Unmatched Dominance/C1248 Descendants
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Unmatched Dominance/C1248 Descendants
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C1248 Descendants

On the outskirts of the Deep Starfield, adjacent to the Silver Sand Starfield, an inconspicuous meteorite unfolded like a clamshell.

A faint spatial ripple emanated, cascading outward, as a dazzling ring of light appeared at the shell's opening, wide like a gateway.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One by one, figures emerged. Each was garbed in vivid attire, their skin gleaming like divine stones.

They were all Yang Gods.

Faang Yao, with his shining bald head, was leading Yuan Lianyao, the Red Devil Sect's rising star, through the heart of the group.

Yuan Lianyao stood out among the crowd, her beauty unparalleled. Her refined Yang God Body shone like the fiercest fire crystal, radiating an intensity that was almost unbearable to those nearby.

This discomfort was a telltale sign of a novice at the Yang God Stage, still learning to wield her newfound power with finesse.

Faang Yao observed the hairline crack at her neck, barely visible, and inwardly sighed.

The Red Devil Sect, with 'Devil' in its name, practiced Spiritual Spells that aligned them with devil cultivation, emphasizing rapid breakthroughs and gradual eradication of inner demons.

Yet, Faang Yao considered Yuan Lianyao's advancement through the stages alarmingly swift.

It was this haste that led to a mishap during the final refinement of her Yang God Body, leaving her neck marred like a piece of fine porcelain, shattered and imperfectly reassembled.

Her Yang God Body bore these subtle imperfections.

"The fragmented sun of the Deep Starfield still harbors untapped treasures. I'll guide you to them. The essence within these remnants of the sun may just help you heal this flawed vessel," Faang Yao assured her.

As he spoke, he accepted two jade plates from the Profound Sky Sect's custodians stationed there.

Handing one to Yuan Lianyao, he explained, "This is one of the universe's most renowned battlefields. To prevent mishaps, the Galaxy Crossing here is not static but in a state of constant flux. Only with these jade plates can we pinpoint the Galaxy Crossing's current location within the Deep Starfield."

"Lin Yan, has there been any significant activity around here lately?" a member of the Fiend Sect inquired.

Lin Yan, a late-period Yang God of the Profound Sky Sect tasked with overseeing the Galaxy Crossing, sported a square face and bushy eyebrows. He glanced at the newcomers from the Quietus Continent and responded with a nonchalant air, "Nothing of consequence. Cao Jiaze, Xu Jingyao of the Primordial Yang Sect, along with Zhu Huan, Fu Xuanwen, and others, have ventured to the nearby Illusion Starfield."

"I've heard that Leo and Beru are here, plotting to take out Leo in the Illusion Starfield while everyone's attention is focused elsewhere," Lin Yan said with a detached tone. "Shouldn't you be entering the Dim Starfield, though?"

"The major forces there include the Demon Palace, the Devil Palace, and the Sword Sect's powerhouses. We've only recently achieved the Yang God Stage, so we'd rather not get tangled up in their conflicts," Faang Yao chuckled.

He had brought Yuan Lianyao here because he could tell she was eager to break through and venture into the Outland Star River. The Dim Starfield was where Yu Yuan had vanished, and Faang Yao didn't want Yuan Lianyao to encounter Yu Yuan too soon, which is why he had made a point of coming here. He also harbored the hope of finding fragments of the sun to aid Yuan Lianyao in refining her Yang God once more.

"May your journey through the Deep Starfield be safe and uneventful," Lin Yan remarked, his demeanor cool and unwelcoming to the visitors from his homeland.

The group, undeterred by his lack of warmth, asked a few more questions about what to watch out for and then set off in their respective teams.


Yu Yuan opened his eyes. The meteorite beneath him radiated intense heat, glowing red-hot from the operation of the Glorious Heavenly Wheel.

Concerned, he glanced over at Chen Qinghuang. The Empress remained in a tranquil slumber, unaffected by the scorching waves emanating from the meteorite.

Yu Yuan nodded to himself, his consciousness drifting into the Yellow Court Little World. There, he observed flecks of flame energy and spiritual power mingling, falling like fiery rain into the sea of spiritual energy.

