Unmatched Dominance/C1264 The Barbaric Bull!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1264 The Barbaric Bull!
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C1264 The Barbaric Bull!

A formidable Golden Rock Beast, as mighty as a mountain, entered the renowned Outer Battlefield through the Galaxy Crossing, vigilantly overseen by the Profound Sky Sect. Without delay, it utilized a drop of its Demon Blood to connect with its kin.

The drop of golden Demon Blood shone like a newly risen sun, illuminating the surrounding galaxies.

Ripples of Demonic Power spread instantly across millions of miles and continued to expand.

Observing from within a shell-like meteorite, the guardian of the Profound Sky Sect watched in silent awe.

He recognized the Golden Rock Beast before him as Jin Lih, a Ninth Level Demon King.

Jin Lih had come here, to the Outer Battlefield, rather than the Dim Starfield, because he had sent many Golden Rock Beasts ahead before the calamity struck the Starfield.

His tribe's presence here caused him to hesitate and ultimately decline the Demon Palace's summons after the disaster.

Once his affairs were in order, his concern for his tribe led him to this place.

But when he employed his Demon Blood to reach out to his trusted lieutenants, he encountered a bizarre situation.

His lieutenants, it seemed, had lost their minds.

These beings, possessing Eighth Level bloodlines and wisdom akin to his own, had regressed into mindless, vicious beasts, driven only by a lust for carnage.

His calls went unheeded by the Golden Rock Beasts, as if they were oblivious.

Moreover, the multitude of Golden Rock Beasts was converging towards a location that was not his current whereabouts...

With a huff, Jin Lih exhaled a frustrated breath and let out a low growl before swiftly departing.


"What is happening here?"

Yan Qiling stood atop a luminescent meteorite, a freshly carved crescent moon ornament in hand, gazing down from his elevated vantage point.

He was situated in the lofty void of the Outer Battlefield.

The meteorite beneath his feet, once a piece of a crescent moon, bore a resemblance to the Fallen Star Eyes once refined by Lau Ying.

With his understanding of spatial forces and this unique meteorite, both he and Yu Yiyi could discern many wonders.

They noticed that numerous powerful demons, previously undetected, were now emerging.

Then, as if invigorated, they began to swarm towards a certain area behind them.

It wasn't just the powerful demons; alien beasts were also stirred.

"Could the formation of the Origin Realm Gate deep within the battlefield have triggered some other anomaly?" Yan Qiling pondered, his brow furrowed in confusion. "It seems unlikely. The formation of the gates within the Vast Expanse and the Outland Star River didn't incite such madness in the beasts."

After mastering the power of space, he ventured into the Outland Star River and, with the Divine Soul Sect's endorsement, sought to learn about the enigmatic Origin Realm Gate.

He was unaware that the formation of the Origin Realm Gate could trigger madness in Demonic Beasts and alien beasts.

"They're not even in the same vicinity," Yu Yiyi stated.

"The odd behaviors are specific to the major monsters and alien beasts, which share a common characteristic. At birth, their bloodlines are weak, and they lack significant intelligence," Yan Qiling observed, his eyes squinting, his expression peculiar. "Consequently, they're prone to losing control and their sanity."

He made this observation upon noticing that these creatures had indeed succumbed to madness.

They had devolved into mere beasts, acting solely on instinct.

"Should we explore ahead or behind first?" Yu Yiyi proposed.

"Upfront lies the heart of the battlefield with a newly formed Origin Realm Gate. Behind us, there's an unexplained gathering of beasts," Yan Qiling pondered aloud. "The choice is yours."

"Let's head to the rear. My master is likely there, and I must find him first," Yu Yiyi declared with conviction.

"As you wish."


Amidst the chilling atmosphere of the meteorite,

A myriad of blood-red blade lights wove into an intricate net, hurtling towards the dark figure the Demon King had become.

The towering man sneered and laughed, darting through the relentless blade lights with lightning speed, occasionally closing in on Yu Yuan for a physical clash. "Boy, your Evil Body Refining Skill has some real depth to it."


A massive blood soul materialized within the sanguine net, taking the form of a blood ape.

With a thunderous roar, the blood ape conjured a colossal iron rod from thin air, bringing it down hard on the man's head.

