Unmatched Dominance/C1278 Don't be Nosy
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Unmatched Dominance/C1278 Don't be Nosy
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C1278 Don't be Nosy

Yuan Lianyao, hailing from the Silvermoon Empire, once held the prestigious position of a city's lord, while Lim Zhuyun was regarded as the Lim family's jewel.

However, the Lim family's fortunes have waned within the empire, with their name stricken from the rolls. Tragedy befell the family, leaving many dead or injured, and no longer did any formidable figures rise from their ranks.

In contrast, Yuan Lianyao and her Yuan family have been on the rise, flourishing with each passing day.

Despite Yan Gui's defection from the Devil Palace to the Divine Soul Sect, the Yuan family's standing in Darkmoon City and the Silvermoon Empire remained unscathed, thanks to the connection between Yuan Lianyao and Yu Yuan. They continued to thrive robustly.

These two renowned women of the empire had previously clashed over Yu Yuan.

Later, Lim Zhuyun, after being possessed by the Freezing Devaputra and seduced by the Chaos Roc, saw her combat abilities and realm surge dramatically. She even pursued Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao with intent to kill.

Now, encountering Yuan Lianyao in the Outland Star River, who had successfully cultivated her Yang God, Lim Zhuyun was naturally inclined to take action.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A succession of icebergs burst forth from a rare stone that, while modest in size, concealed vast potential. They soared behind her, sharp as cold blades piercing the heavens.

Wrapped in strands of bright lightning, she navigated through the icebergs, her steps alight with ethereal flames. Her gaze grew icy as she declared, "City Lord Yuan, you shall stay. The rest may depart."

"Me, stay?" Yuan Lianyao's lips curled into a light smile.

Her enchanting figure stood at the mouth of the Red Demon Bell, as if enveloped in molten magma.

With a flick of her fiery red sleeves, intense flames morphed into lotus blossoms, soaring towards Lim Zhuyun's feet and meeting the ghostly cold flames.


The lotus blossoms and the icy flames clashed, erupting into a dazzling display of pyrotechnics.

"Lim Zhuyun, your cultivation is merely that of a Yang God, having merged with your main body. The only reason you can traverse the heavens in your true form is because of..." Yuan Lianyao glanced at the now luminous rare stone behind the ice mountain and huffed, "The assistance of the Chaos Roc. Your innate talent within the Silvermoon Empire was nothing extraordinary. It was pure chance that you became possessed by the Devaputra in the Ember Waters and subsequently caught the eye of the Starry Behemoth."

The City Lord shook his head with a mocking smile. "A realm and power acquired purely through luck—I doubt they're very stable. It seems you've learned the art of boasting shamelessly instead of any real skills."

The cold flames lacked the terrifying chill that would have made her shudder, so Lim Zhuyun didn't seem all that frightening to her.

Faang Yao, with his bald head, bared his teeth in a fierce grin. "You think you can provoke our Red Devil Sect?"

Nowadays, the Red Devil Sect boasted a Primordial Spirit expert and several Unrestrained Stage cultivators, establishing itself as the third mightiest faction on the Quietus Continent, following the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace.

"Yin Corpse King, you've sided with the Chaos Roc. Do you truly believe you can do as you please without consequence?"

Jin Lih, the Ninth Level Golden Rock Beast, was riled up by Lim Zhuyun's words. He summoned an ice mountain from within the rare stone, his ferocity awakened. "Don't forget, that Starry Behemoth was suppressed at the bottom of the Ember Waters for ages. Our Demon Palace and Devil Palace managed to keep that behemoth immobilized, so we're not afraid of any retaliation."

In the notorious ranks of the Starry Behemoths, the Chaos Roc didn't stand out too much. It wasn't as formidable as the Secular Bird of a hundred thousand years ago, nor the Void Spirit Succubus, nor the Abyss Goanna.

Having been confined in the Ember Waters for many years, the Chaos Roc's combat prowess wasn't considered earth-shattering in the eyes of most.

With the backing of the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace, and three Tenth Level Demon Gods at their side, why would they fear the Chaos Roc?

"Not at all," the Yin Corpse King said, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Back in the Vast Ocean, I was hunted by the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace. Even when I fled to the Outland Star River, I was still a target. After being confined in the Sword Prison for years, what's wrong with seeking refuge with my current master? With him, I enjoy much more freedom."

"He's not in there, is he? I can't sense his presence!" Jin Lih's face suddenly turned anxious as he peered at the luminous rare stone behind the ice mountains, feeling a drop of his golden blood ignite within him.

Upon hearing this, the Yang cultivators in attendance grew cautious.

They were not intimidated by the words of the Yin Corpse King and Lim Zhuyun, nor did they consider the numerous Yin Corpses a threat. But the presence of a Starry Behemoth was another matter entirely.

