Unmatched Dominance/C1259 Like a God!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1259 Like a God!
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C1259 Like a God!

The massive copper bell soared through the void, its surface etched with numerous fiery symbols and scarlet demonic clouds that unleashed waves of intense flames, making the Heaven Level spiritual weapon appear like a glowing hot iron mass.

Yuan Lianyao, in her Yang God form, stood at the bell's aperture, her body engulfed in deep red flames. Within the fire, crystal shards sparkled like dazzling stars. Beneath her feet, there seemed to be a churning pool of molten lava, its fiery liquid constantly infusing her Yang God physique with scorching energy.

She was enveloped in a demonic lotus that acted like an extraordinary armor, protecting her figure. With a grave expression, she frequently glanced back. Her soul thoughts crackled like electricity beside her, aiding her in detecting any nearby movements.

Lianyao was on high alert for the Asura Clan warriors who might be lying in wait to ambush her from the shadows of passing meteorites. She had no trust in Elena, the young lady held in high esteem by the Asura. She suspected that the Asura girl's calls for her clansmen to halt might just be an unspoken tactical ploy, allowing the fierce Asura warriors to confront her with alternative methods.

In the notorious Outer Battlefield, facing the fearsome Asura, Yuan Lianyao could not afford to let her guard down. It wasn't until she received a message from Faang Yao that she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She pinpointed the precise location and communicated the coordinates to the Artifact Soul of the Red Demon Bell, which then surged forward with increased speed.

Shortly thereafter, Yuan Lianyao, aboard the Red Demon Bell, rendezvoused with Faang Yao.

"Where are the Asuras?" asked the bald Faang Yao, with three immense fireballs levitating behind him. Each fireball had the power to engulf over a dozen enemy warriors in a single burst. The fireballs were a mix of earth and heavenly fire, teeming with explosive flame energy.

Several practitioners from the Fiend Sect and the Voodoo Cult were also scanning their surroundings. Chu Yao, from the Medicine God Sect, showed a touch of embarrassment upon Yuan Lianyao's arrival.

Having fled from the bizarre meteorite and left Pei Yuling behind, Chu Yao soon encountered Faang Yao and a group of cultivators from the Quietus Continent. Seeking their protection, he aimed to depart through the Galaxy Crossing at the earliest opportunity.

From Faang Yao, he learned of the dramatic events that had unfolded in the Illusion Starfield and the terrifying transformations of the meteorite that had engulfed Pei Yuling, which only piqued his curiosity further.

Faang Yao had picked up on Yuan Lianyao's distress signal and quickly led the group to her location.

Upon their arrival, they met face to face.

"We may have given them the slip."

Feeling relieved, Yuan Lianyao nodded at Faang Yao and began to explain, "The Asura we encountered likely hailed from the Firefly Starfield. There's a young woman named Elena who wields a silver hammer and possesses an Eighth Level bloodline. Her combat prowess is astonishingly powerful."

She gave a succinct account of the events.

It was then that she noticed the peculiar looks on the faces of Faang Yao, members of the Fiend Sect, and the Voodoo Cult.

She also spotted an unfamiliar face among them.


Faang Yao scratched his bald head and let out a hearty chuckle before pointing at Chu Yao, "You must recognize this man. He's from the Medicine God Sect, known as Chu Yao. He recently visited the Illusion Starfield with Cao Jiaze, Fu Xuanwen, and others from the Profound Sky Sect."

"Little Medicine God Chu Yao!" Yuan Lianyao's demeanor was frosty, her face showing undisguised disdain and revulsion.

She was well aware of Yu Yuan, the cherished disciple of three hundred years, now the favored son-in-law of Zhong Chichen and the designated future Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect.

"Chu Yao has encountered Yu Yuan in the Illusion Starfield. He's also aware that Yu Yuan has been accompanied by a young Asura woman. Her name is Elena, once a marauder, now reinstated by the Asura King." Faang Yao deliberately omitted Hong Qi, only mentioning Yu Yuan.

Yuan Lianyao's elegant eyebrows knitted together in concern.

Being new to the Outland Star River, she was not privy to the details of Yu Yuan's adventures since his departure from the vast expanses.