The deep red sea of spiritual energy was serene, absorbing the "flame rain" without a ripple. With a single focused thought, the sea churned into a tumultuous storm, with bolts of spiritual energy lightning striking his acupoints and coursing through his veins.


A mighty aura burst forth, seamlessly blending with the heat of the meteorite beneath him.

"A meteorite formed from the explosion of a sun contains flame energy that can be absorbed by a Spiritual Spell. I've only refined a fraction of it so far; there's plenty left for me to harness for quite some time," Yu Yuan mused, stroking his chin. If only the meteorite could be moved, to carry him swiftly through the stars like a battleship, he thought wistfully.

In this manner, he was able to continuously extract and cultivate spiritual power.

Having become acquainted with the Deep Starfield, he discovered that it was unlike the Illusion Starfield, Dim Starfield, and Oblivion Starfield.

Perhaps due to the cataclysmic explosion of the Realm, the pervasive Galaxy Extraordinary Talent was nearly absent in many regions of the Outer Battlefield.

Practicing the Evil Body Refining Skill, he could normally harness the chaotic and toxic Galaxy Extraordinary Talent for strength.

Yet, in the Deep Starfield, it wasn't possible to simply find a spot and use the Evil Sect's Spiritual Spell to replenish his energy.

Most areas were devoid of any type of spiritual or extraordinary power, resembling a vacuum or void.

In certain locations, however, there surged powers so wildly chaotic that they made him apprehensive, deterring him from attempting to capture them with the Evil Body Refining Skill.

Stumbling upon this precious meteorite that the Glorious Heavenly Wheel could draw flame energy from and convert into spiritual power was indeed a stroke of luck.

He found himself somewhat unwilling to part with it.

Time passed indeterminately.

Five eerie dark red silhouettes leaped from meteor to meteor, soaring high before crashing down, drawing steadily closer.

"Sun fragment!"

A diminutive Fire Lizard Tribe warrior, his back clad in a shell-like armor, approached boldly.

"Human Great Cultivator!"

As he drew nearer, he was taken aback by the sight of Yu Yuan next to a rock, reacting as if he had encountered a ghastly specter. The Fire Lizard Tribe member, with only a Seventh Level bloodline, emitted a wail as though on the verge of tears.

His cry sent a shiver through the other Fire Lizard Tribe members following him.

The unique environment of the Deep Starfield, largely devoid of the life-corroding Galaxy Extraordinary Talent, emboldened these Fire Lizard Tribe members, originally from the Deep Starfield, to return quietly and scavenge through the debris of warships, shattered vessels, and weapons left by various races and humans after brutal conflicts.

They profited from scavenging.

The sight of Yu Yuan in such a perilous part of the Deep Starfield was akin to encountering the grim reaper.

Yu Yuan gave them a nonchalant look. Noticing that the Fire Lizard Tribe squad was laden with a massive snakeskin bag and many trivial trinkets of little value, he furrowed his brow, showing no inclination to engage with them. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he signaled the Fire Lizard Tribe members to depart.

From Elena, Yu Yuan learned that the Outer Battlefield had once been under the dominion of the Dark Elfkind, yet it also housed many from the Fire Lizard Tribe, Silver Scale Clan, and Mondnacht Clan.

The Fire Lizard Tribe members before him were actually the indigenous inhabitants of the area. The construction of a Galaxy Crossing had transformed the Deep Starfield into what was now known as the Outer Battlefield.

His experiences had shifted his perspective; he no longer harbored an innate hostility or disgust towards the beings from other realms.

The five Fire Lizard Tribe members were ecstatic when he gestured for them to leave, promptly turning tail and fleeing.

Yet, mid-flight, the quintet halted, huddling together to whisper in their native tongue.


The Fire Lizard Tribe members discarded their packs and drew gleaming, icy blades from their snake-skin bags.

With malevolent glints in their eyes, they cautiously turned back toward him.

Initially dumbfounded, Yu Yuan quickly grasped the situation and chuckled, shaking his head. "It appears that kindness and amiability in the Outer Battlefield are mistaken for vulnerability."

The five Fire Lizard Tribe warriors, clearly inferior in combat prowess and lineage, had assumed he was grievously wounded.

Or perhaps, they suspected he was an imposter, not a true Yang God.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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