Unmatched Dominance/C128 The Forbidden Area Monument!
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Unmatched Dominance/C128 The Forbidden Area Monument!
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C128 The Forbidden Area Monument!

In a forbidden area deliberately avoided by Yu Yuan, a massive oval pit hovered over an immense bronze monument, dwarfing the one at the entrance by more than a hundredfold.

The face of the monument was thick with inscriptions, a number beyond counting, swarming like gnats.

Within the bronze behemoth, a vague and enormous otherworldly soul would intermittently surface.

Swarming near the monument, myriad frail Evil Creatures flitted about like a plague of locusts.

Occasionally, a wisp of ghostly light would escape from the monument, ensnaring an Evil Creature and drawing it inside to be devoured leisurely by the colossal soul within, as if it were a mere morsel.

A silver-white robe drifted among the Evil Creatures, circling the monument.

Within the robe, the green soul of Yuefei shivered uncontrollably.

With a great "whoosh," the bronze monument surged toward the pit's dome, unleashing a ferocious aura that threatened to rip apart the cosmos itself!

Inscriptions cascaded from the monument like a deluge, each one unfolding into enigmatic Soul Dao Spells, arcane incantations, and long-lost Soul Guidance Evil Arts.

A cacophony of crackles enveloped the monument as the inscriptions pierced through the throngs of weak Evil Creatures, absorbing their essence and unveiling the inscriptions' marvels.

In an instant, a torrential downpour of lightning struck, and dazzling sword rainbows burst forth from the pit's depths.

Tablets and Evil Creatures alike were reduced to dust in a flash.

Though the inscriptions seemed to vanish, they reemerged faintly upon the monument's surface.

The Evil Creatures, swept up in the monument's ascent, were eradicated without a trace.

All that remained was the solitary silver-white robe, eerily afloat beside the bronze monument.

The green flame of Yuefei's soul within flickered with an unspeakable desolation, terror, and despair.

After a moment of stillness, the bronze monument descended slightly.

Then, from within, a mysterious chant that pierced the soul emanated from the formidable otherworldly soul, as if calling to the departed.

Drawn by the haunting melody, scattered Evil Creatures from afar were pulled toward the pit, converging in droves.

The instant the chanting ceased, all the Evil Creatures lured by its call seemed to snap back to awareness, quivering in terror.

Yet, not one dared to flee.

The formidable spirit within the bronze monument resumed its task, intermittently seizing an Evil Creature and dragging it inside, savoring each one slowly.

The cycle repeated.

Enshrouded in her silver-white robe, Yuefei observed as the bronze monument amassed Evil Creatures time after time. Once a certain number accumulated, she attempted to break free.

But each effort was thwarted by bolts of lightning and arcs of sword light.

Countless Evil Creatures were annihilated, yet the bronze monument remained unscathed. The mighty spirit lurking within persisted relentlessly.

It seemed to understand that with enough time, it would eventually break free.

After eons, it had cultivated immense patience, seemingly content to continue for another century, or even a millennium.

Escape was all that mattered.

In that moment, Yuefei was consumed with regret, cursing herself for pursuing Yu Yuan and stepping into this accursed place.

Only upon entering this forbidden zone did she grasp the insignificance of the Moon Demon Clan amidst the forbidden area's multitude of malevolence.

The powerful spirit inside the bronze monument was, to her senses, an unattainable entity.

Still shackled, it had been so for untold years.

How many more malevolent spirits like it were suppressed within this forbidden land?

Should such beings escape one by one, wouldn't they become the nightmares of the Outland Devaputra and the Heavenly Source Continent if they fled into the Boundless Land?

With this realization, Yuefei sorrowfully acknowledged the futility of her so-called efforts.

Deep within the forbidden area, the Moon Demon Clan was merely a minor player.

"You're right to think so. Your Moon Demon ancestors were consumed by me," a thought piercing straight to the soul infiltrated Yuefei's mind. "If that boy doesn't show up soon, you'll lose all value. The souls of your Moon Demon Clan are quite delectable. I find myself longing for them."

With each passing moment, Yuefei's soul grew more wretched.


"This is the place."

Amidst the remnants of a crumbled palace within the forbidden area, Yu Yuan stood at the center, surveying the ruins. "Let's search the area," he instructed.

As Lee Yuchan and the others entered the palace ruins, their faces were etched with surprise. Only Zhan Tianxiang remained unruffled, standing steadfastly beside Yu Yuan with a bright smile. "Yu Yuan, I owe you a debt of gratitude. With everyone around earlier, it wasn't the right time to express my thanks. But now, I want you to know, if I make it out of this forbidden area alive, I won't turn a blind eye to any danger that befalls the Yu family in Darkmoon City."

"Having such intentions is good enough," Yu Yuan responded, his tone even.

Yet, his thoughts were preoccupied with a different concern.

The shattered walls and toppled columns before him whispered a truth—this place had once been home to a sect.

Yuefei's words echoed in his mind once more. This forbidden land had been under the yoke of the Fourth Upper Sect, which used the evil spirits and demonic creatures here to refine their own souls.

"Could there truly be a so-called Fourth Upper Sect?"

The mounting evidence suggested Yuefei's claims were far from jest.

"The gauntlets belonged to a decayed titan," Zhan Tianxiang added. "He was the third son of the Golden Elephant Ancient God. Before meeting his end in the forbidden area, he had ascended to the Seventh Level of Demonic Beasts, his combat prowess on par with a human at the Soul Wandering Stage, further empowered by the Golden Elephant Ancient God's demonic might."

He was eager to convey to Yu Yuan the significance of the golden gauntlets he had acquired.

"I understand. With those golden gauntlets, your strength in battle will be significantly enhanced," Yu Yuan acknowledged, casting a glance at Zhan Tianxiang before posing a sudden question, "Do you believe you can surpass Lee Yu in the future?"

"Before, it was beyond my wildest dreams, but with these gauntlets, I dare to entertain the thought," Zhan Tianxiang replied with a chuckle.

"Excellent," Yu Yuan nodded, choosing not to elaborate further. He turned his attention to the survivors, who were scouring the debris and stone pillars, hoping to uncover something of value.

In that moment, his brow furrowed sharply.

To his astonishment, the white paper fan inscribed with 'Extreme Wisdom Injures the Soul' began to radiate light, casting a pearlescent glow.

'Could the Soul Forging Technique have ties to the vanished Fourth Upper Sect?' Yu Yuan pondered, his initial shock giving way to a peculiar intrigue. "Is it possible that my affinity with the sword soul is due to the lineage of the Soul Arts I practice, connected to the Fourth Upper Sect?"

Each word, each story, was a testament to the rich tapestry of history and power that wove together the fates of all who lived within the shadow of the Devaputra.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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