Unmatched Dominance/C1287 The Truth That Had Been Hidden for Thousands of Years!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1287 The Truth That Had Been Hidden for Thousands of Years!!
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C1287 The Truth That Had Been Hidden for Thousands of Years!!

The Yin God perched atop the Dragon Slash Platform, and Yu Yuan experienced a profound epiphany.

He felt as though he had transformed into a deity of the Dragon Slash Platform, or perhaps... an Artifact Soul.

Having honed his Yin God through the practice of the Ghosting Arts, and following his awakening in the Dim Starfield, he had earned the complete recognition of the Dragon Slash Platform.

This wondrous object, crafted by his own hands in a previous life, clearly recognized its true master.

He was the sole, unchanging ruler of the Dragon Slash Platform!

With a mere thought from Yu Yuan, the Dragon Slash Platform, now magnified a thousandfold, glided effortlessly through this peculiar microcosm.

Skillfully, it weaved past the towering totem pillars of the Demon Race, akin to Holy Mountains, and came to a halt before Lim Zhuyun and the Yin Corpse King.

In the process, he quietly surveyed the area, detecting no trace of the Void Spirit Succubus.

Leveraging the Origin Realm Gate and the residual spatial abilities of the Demon Phoenix, the influence of the resplendent butterfly seemed to solely assist his Yin God in penetrating the rare stone.

Lim Zhuyun and the Yin Corpse King's panic likely stemmed from their ignorance of the Void Spirit Succubus's existence.

They were even more oblivious to the fact that the Void Spirit Succubus, a Founder of their race, had conspired with the enigmatic Origin Realm God after vanishing for eons.

"Yan Qiling must be aiding him from the shadows!"

The Yin Corpse King's face was stern, his gaze flickering as he looked towards an island, sending a thought to the burial site in a flash.

Once he felt the presence of the Yin Corpses, he found a measure of peace.

The numerous but low-tier Corpse Slaves he had previously released were not his true source of confidence.

His most formidable Corpse Slaves had not been called forth to battle.

"What does it matter if they've entered?"

Lim Zhuyun regained her composure swiftly. Standing atop a lofty totem pillar, a curious demonic rune emerged on her forehead. "The outside world is now irrelevant. I shall begin using the power of the Ancient Fey Formation to aid my Master in refining the Dragon Slash Platform!"

Thunderous booms echoed throughout.

Within the world contained by the rare stone, the azure sky was suddenly filled with the sound of thunder. A Demon Race Totem Pillar shot up, its peak connecting directly with the heavens. The pillar's surface, resembling a Holy Mountain, was etched with innumerable bolts of lightning, as if great demons, shaped like wild bulls, were bellowing upwards, defying the sky itself.

Three Totem Pillars of equal stature pierced the deep blue sea. Ancient water-type demons such as the Black Snake, Cold Dragon, and Giant Python came to life within these pillars. Their immense demonic energy stirred the ocean, causing colossal waves to surge as if summoned by the roars of deep-sea leviathans.

Golden Totem Pillars, equally towering, echoed with the furious roars of ancient demon elephants. A multitude of golden baby elephants, their hooves kicking, charged forth. An eight-legged spider, its limbs sharp as blades, emerged from another pillar, its fangs and claws on full display.

Various ancient demons were either solidified into form or represented by enigmatic demonic characters. Beams of demonic light, along with lightning, flames, and icy torrents, erupted from the Demon Race Totem Pillars, all converging on the Dragon Slash Platform.

In that moment, Yu Yuan, within the inner world of the Dragon Slash Platform, was profoundly moved. He scrutinized the scene and noted that around twenty of the thirty-six Totem Pillars radiated a divine aura. These had likely been secretly refined by the Chaos Roc, enabling Lim Zhuyun to wield them.

The sheer might of the Ancient Fey Formation, crafted from these Totem Pillars, could obliterate an entire Realm. Yu Yuan was convinced that if Lim Zhuyun were to manifest in the Epitaxial Realm and unleash the thirty-six Totem Pillars, even at partial strength, the realm's barriers would shatter instantly, extinguishing all life in a single breath. Similarly, most of the Star Race domains within the Illusion Starfield would be unable to withstand the onslaught of the Ancient Fey Formation.

"Incredible, truly incredible," Yu Yuan marveled, his tone reflecting his awe yet betraying no hint of panic as he observed the Totem Pillars unleashing their formidable powers.

He was the deity of the Dragon Slash Platform!

