Unmatched Dominance/C1246 Outer Battlefield
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Unmatched Dominance/C1246 Outer Battlefield
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C1246 Outer Battlefield

The Alien Demon Qiyan soared away from the warship.

"Good luck to you."

Yu Yuan dismissed him with a wave of his hand, indicating for the bothersome creature to get as far away as possible.

Qiyan remained silent. The Celestial Star Beast he had tamed transformed into a dazzling streak of starlight and vanished into the crevice between two asteroids.

"Traveling through the Deep Starfield is hardly comfortable, and it makes us an all-too conspicuous target."

Elena's gaze wandered before settling in a particular direction, her face softening with nostalgia as if lost in fond memories.

"Besides the Illusion Starfield and the Silver Sand Starfield, there's also the Firefly Starfield nearby."

Following the Celestial Star Beast, Rong Xun from the Clouds Sect stepped out of the warship. He surveyed the desolate landscape, reminiscent of a battlefield at the end of days, and felt a chilling, deadly presence.

In his mind's eye, he envisioned towering Asura warriors clad in heavy armor, wielding divine weapons, besieging humans and demons alike. These scenes, witnessed countless times, were etched into his soul.

Breathing in the murky air, Rong Xun composed himself and turned to Elena, who was still lost in thought. "If I remember correctly, the Firefly Starfield has always been under the dominion of the Asura Clan. Your father, Fernand, is on friendly terms with Gheirat because he was once the commander there, the true power behind the Starfield."

Elena didn't turn around, her attention fixed ahead. "That's hardly a secret."

Yu Yuan, taken aback, glanced over at Rong Xun.

"Fernand, once known as the king of roving bandits, regained favor with Sabonis while in the Plover Realm. The Asura King absolved him of his past sins. It seems Fernand's only wish was for his daughter to rejoin the Asura Clan and return to the Firefly Starfield."

Rong Xun chose his words carefully, clearly aware of the unusual bond between Yu Yuan and Elena.

"We've arrived in the Deep Starfield by chance. Yu Yuan, you should stay vigilant. Don't fall prey to any unforeseen mishaps. After all, she can switch her identity in an instant, from a roving bandit to a pure Asura warrior."

Rong Xun offered a reminder with the best of intentions.

Elena spun around, hands on her hips, and said with displeasure, "Are you doubting me?"

"I was merely speaking off the cuff." Rong Xun maintained a calm demeanor, smiling as he explained, "The Asura Clan's reverence and adoration for that individual far exceed any other group. He suffered grievous injuries in the Plover Realm, and you witnessed it firsthand. Aren't you harboring any resentment?"

"Yu Yuan is a representative of the Divine Soul Sect."

"And regarding the individual inside..."

Rong Xun gestured towards the battered warship, "That person perished a hundred thousand years ago, and the Asura Clan invested significant effort in that event. I doubt your people will show any kindness towards Yu Yuan and her."

Upon hearing this, Kin Haolong and the others' expressions turned intriguing.

They, too, thought Rong Xun's concerns had merit. The Asura Clan was not part of the Star Race and had recently become enemies with both the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

Elena's eyes flashed with fury as she shot them a glare. She was about to offer an explanation to Yu Yuan when a somber horn sounded.

The horn's mournful, melodious tones carried a distinctively exotic flair.

Yu Yuan, of course, heard it too. He paused, then remarked, "This place isn't exactly tranquil, is it?"

"This is the Deep Starfield, the most notorious Outer Battlefield. How could it be anything but tumultuous?" Xie Binn seemed quite composed as he reassured him, "Don't worry. Generally, even though skirmishes can erupt anywhere in the Deep Starfield, it's unlikely we'll stumble upon them as we did earlier."

"Indeed, it's rather uncommon to see so many Unrestrained Stage cultivators and Ninth Level powerhouses converging in one place," Han Dan added.

"Hold on, that's... our clan's distress signal," Elena implored.

"Your clan?" Yu Yuan expressed his surprise.

"To be precise, it's a prominent family from the Firefly Starfield that once pledged loyalty to my father and has remained close to us," Elena quickly clarified. Without waiting for any response from Yu Yuan and the others, she left the warship behind, unleashing her bloodline power to speed away.

"Yu Yuan, when Fernand turned to banditry, many Asuras from the Firefly Starfield remained loyal to him," Rong Xun said after a brief hesitation. "You can trust Elena, but remember, she is still an Asura. Asura King Sabonis was critically wounded in the Plover Realm, and the Divine Sword has since departed the Dark Domain. You'd do well to stay vigilant."