The practitioners from the Red Devil Sect had also kept Yu Yuan's tales to themselves, leaving her in the dark.

Through Chu Yao, Faang Yao had learned that Elena of the Asura Clan had been sighted in the Outer Battlefield. Given her appearance there, it was highly probable that Yu Yuan, now in the guise of Chen Qinghuang, along with the Secular Bird, were also present in this vast arena of conflict.

To ensure safety, Faang Yao decided to open up to Yuan Lianyao and share the true situation with her.

Yuan Lianyao listened intently and then nodded in silence, her eyes slowly beginning to sparkle.


The frigid meteor, under Yan Ziyang's guidance, changed course once again.

Yan Ziyang of the Ghost Spirit Sect was brimming with questions, unsure of Yu Yuan's intentions.

Initially, he was instructed to steer clear of the central region, taking a longer route to avoid passing through the heart of the Deep Starfield.

However, Yu Yuan had recently reversed his decision, directing him toward the central zone.

Yan Ziyang had no choice but to comply.

Within the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan, having mastered the Ghosting Arts, had an epiphany while communicating with the Yin God he had formed.

He vaguely sensed that his Yin God could effortlessly craft various attacks within the two miniature worlds inside the Dragon Slash Platform.

With a mere thought from the Yin God...

Eighth and Ninth Level Frost Dragons, and even the Tenth Level Dragon God's corpse, with its pure icy breath, were instantly under the Yin God's command.

The rules of this world shifted abruptly!

Crack! Crack!

Crystal-clear icicles, forged from the Frost Dragons' might and the world's unique forces, were rapidly refined.

In an instant, a dozen icicles emerged, as if conjured by deities wielding the frigid laws themselves.

The icicle tips gleamed with a captivating chill, each containing thousands of delicate ice spines in the form of dragons, embodying the essence of ice's rule.

The icicles all targeted the recovering Devaputra.

The Devaputra's crystalline form stiffened under their aim, too terrified to move.

"What are you planning to do?"

His Devil Soul quivered with fear, sensing that this peculiar world's sovereign was invoking the foundational core of the Great Dao to pulverize his spirit and flesh.

It was reminiscent of the recent shattering of the cold crystal.

In this confined realm, the hundred-meter-long icicles conveyed an intense piercing sensation. The Devaputra realized his inability to resist; the ice Dao he had comprehended would be ruthlessly obliterated upon contact.

This was because the icicles were imbued with the power of the Tenth Level Frost Dragon!

That was the Dragon God!


Yu Yuan, his Yin God floating high above, laughed contentedly as he marveled at the sight.

In the blink of an eye, the icicles disintegrated mysteriously, transforming into a frigid dragon breath that dissipated into the foundational forces of this world, seamlessly reintegrating with the Dragon Slash Platform.

His thoughts shifted once more.

The residual lightning breath within the Ninth Level brontosaurus sparked into a ferocious thunderstorm, instantly taking shape.

Yu Yuan's Yin God then turned his attention to a Jade Dragon, inherently venomous. With a mere thought, murky rivers of potent poison materialized from the lingering dragon breath within the corpse.

The powers contained within the dragon corpses were at his command, bending to his will.

They could also morph into any physical or ethereal entity, striking his foes with pinpoint accuracy.

As long as he was within the Dragon Slash Platform, within those two microcosms, he was akin to an Unrestrained Stage cultivator, wielding the might of all the dragon corpses!


In an instant, his Yin God reappeared in the small world of the buried Space-time Dragon. With a mere flicker of intent, the residual power of the Space-time Dragon formed a spatial shield and solidified into a gleaming Space Edge.

Under his mental command, time could reverse or freeze at any given moment.

"Like a deity!" Yu Yuan exclaimed, unable to contain himself as he stretched out his arms in a gesture that seemed to embrace the heavens and the earth.

Such a wondrous epiphany was something he had never encountered in either his past or present life.

For the first time, he vividly sensed that his soul, honed in the practice of the Ghosting Arts, reigned supreme within the two realms of the Dragon Slash Platform, a true deity without equal!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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