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"A wonderful feeling."

Yu Yuan's Yin God radiated pure enjoyment, his eyes half-closed as he embraced heaven and earth, seemingly possessing the entire world.

Within the Dragon Slash Platform, two peculiar microcosms appeared to fall under his jurisdiction, transforming into his "Divine Domain"! His Yin God could manipulate them at will.

This level of insight was something he had never experienced before.

He suddenly grasped the significance of the awakening in his first life before departing the Dim Starfield.

The Dragon Slash Platform, initially a Heaven Opening Divine Stone, had been meticulously refined and crafted by his former self.

It became the Divine Soul Sect's unparalleled Artifact!

This single Dragon Slash Platform sealed the fate of the Naga race's prosperity, ensuring that the dragons of the Boundless Great World could not recover their dominance for tens of thousands of years.

Had it not been necessary to suppress the dragons, he would not have perished upon his return to the Boundless World.

The absence of his trusty weapon was the cause.

Now, tens of thousands of years later, the Dragon Slash Platform he had forged in his first life finally recognized him, embracing his new identity.

His thoughts began to surge once more.

In this realm, time stood still, and spatial ripples undulated continuously.

In another world, glaciers snapped into existence, and he whimsically shaped violent thunderous vortices.

Streams of deadly toxins and dragon breath wove together in the sky, mysteriously suspended and flowing.

All the remnants of the slain dragons—their breath, blood, and souls—were at his disposal.

The foundational power left by his first life, which had been used to construct the Dragon Slash Platform, could now be summoned and transformed at his whim.


Yu Yuan's Yin God darted through the spaces he had conjured: ice mountains, lightning storms, toxic rivers, and rivers of molten lava, pausing now and then.

His smile grew ever more radiant, and with it, a powerful self-assurance blossomed within him.

He was certain that even the Yang God-level powerhouses from the outside world, especially those newly ascended to the Unrestrained Stage, would be crushed by the overwhelming force of the Dragon Slash Platform if they were inadvertently pulled into its inner world.

Moreover, breaching the two microcosms within the Dragon Slash Platform was an incredibly daunting task!

After all, the Dragon Slash Platform was no ordinary illusory realm; it was born from the cocoon of the Void Spirit Succubus, inherently capable of morphing into a tangible universe.

"The turmoil deep within the Deep Starfield is on the horizon, and I find myself eagerly anticipating it."

Yu Yuan's grin broadened as he laughed heartily.


"How peculiar."

Yu Yiyi came to an abrupt halt as the beautifully patterned armor transformed back into the Evil Cauldron in an instant.

She positioned herself at the cauldron's rim and descended to its base.

Gazing at the black figure, Rend Armor, and the Yellow Light Demon, her eyebrows knit together in concern. "Have you discovered anything?"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, the Evil Demons emerged from the cauldron walls and knelt down respectfully.

The Evil Demons, lacking sufficient sentience and unable to regain their memories, released soul waves that only she, the cauldron soul, could perceive.

Yu Yiyi scrutinized them, then nodded, a hint of surprise gracing her lips.

With a swift leap, she emerged from the cauldron and addressed the puzzled Yan Qiling, "My master must have taken notice of us. The Evil Demon that once resided within the acupoints of his body caught the scent of the Yin Sunflower essence and felt as though it was being glanced at from a great distance."

"You're absolutely correct. Master is here on the Outer Battlefield and is indeed drawing closer to us!" Yu Yiyi exclaimed with a surge of excitement.

Yan Qiling was inwardly astonished. "Did he detect your presence first?"

Yu Yiyi confirmed with a nod.

"Has he truly become that formidable? You, as the cauldron soul, wield control over the cauldron on the verge of evolving into an Artifact and can harness the strength of all the formidable Evil Demons, yet you didn't detect him first. This suggests that he is, in fact, quite distant from us," Yan Qiling mused.

Shaking his head, he added, "All in all, it doesn't quite add up."