After Fernand turned to banditry, he chose a secret base that was actually on the other side of the Illusion Starfield. This base was situated right between the Illusion Starfield and the Firefly Starfield, which implies that Gheirat, as well as the Asura originally from the Firefly Starfield, might be aware of it.

Rong Xun was privy to a wealth of information. "That secret base was recently overtaken by other bandits, and it was suddenly exposed," he revealed.

Upon hearing this, Xie Binn and Han Dan chimed in, cautioning him to be careful.

Yu Yuan's lips curled into a smile. Once they had finished speaking, he stretched leisurely and announced, "It's time for us to part ways."

Rong Xun expressed his relief, "I'm glad you've come to understand."

Xie Binn and the others appeared at ease.

"I mean, it's time for me to part ways with you," Yu Yuan clarified, shaking his head. Then, with a serious expression, he continued, "The individual aboard that warship has an extremely sensitive identity. I can't predict the magnitude of the upheaval that may follow. Our paths crossed by chance in the Epitaxial Realm, and we fortuitously met again. Don't entangle yourselves with me or her; it's best to leave now."

With those words, Yu Yuan swiftly took off in the direction where Elena had vanished, leaving the four of them exchanging bewildered glances.


Silver war chariots lay silent and still, suspended in the void among the asteroids.

On a modest-sized meteorite, jagged rocks jutted out beside parched gullies.

A dozen Asura Clan warriors, gripping long spears and short javelins in one hand and large silver shields emblazoned with crossed battle-axe insignia in the other, knelt before an Asura warrior whose chest wound was so severe that the bone was visible.

A slender female Asura applied a viscous healing salve to the wounds, murmuring reassurances, "You won't be hurt. You're going to make it."

Not far off, a bearded Asura warrior sounded a horn, reminiscent of a bull's horn.


A streak of light flashed into their view, instantly igniting a wave of excitement among them.

"Our kin!"

"Could it be Lord Ciara and Lord Demian have come from the Illusion Starfield?"

"But why is there only one person?"

The Asura clansmen had only recently received orders to leave the Firefly Starfield and head to the Illusion Starfield to engage in negotiations with the Asura and Gheirat.

They were chosen for this mission because of their centuries-long harmonious relationship with Gheirat.

Despite Fernand's descent into banditry, Gheirat remained willing to extend goodwill towards them, maintaining a close trade relationship.


The severely wounded Asura warrior, upon recognizing the newcomer, disregarded the grievous injury in his chest and struggled to his feet, planting his spear firmly into the ground. "Miss Elena! Good heavens, am I hallucinating? Are my wounds so grave that I'm on the brink of death?"

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The spear repeatedly pierced the earth, shattering the rocks beneath and sending chips flying.

"Uncle Berthold!"

Joy radiated from Elena's eyes. She descended swiftly and hurried to support the injured warrior.

The expressions of the other Asura Clan members shifted to a mix of confusion and complexity at the sight of her. Some moved to bow but were quickly restrained by others, who shook their heads, signaling them not to proceed.

"Princess Elena..."

They bowed their heads, their thoughts lingering on the recent events, their lips parched.

"Everyone, salute Her Highness!"

Berthold, clearly incensed despite his injuries, drove his spear with force into the ground and bellowed, "Her Highness is the pride of our Firefly Starfield! She always has been and always will be! Have you fools forgotten that our King has pardoned both the Lord and Her Highness?"

"Your Highness, have you come to return to your homeland?"

"Rest assured! We have made all the necessary preparations, and I have received the directives! The Firefly Starfield remains as it was, steadfast in its loyalty to the Lord and Her Highness!"

"Alas, we were unable to welcome the Lord back; he made the ultimate sacrifice in the Plover Realm."

Berthold's fists tightened, his face swirling with intense murderous intent. "Curse the Boundless Human Race! One day, we will raze the Boundless Sea to the ground and exterminate every creature within it!"

"Raze the Boundless Sea!"

"Exterminate them all!"

The Asura warriors of the Firefly Starfield echoed Berthold's call, pounding their chests in a solemn vow.

Yu Yuan, who had stealthily followed, paused on a separate fragment of rock, observing the impassioned Asura warriors with a slightly embarrassed look, and he hesitated to approach.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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