time, having visited the Plover Realm together, and they left the Epitaxial Realm as companions."

Casting a glance at Qiyan, who had been gravely wounded by Wai Zhuo and was still bound by a lightning orb, Gheirat added, "This fellow has already laid bare the entire sequence of events."


The Star Race's elegantly dressed young noblewoman, her eyes ablaze with indignation, exclaimed, "You've kept me in the dark for so long! So you are that Yu Yuan. Before Elena and I were to meet, she shared many things about you! Where is she now? She was in the Epitaxial Realm and yet she said nothing to me about this!"

Denise glared at Yu Yuan, her eyes scanning the area in search of Elena.

Oblivious to the chaos unfolding before her, she was unaware of the peril her father, the esteemed Great Sage Beru, and Leo were facing.

She believed that with Gheirat, the numerous Asura Clan warriors, Great Sage Beru, and Leo on their side, they should have the upper hand.

After all, this was the Illusion Starfield, their domain. Surely human cultivators wouldn't dare to be so brazen here?

"Pei Yuling really is devious," Kin Haolong of the Silver Moon Sect muttered, standing next to Yu Yuan with a sigh, unable to suppress his disdain.

The group of four had been shown great kindness by Denise in the Epitaxial Realm, receiving a warm welcome.

Thus, when Denise appeared, the four who had intended to distance themselves from the conflict at the earliest opportunity, found themselves hesitating.

They were fond of Denise, feeling indebted to her for the favors received in the Epitaxial Realm.

To suggest that Yu Yuan leave now would be tantamount to abandoning Denise and her companions to the mercy of Zhu Huan, Wai Zhuo, and their ilk.

Yu Yuan shook his head, offering a respectful gesture to Denise from a distance, no longer concealing his identity. "We have imposed upon you in the Epitaxial Realm. Our hasty departure was to avoid causing the Star Race any trouble. Little did we expect to stumble upon such turmoil."

He paused, then turned to Kin Haolong, Han Dan, and the others, explaining, "Xu Jingyao ventured into the Illusion Starfield for your sakes. When they discovered Leo and Beru were also present while afflicting the Star Race's small world, they enlisted Pei Yuling to secretly rally a host of formidable allies to our location."

"I, along with your presence, have brought calamity upon the Illusion Starfield. How could we possibly walk away now?"

At his words, Rong Xun and his companions were visibly mortified.

Gheirat's eyes sparkled with resolve.

"Yu Yuan, are you certain about this?" Cao Jiaze inquired, his tone growing colder as he inhaled sharply. "Mr. Pei's premature departure will prompt a surge of powerful forces to converge here, all from our side. I'm aware of the Empress's identity, as is Mr. Pei. Hence, those who follow will not arrive as unguarded as we were."

"Yu Yuan, wouldn't it be better to leave in peace? Why risk your life for such a lowly foreign race?"

As Cao Jiaze spoke, a white jade ruler soared out from within his robes.

The ruler headed straight for Fu Xuanwen.

Fu Xuanwen, visibly moved, lifted his arm bone, now gray from the taint of death, and reached out to meet the white jade ruler.


The ruler struck the arm bone, and in an instant, the power of five Heaven Palace Seals surged!

A divine might, soul-shaking in its intensity, emanated from Fu Xuanwen's arm bone, quickly purging the deathly aura imposed by the Luan Bird Queen.

Under the combined might of the Heaven Palace Seals and the divine power of the white jade ruler, the arm bone, now as pristine as the ruler itself, miraculously began to regenerate veins and flesh.

Flesh grew over white bone; sinew and blood were reborn!

"The supreme divine power of humanity!"

The Nine Stars Sage of the Star Race, floating behind Yu Yuan, cried out in terror.

The two Platinum Asuras, along with Leo and Gheirat, upon sensing the ruler's aura, felt their bloodlines suppressed, their bodies heavy as if filled with lead, their circulation hindered.

The remaining non-humans of lower bloodline lineage wept tears mixed with blood at the sight of the white jade ruler.

Contained within the ruler was the divine power of the Primordial Spirit from the Profound Sky Sect!

This power also held a formidable sway over non-humans born with unique bloodlines!

Even the ninth-level bloodlines of the Asuras, Gheirat and Beru, were not immune to its influence.

"Why didn't you use it earlier?"

Fu Xuanwen, looking at his newly fleshed arm, was seething with rage. He glared at Cao Jiaze and accused, "Did you want the Secular Bird's power to seep into my very organs and soul before you'd consider using your trump card to save me? Cao Jiaze, I protected you in the Outer Star River, and this is how you repay me?"

"Uncle-master, this artifact... it's my lifeline," Cao Jiaze replied with a pained expression. "Besides, I can't wield it freely. Using it just once requires a long recovery. You know it's not like the Fire God Spear."

"We'll settle this later!"

Fu Xuanwen's arm was drenched in blood as he flung it, sending the Heaven Palace Seals scattering into the air.

The white jade ruler seemed to merge miraculously with his blood-soaked limb, as though it imbued him with even greater strength. "Chen Qinghuang, the gift you've given me today will be returned twofold by the Profound Sky Sect in the future!" he vowed.

The presence of the white jade ruler appeared to embolden him, giving him the audacity to defy the Luan Bird Queen.

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed as he regarded the white jade ruler, his expression grave.

The mysterious object, pulsating with the power of the Primordial Spirit, was deemed by Cao Jiaze as a vital treasure, only to be revealed at the most critical juncture, indicating its exceptional nature.

He suddenly sensed a disturbance in the Demon Blade, Blood Prison, concealed within his acupoint.

The white jade ruler had the ability to suppress the bloodlines of other races and seemed to exert control over unique flesh-and-blood entities, causing the Demon Blade, forged of blood and soul, to sense an impending threat.

The young creature within the Dragon Slash Platform also lay in wait, cautiously concealing its presence.


The profound sword scar etched into Yu Yuan's arm bone from the Optimus Nine Slashes unexpectedly began to sear his flesh, as if branded by a red-hot iron.

With a swift motion, the sword sheath he had stowed away sprang forth autonomously, settling upon his arm.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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