Yu Yiyi offered a reassuring smile. "For Master, what seems unreasonable can often be made reasonable."

Yan Qiling paused, reflecting on her enigmatic statement, then eventually nodded in agreement with a smile. "In that case, there's no need to rush to the site of the newly formed Origin Realm Gate. Let's wait patiently for him to find us on his own."

"That would be ideal."

Yu Yiyi concurred immediately, then added after a brief pause, "Although I haven't sensed my master, I'm aware that numerous formidable souls are converging on the location you mentioned. Mr. Yan, it might be wise to take a moment to pause and wait until the influential members of the Babel Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Soul Sect arrive."

Yan Qiling chuckled lightly, dismissing any concern. "No problem. Unless we come across someone of the same level, I can easily whisk you away, even if we run into more than three Unrestrained Stage cultivators."

"I'd rather not complicate matters before meeting my master," Yu Yiyi stated.

"Your wish is my command."


The eerie meteorite was littered with dead trees and bones. A Yin Corpse King, freshly refined, was sent down.


Suddenly, withered branches shot out, impaling the Yin Corpse King and suspending him midair. Before long, his skin and flesh vanished, leaving only a skeleton behind. Shortly thereafter, the skeleton crashed to the ground, shattering into bone fragments.

Atop a rare stone within the Ember Waters, the Yin Corpse King's eyes glinted fiercely as he murmured, "Interesting."

Lim Zhuyun glided off the stone, her feet never touching the ground, and in a blink, she was in the outside world. The stone she left behind seemed no more significant than a square brick, its true vastness hidden from sight. It was the power of the Chaos Roc that lent the stone its enigmatic properties.

"Why have you emerged?" came the disgruntled voice of the Yin Corpse King from the stone behind her.

Lim Zhuyun remained silent, her icy gaze fixed on the massive meteorite. After a moment, she began to descend towards it in an odd manner.

Alarmed, the Yin Corpse King quickly maneuvered the stone to her previous location and enclosed her within it once more.

Back inside, Lim Zhuyun seemed to snap back to reality. Her crystalline body emitted numerous unknown energies, which were then absorbed by the peculiar energies of this world.

"That meteorite is quite peculiar," Lim Zhuyun reflected on her recent experience. "Looking at those withered trees and bones, I could almost see a lush, dense forest and many nobles from different clans, led by the Dark Elfkind, attending a magnificent gathering."

Her expression turned dreamlike. "It's as if I was also an invitee, about to leap down and join them."

The Yin Corpse King was taken aback. "I never imagined that a mere meteorite could cloud your judgment and induce such illusions. Do not stray from the domain our master has refined. Let's continue to observe. I'm confident others will come to unravel this mystery and help us find the answers."

Lim Zhuyun gave a slight nod, careful not to overstep her bounds again.

"Yu Yuan," Yuan Lianyao whispered to herself, the name that haunted her dreams echoing in her mind.

Leaning against the Red Demon Bell, she listened as Faang Yao and the accompanying Yang Gods questioned Chu Yao about the recent peculiar meteorite encounter, but she seemed disinterested.

Her thoughts were preoccupied with the nature of Yu Yuan's connection to the Asura Clan girl. She pondered whether Elena, the girl from the foreign race, had recognized her identity and therefore instructed her people to cease their pursuit.

"People with different paths do not scheme together," she mused silently.

Faang Yao approached and crouched beside her, gazing into the distance. "Senior Hong was kind to both my master and me three hundred years ago. But now, he's part of the Divine Soul Sect, and we of the Red Devil Sect have allied ourselves with the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace," he sighed.

Yuan Lianyao maintained her silence.

"Promise me, if you truly encounter him, you won't act. Just stay silent as you are now, and I'll find a way to excuse you afterward," Faang Yao implored earnestly.

"I don't know what I'll do," Yuan Lianyao murmured softly.

Faang Yao expressed his frustration, "I'm so unlucky. I should never have brought you to this Outer Battlefield!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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