With a mere thought, the Dragon Slash Platform expanded a thousandfold. Shaped like a long, rectangular sword, it shone with dazzling brilliance.

It effortlessly shattered all incoming demonic light, lightning, flames, and torrents of ice!

The colossal blade-like Dragon Slash Platform, with its hidden divine power, resonated with the strength of numerous dragon corpses, all harnessed by Yu Yuan.

At times, the Dragon Slash Platform grew immensely large, crushing any demonic light and lightning in its path. At other times, it shrank to a nondescript grayish-white prismatic rare stone, slipping through the gaps of the Totem Pillars and cleaving through the surging waterfalls.

The ancient demonic script, fueled by a potent demonic energy and bloodline, gave rise to cold pythons, black snakes, and giant pythons. These were effortlessly sliced into segments by the Dragon Slash Platform, now under the control of Yu Yuan.

To Yu Yuan's amazement, the demonic energy and bloodline within the slain pythons and black snakes could be swiftly absorbed by the Dragon Slash Platform.

He observed the immense purple dragon egg glowing radiantly.

He could also distinctly sense the young Titan Spinosaurus with dragon wings inside the egg, thoroughly enjoying itself.

It relished the nourishing feast...

"I believe these peculiar pillars, with their demonic script and energy, contain much that originates from our own bloodline," the young Titan Spinosaurus articulated to Yu Yuan, albeit unclearly.


High above, the Dragon Slash Platform suddenly enlarged yet again, maintaining its elongated shape.

But now, the once murky Dragon Slash Platform was crystal clear.

The Yin God within was distinctly visible, as were the remains of the giant dragons buried here.

Suddenly, the purple-gold egg housing the young creature was enveloped in a soft, mystical glow.

The young creature seemed to be using the dragon egg's shell to extend its influence and perception through the Dragon Slash Platform, targeting the Demon Race's Totem Pillars.

Five Totem Pillars, corresponding to the ancient Nagas, halted in the void, motionless.

The dragon patterns and breath within seemed to be fully under the control of the young Spinosaurus.

But the most astonishing changes were yet to come...

The Totem Pillars, which pierced the heavens with their thunderous roar, and those deep in the sea corresponding to the Black Snake, Cold Python, and Giant Python, along with others linked to the Golden Elephant and some more remote pillars, began to resonate mysteriously with the young creature.

A total of thirty-six Totem Pillars existed, with the Chaos Roc having refined twenty, leaving the remainder yet to be successfully processed.

At that moment, a subtle connection emerged between most of the Totem Pillars—whether refined by the Chaos Roc or originally crafted by the Demon Palace—and the young Spinosaurus. "Such a curious sensation, it feels so familiar, as if it's linked to my own bloodline..." the young Spinosaurus whispered to itself.

Yu Yuan was taken aback. His mind raced to the empress, Tan Junshan, and their efforts to prevent the resurrection of the Great Demon God, their battles surrounding the Moon Swallowing Ape in the Boundless Great World. The exalted Spinosaurus, grievously wounded and hidden within the Boundless Great World, may have, alongside the Yin Meridian and numerous other wonders, contributed to the world's splendor.

The ancient Nagas arose because of the Spinosaurus, making them its direct progeny. The mightiest Starry Behemoth had slain innumerable peers, seizing a wealth of bloodline mysteries. Upon its grievous demise, its bloodline secrets and dragon breath intermingled and scattered across the Boundless Great World, merging with the indigenous beings.

As a result, the innate divine powers and mysterious bloodline abilities of most ancient demons in the Boundless Great World originated from the noble Spinosaurus. The Demon Race's thirty-six Totem Pillars, symbolizing thirty-six ancient demons, were mostly derived from it, extending beyond merely the five Dragon Gods. Each ancient demon race had gleaned bloodline secrets from within it, a testament to its legacy of conquest over countless kin.

"So that's it! Now I understand!" Yu Yuan pieced together the millennia-old truth through the young beast's intermittent and muddled words, and the resonance between its bloodline and the Totem Pillars.

The ancient Nagas were a unique tribe that came into existence following the Titan. Moreover, creatures like the Golden Elephant, the Black Snake, the Frost Dragon, the Python, and the Lightning Bird became known as ancient Demon Beasts by absorbing the Dragon Breath, laced with the essence of the Spinosaurus's bloodline.

Within the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan scrutinized the details and quietly sought confirmation from the young beast.

The youngling showed no reaction to the Totem Pillar, which was associated with the ancient Demon Phoenix clan.

"Demon Phoenix! It's an invasive species!"

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