The pitch-black Demon King was floored by the blow, staggering to his feet, his gaze settling on the blood soul's giant ape form. The ferocity in his eyes swiftly faded.

A nostalgic expression crossed his face, "Lord Heaven Shaking Ape, I served under you during my first campaign to conquer the world. Whenever I showed the slightest hint of fear in battle against the outsiders, it was you who would correct me in this manner."

The large man let out a sigh, filled with a mix of emotions, and did not rush to counter. It seemed as if he wanted to take a longer look at the blood soul before him.

In what appeared to be a response, the other six blood souls woven within the crimson lattice suddenly contracted.

Only the blood soul of the Heaven Shaking Ape continued to swell in size, as if it had briefly awakened some primitive sentience.

Yu Yuan, his arms tingling with a mix of numbness and burning pain, watched the Demon King, formerly a black bull, with a sense of awe. The black bull was a particularly unusual Demonic Beast from the Boundless Great World, accustomed to roaming the depths of desolate mountains in search of a jet-black oil to strengthen its bloodline and rapidly advance.

In the Boundless Land, this black oil was not inexhaustible. Hence, once a black bull broke through to the Eighth Level, the Demon Palace would decree its exile to the Outer Battlefield, making every effort to prevent its return.

As a result, most high-level Black Oil Barbarians ended up battling in the Outer Star River, leveraging the black oil found in alien galaxies to further their bloodline advancement.

The Black Oil Barbarian Ox before him, with its Ninth Level bloodline, was notably renowned in the legends of the Boundless Great World. Even three hundred years ago, during the era of the Medicine God Hong Qi, he had been well-known.

The blood soul that was rapidly expanding seemed to solidify into a massive ape in just a fleeting moment. Its crimson demonic eyes locked onto the dark-skinned man with an intense gaze.

"It's truly tragic. Even a strong man like you has been betrayed by a blade," the Black Oil Barbarian Ox remarked, shaking its head in a gesture of pity. "Without that blade, if you were still with us, perhaps you could have aspired to become a Demon God amidst today's tumultuous times."

"Of course, that's just a slim chance. After all, I believe I'm the one who's truly deserving," the dark-skinned man said with a sinister chuckle.

"Black Ox, you're still as boastful as ever," a gentle and melodious female voice floated from behind a distant meteorite. Then, a vibrant, colorful meteorite, like a flamboyant woman, swiftly approached.

Amidst the vibrant stones, a slender demon shadow materialized, her lips curling into a smile.


In an instant, she halted next to the Black Oil Barbarian Ox, her gaunt hand gently swaying.

The meteorite she had been perched upon burst open, and the multicolored stones shattered into thousands of vivid pebbles, their radiant light blossoming behind her.

"You must be Yu Yuan, right?" The woman's soft voice carried a gentle warmth as she observed the robust young man. "Tsk tsk, such a strong lad with handsome features. It's such a shame."

Her eyes crinkled with amusement before she addressed the Black Oil Barbarian Ox, "No need to rush. Plenty of juniors from the Demon Palace are still on their way."

"Aren't there enough dead already?" The Black Oil Barbarian Ox sneered menacingly.

He had realized upon his arrival that creatures like the Golden Rock Beast, Blood Stripe Beast, Wind Wolf, and other Demon Palace juniors had perished by the blade known as 'Blood Prison'.

Having roamed the Boundless Great World for centuries without a single return, he felt little for the Demon Palace's younger members.

"Just a handful, certainly not enough," he retorted.

The woman's gaze dropped, piercing through the numerous cavities to the mesmerizing drop of verdant blood. "Black Ox, your arrogance blinds you. Do you truly believe you alone can claim victory? If that individual is indeed below, there's more than just a single drop of blood."

The Black Oil Barbarian Ox paused, taken aback.

"Yu Yuan, are you aware that the Demon Palace once held you in high regard? The esteemed Lord Golden Elephant even personally endorsed you, yet you declined their offer," the woman lamented, her face etched with regret. "The children who befriended you are thriving within the Demon Palace. Zhan Tianxiang, Zhao Yafu, along with others you know well."

"Enough!" Yu Yuan's face turned grim.

Libre Baskerville
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