Every adult Starry Behemoth possessed the battle prowess of a Demon God. With the Chaos Roc's return to the galaxy, it surely had regained its strength.

They were well aware of the implications of an adult Starry Behemoth.

"He's not here!"

Jin Lih's blood essence had refined countless golden sparks, each tens of times finer than a hair, which then entered the rare stone to probe its depths.

"If he isn't here, where does the Yin Corpse King get his confidence?!"

Jin Lih bellowed furiously, his formidable figure descending upon the meteor where the Yang Gods were gathered. His massive golden hooves crushed and trampled numerous Yin Corpses beneath them.

Having confirmed the Chaos Roc's absence, Jin Lih lost all interest in exchanging words with the Yin Corpse King, instead taking out his frustration on him and Lim Zhuyun.

Backed by the Demon Palace, he feared no Starry Behemoth, not even one as mighty as the Chaos Roc. If displeased, he was ready to wage war.

"Move aside!"

Jin Lih's colossal form bulldozed through the ice mountains, causing those that had emerged from the rare stone at Lim Zhuyun's call to either collapse thunderously or break apart into countless icy boulders.

Lim Zhuyun, her feet alight with cold flames, continued her standoff with Yuan Lianyao, seemingly too preoccupied to care about the chaos.

"Is this all? And you dare ask us to stay?"

Faang Yao, with his bald head, chuckled in disbelief, regarding the Yin Corpse King and Lim Zhuyun as if they were fools.



"Yan Ziyang, do you hail from the Yan family of the Silvermoon Empire? I recall your family's history mentioning you!" Yan Qiling and Yu Yuan were discussing Yan Ziyang's background, and upon hearing his confirmation, they were astounded.

Yan Ziyang nodded, "I was selected by the Ghost Spirit Sect and left the Yan family to pursue my cultivation on the Quietus Continent. But when I departed, the Yan family wasn't particularly formidable."

"Just as I thought," Yan Qiling said with a smile. "The Yan family assumed you were long dead and didn't make any announcements. I learned about your past from some ancient texts. I've lived with the Yan family before, albeit in a different capacity. It seems fate has brought us together."

Yan Ziyang was taken aback.

Upon learning of his connection to the Yan family, Yan Qiling's warmth was evident. "You're from the Ghost Spirit Sect? That's even more fortuitous! Yu Yuan, the Ghost Spirit Sect has ties with both the Evil Sect and the Divine Soul Sect. I suspect that the Ghost Spirit Sect's downfall was sanctioned by the five major powers."

Yu Yuan paused, considering. "You might be right."

"I..." Yan Ziyang was at a loss for words.

"Don't worry, the Ghost Spirit Sect can rebuild on the Quietus Continent," Yan Qiling assured him with a smile. "The Divine Soul Sect will welcome both you and the Ghost Spirit Sect. You can count on me."

Yan Ziyang quickly offered his thanks.

In that moment, Ice Concubine's Devil Soul stirred, her brow furrowed as if sensing something. After a brief pause, she spoke up, "Master, I need to borrow the power of the Evil Demon from the Evil Cauldron."

Yu Yuan and Yan Qiling were at that time catching up, discussing the recent events in the Plover Realm and the broader movements since Yu Yuan's departure.

"What?" Yu Yuan exclaimed, surprised.

"I've detected a familiar presence. I'd like to harness the power of the Evil Cauldron to investigate further," Ice Concubine explained, her gaze shifting between Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi. Over time, she had become accustomed to seeking guidance directly from Yu Yuan rather than the cauldron soul, Yu Yiyi.

Yu Yuan gave a nod of approval.

Ice Concubine's ethereal form descended into the Evil Cauldron, summoning the hidden low-level Evil Demons within its layered steps.

One by one, the Evil Demons fused into her crystalline eyes.

Her gaze, amplified by the Evil Demons, seemed to pierce through the distance, revealing a scene from leagues away.

Within her vision, two distinct shadows emerged from the ether, rapidly gaining clarity.

"Yuan Lianyao!" "Lim Zhuyun!"

Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi cried out together in astonishment.

Yan Qiling, Moore, and Yan Ziyang's gazes were drawn to the Ice Concubine's eyes, where they observed the Golden Rock Beast, the Yin Corpse King, and numerous Yang God cultivators.

Witnessing Jin Lih's massive form bulldozing through the throng of Yin Corpses, they caught the Yin Corpse King's chilling, eerie laugh.

"What do you plan to do?"

Yan Qiling's brow furrowed slightly as he noted the drastic shift in Yu Yuan's demeanor. "I recommend we stay out of this. The Yin Corpse King and Lim Zhuyun don't seem to be on equal footing. If we intervene, we'll only create more problems. It's best to keep out of it."

"Let's wait and see."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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